As you can see from the headline in the photo, it looks as if Our Man Arlen Specter is calling definitively for the ouster of Abu Gonzales as Attorney General at long last.
The problem is that, when you read
the story from the link, you find out that that bears not the slightest resemblance to what Specter actually said.
This excerpt tells you what you need to know…
Democrats, who control Congress, would allow the messages from foreign targets to be intercepted, but only after a review by the special FISA court to make sure the surveillance does not focus on communications that might be sent to and from Americans.
They reject the Bush administration's proposal to give Gonzales speedy authority to decide if the surveillance properly targets people overseas _ and not in the United States.
In a counteroffer, the White House proposed that Gonzales share that power with the national intelligence director, Mike McConnell. That proposal, however, did not appease Democrats. They want court review of highly classified surveillance that has been at the heart of civil liberties disputes with the White House for years.
But Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said having the two men share legal oversight of the spying would, at least, eliminate "the concerns I have about giving any additional authority to the attorney general."
In instances where the two disagree on issues, "I think that Gonzales' vote will be of lesser weight than McConnell's," Specter said. Asked why he believed that, he answered, "Because I know the two men."
Boy, am I sick and tired of listening to any politician (but primarily the Repugs) saying
“Trust me” to us! If our founding fathers had thought that that was an appropriate rationale for governance, we would all still be colonies of the Empire.
So Arlen thinks it’s OK for the surveillance (from the executive branch) to be overseen by the attorney general and the national intelligence director (from the executive branch). That’s something else that those who risked their lives to form this nation are no doubt spinning in their graves over as I type these words.
Sen. Patrick Leahy said that the surveillance should be overseen by a FISA court, and that
no attorney general – in particular this one – should have that kind of oversight power. Period.
I said recently, as far as I’m concerned, there is no reason why Democrats should continue to work with this crooked cabal on messing around with FISA partly because, as James Risen of the New York Times alluded to in his recent story, Bushco has refused to spell out for Congress its legal basis for its warrantless surveillance (probably because such a basis, if it exists at all, is questionable at best?).
Leahy and the Senate Dems should hammer this point into submission in the presence of everyone with ears to hear what they’re saying.
And in the meantime, I would suggest that The Huffington Post look for a new headline writer.
One more thing: in case you haven't signed the petition yet, here's
another chance.Update 1: Kagro X
nails it again.Update 2: Even the deal shot down
here by President Brainless stinks - "guidelines" from the Attorney General for spying on Americans with no warrant required? Does "U.S. persons" mean "U.S. citizens"?
This whole issue should be deader than deader than dead and left to the winner in '08 who, God willing, will be a Dem - are you as sick of listening to Dubya play that oh-so-tiresome fear card
again and again and again as I am?
Update 3: Upon further review as they say, I should note that I actually have found the quote from Specter online at the Inquirer site and elsewhere, but it isn't in the linked story. Further, my point is that Specter is going to be pulling this stuff for as long as he is in the Senate - protesting as if he's really going against his Republican masters, but totally bailing out on the Democrats when it's time to lay it on the line; of course, our corporate media will continue to do all they can to perpetuate the myth of his "independence."
Update 4 8/4: I have a message for Harry Reid; take a look at Question 4 of
this poll. It asks those polled whether or not they approve of the job Congress is doing.
As of 7/21, 60 percent of those polled disapprove. And do you know why? It is because you and your fellow lapdog Democrats refuse to stand up to President Numbskull, that's why. And
this latest example, though egregious by itself, is far from the only one.
Because you have no spine, Dubya (as Steve Benen said) will get everything he wants. Again.
The only thing worse than unrestrained Republican corruption, arrogance and old-boy favoritism is Democratic indecisiveness and cowardice. I am not quite done with you, but keep doing stuff like this and I will be.
And by the way, House Dems, don't even imagine
signing onto this stinking dead dog of a measure.