“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Saturday Stuff
Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us about women who miscarry being sentenced to prison, and not only in red states, it should be pointed out (didn’t know this went all the way back to 1973...part of the creeping trend of authoritarianism spreading like a cancer through this country...of course, poor women are going to be victimized, even despite this)...
Update 12/4/21: Concerning this week's SCOTUS deliberations on the cruel and disgusting forced birth bill in Mississippi, I give you this.
...and one of the ways that poorer people overall (and not just women) are victimized is by the discriminatory drug policy in this country, which extends all the way to our military involvement, particularly in Latin America (as in, our government ensures profitability of U.S. drugs at the expense of those in other countries), as we learn about in yet another great Second Thought video (and yes, I realize there is A LOT more to be said about this issue)...
...and here’s another seasonal selection...
...but please allow me to change gears a bit and pay tribute to a true giant of the theater who has left us, and I’m referring of course to Stephen Sondheim...not sure it’s possible to do justice to his enormous body of work and his impact, but I’ll try to with this selection, and I’ll plan to present some others over the coming days.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Friday Stuff
I thought this was a pretty good video from Don Winslow asking some important questions about the 1/6 insurrection...
...also, John and Jayar of The Damage Report bring us still newer footage on the 1/6 attacks; the Capitol cops should have pretended those getting in through what looks like a garage door were Antifa and used rubber bullets and tear gas on them (they discuss the “burner phone” story from Rolling Stone as noted here – like the “greased octopus” metaphor too)...
...and Thom Hartmann pretty much cuts to the proverbial chase and says that the GOP now stands for trolls, vigilantes and death...
...and Sam and TMR tell us about that allegedly “sensible” Republican, U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer of North Dakota, with the latter’s ridiculous remark about Ilhan Omar and alleged ant-Semitism, with crickets from questioner Chuck Todd in response...of course, Cramer wouldn’t even BE in the Senate if it weren’t for that ridiculous law, which lost a court challenge after the damage was done, claiming that you could only vote if you had a street address instead of a P.O. box, which automatically invalidated a lot of Native American votes for Dem incumbent Heidi Heitkamp three years ago...
...and I actually can’t believe what I’m watching here...the DCCC actually made a video to be distributed on social media about Biden signing the infrastructure bill (not BBB of course, assuming that ever passes...pinch me – I must be dreaming!)...
...and David Doel tells us that Repug voters like Biden’s plan for insulin, which, as far as I’m concerned, isn’t surprising; once people find out what’s actually in the infrastructure and BBB bills, they generally like what they hear (and I’m shocked that Sen. Chuck Schumer showed a backbone on this – that being said, I’d like to extend my sympathies upon hearing about this)...
...and speaking of “pocketbook” financial matters, this More Perfect Union clip tells us about the REAL reasons for inflation...and as you hear about Kellogg, know that they’re also engaged in some rather Dickensian anti-union tactics also as noted here...and yeah, try not to buy anything from Mondelez if you can, and if that means I’ve eaten my very last Oreo, so be it...still remember what those bastards did to the Nabisco plant and its workers on Roosevelt Blvd. in NE Philly...
...and dear God, it really is that time of year again, isn't it?
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Happy Thanksgiving 2021

...and here's another holiday fave, with an intro by Seth MacFarlane as Stewie Griffin (and again, the captions make this hilarious as far as I'm concerned)...
...and here's more holiday fun...
...and I kind of liked this also (hat tip for this to Daily Kos)...
...and here's a Thanksgiving message for those wonderful folks at the TSA.
Update 1: And here is another late addition.
Update 2: Might as well add this too (and yeah, "Man Tan" Boehner is long gone I know, but those who've followed him have done their best to make things worse).
Update 3: Imagine all the people that can be fed for $35 grand (here, getting serious for a minute).
Update 4: And since I add to this list every year, I might as well include this too (hasta la vista, baby!).
Update 5: And I suppose this is an apropos item too.
…and thank goodness the “culture warriors” of Fix Noise are trying to protect the holiday (more here)…
…and I guess this is an appropriate tune for the day...
...along with this.
Update: Yes, as I and others have pointed out, we know what The Lincoln Project is, but this is a wonderful ad (this is well done also).
Update 11/25/21: Well said.
Update 11/27/21: And here is a video about another holiday tradition (more here).
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Wednesday Stuff
David Pakman brings us the news on worldwide protests around COVID guidelines, with COVID cases spiking (I REALLY have a suspicion that this is being carefully orchestrated, and I’d definitely like to know who is responsible for that and how much $$ is changing hands to make this all happen)...
...and I thought this was a typically good take from Beau on the verdict in the Ahmaud Arbery case (here - and I agree with Beau's point about nothing happening until the video came out – the same thing happened with George Floyd; the official report at the hospital stated that Floyd died while he was in the process of being apprehended, or something like that...of course, the video came out and it quite correctly captured the attention of the world)...
...and somewhat with the Arbery case in mind, this Rebel HQ video tells us about racist bullying going on in the Prior Lake-Savage, MN school district, with David Shuster...this may be a bit of an unpopular “take,” but though the behavior on the part of (apparently) both students and teachers is awful, I don’t think outbursts at school board meetings are the best way to address this either (and no, I don’t know anything first-hand about conditions in that district - more here)...
...and Freddie Mercury died 30 years ago today.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Tuesday Stuff
So it seems that we’re going to have to deal with the lunatic Trumpster GOP base while Democrats, for the most part, engage in responsible governance and our corporate media plays its ridiculous game of “well, BOTH SIDES, but no matter what it is, it’s somehow good news for Republicans”...oh, and did you hear that the U.S. is “backsliding” as a global democracy (recounting the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict and the state-sponsored execution of an Antifa activist in Oregon by comparison...Chris Hayes tells us more)...
...and Rachel Maddow tells us about some lunatic making a “shotgun revolver” and a guy from Indiana bringing it on 1/6 of course (love her cheeky comments here...and I know something about the Trumper nuts in Doylestown, PA, FWIW...and except for Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, silence from the “party of Lincoln” in response, with Nancy Pelosi trying to govern in the middle of repeated death threats – not her biggest fan at times, but props to her for courage, as opposed to that utterly spineless mess Schumer in the Senate)...
...and Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us about Fix Noise and Tuckums becoming too nuts even for Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes...and I definitely get Ana’s frustration...and by the way, don’t think I feel sorry for ANY conservative who is suddenly all mea culpa all over the place...hey, you all were fat, dumb and happy under your boy Dubya as well as Generalissimo Trump for awhile and chose to say and do NOTHING...
...and when it comes to the “right” and violence (on a lesser scale I’ll admit), Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about that clown Pete Hegseth getting all pissy with someone from Mediaite who had the temerity as far as Hegseth is concerned to call out Fox’s vaccine mandate (daily testing), which is stricter than the one Biden is calling for (weekly testing)...”oh, we’re Fox, and our ratings are so much better than you and your puny network” – what a jagoff (and Hegseth took a page out of Steve King and Louie Gohmert’s “book” here)...
..and Ari Melber takes on this GOP U.S. House turd named Gary Palmer obstructing the Biden infrastructure bill in the House but taking credit for it in his own district (in Alabama of course...the takeaway from this for me is that the Dems are indeed going to have to sell the infrastructure bill like crazy over the next year as projects roll out, including the BBB bill, assuming that ever passes...and Palmer was on this list too)...
...and speaking of the (dis)loyal opposition...oh, look, it’s Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao writing in the WaPo that the Dems shouldn’t do anything with the Supreme Court, which to me is an open invitation for them to do exactly what that death eater McConnell DOESN’T want (Farron Cousins tells us more)...
...and David Doel tells us about a pipeline protest on indigenous lands in British Columbia - three journalists and over a dozen land defenders have been detained – the Committee to Protect Journalists has come to the defense of Amber Bracken and Michael Toledano (the $$ behind this is discussed at about 4:50...Canadian investment firms involved with these private equity companies have been bankrolling this insanity...I have a feeling that that kind of funding is going on in this country too concerning this dying energy industry, but I can’t prove it – sure would like to find out, though)...
...and I'm trying to get my newer tunes out of the way, since I don't think there will be many of them in the weeks ahead (for reasons you can no doubt figure out...sorry about the domestic issues, though).
Monday, November 22, 2021
Monday Stuff
John Fugelsang brings us what I think is a pretty apropos idea about how to deal with Manchinema (paying them out in terms they understand, being the utterly bought-and-paid-for frauds that they are...funny stuff, but sorry - I still think the dude needs a haircut)...
...and I believe this is Trymaine Lee on “The Reid Out” with Malcolm Nance and Dean Obeidallah discussing the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict and its aftermath (Update 11/27/21: Actually, I guees this is Jason Johnson)...
...and to me, you don’t have to draw much of a line from Rittenhouse to Republican looney tunes particularly in Congress; by default, Marjorie Taylor Greene is at the top of that utterly sorry list, but Lauren Boebert is a very close second...to his great credit, local Denver journalist Kyle Clark took Boebert to task here (Rachel Maddow also had a feature on this last week)...
...and speaking of nutty Republicans, we learn in this clip that a third of them think Mango Mussolini is going to be reinstated (prior to ’24 I mean, and God willing not at that time either) – a sizeable portion of this country is certifiably nuts IMO...Ben Carollo of Rebel HQ tells us about it...
...oh, and did you hear the news? The economy under Biden is doing better overall than our corporate media is telling us...of course, that won’t stop our allegedly august members of the fourth estate from writing screeds with headlines like “Oh, there are some positive signs, BUT DEMOCRATS CAN STILL BE BLAMED IF EVERYTHING ISN’T AS PERFECT AS REPUBLICANS SAY,” with quotes from Repug operatives in paragraphs 1 through 6 or 7, but waaay down in paragraph 20, we learn that voters are going to blame Dems or Repugs based on their party preference as we suspected to begin with, and things aren’t that bad anyway...everything, regardless of what it is, is good news for Republicans as far as our media is concerned (Chris Hayes tells us more)...
Update 1 11/23/21: Uh, yep (and this too)...and I thought this was a pretty interesting related thread.
Update 2 11/23/21: More here and here.
...and when it comes to the economy, the system of apportioning credit in the US has a lot to do with consolidating existing wealth and shutting out a larger and larger percentage of this country from prosperity, as yet another great Second Thought clip tells us (and the narrator does a GREAT JOB here of establishing the link between a potentially bad credit score and high medical costs...and as he says, what the #@$! does that have to do with “personal responsibility”?)...
...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 11/22/17, in which our 35th president offers us more sage, timeless words, to commemorate in remembrance of this anniversary...
...and the first clip in this post was a bit tongue-in-cheek, and I guess this is also.
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