“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Friday, November 29, 2019
Friday Stuff
Farron Cousins tells us that Generalissimo Trump got a bit of a temporary reprieve recently from the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR in the matter of handing over his tax returns to the U.S. House Dems (and yeah, it’s truly scary to contemplate that The Supremes could give a ruling that would make our orange nightmare a dictator for real – never, EVER vote for Repugs, people; that’s the only way to try and stop this garbage)…
…and Ana, Jayar Jackson and Adrienne Lawrence tell us about the latest Trumpian numbskull, some life form named Clarence Mason Weaver (can't imagine what it takes to dig up characters like this misogynist a-hole, and hopefully I never will)…
…and this tells us about ICE and the fake Michigan university they came up with to lure people in so they could be deported - I think our corporate media in this country was a little slow to report on this since I found some YouTube clips from overseas that were months older...aside from the typically stupid Trumpster cruelty behind this, nonsense like this is only going to accelerate the "brain drain" of foreign students choosing to study elsewhere, with some of them likely becoming entrepreneurs who will create tomorrow's jobs in other countries instead of here…
…and leading into overseas-related stuff, this NYT clip tells us that Mango Mussolini wants to save the oil from Syria of course (saying the quiet part out loud again), but our military is trying to defeat the reconstituted version of ISIS, with their metaphorical hands tied a bit somewhat by our Russian Operative in An Oval Office…
…and in a related vein, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less), and this time we’re only going around the block to 11/28 last year, with Kyle K. reporting on the Yemen Massacre (more here – an update is here)…
…and Thom Hartmann speaks with journalist Jamal Abdi – Iran, Lebanon and Iraq are apparently experiencing turmoil (I have no faith whatsoever that the imbeciles in charge of our federal government have a clue as to what could come next, which is all the more terrifying)…
…returning to this country and lightening things up a bit, Ali Velshi gives us a bit of a history lesson involving FDR when it comes to the holiday we just observed (and of course, The Gropenfuhrer is trying to exploit it as per usual)…
…and given that it’s Black Friday, I guess it really is that time of year again – dear God.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving 2019

...and here's another holiday fave, with an intro by Seth MacFarlane as Stewie Griffin (and again, the captions make this hilarious as far as I'm concerned)...
...and here's more holiday fun...
...and I kind of liked this also (hat tip for this to Daily Kos)...
...and here's a Thanksgiving message for those wonderful folks at the TSA.
Update 1: And here is another late addition.
Update 2: Might as well add this too.
Update 3: Imagine all the people that can be fed for $35 grand (here, getting serious for a minute).
Update 4: And since I add to this list every year, I might as well include this too (hasta la vista, baby!).
Update 5: And I suppose this is an apropos item for the era of the Gropenfuhrer.
…and thank goodness the “culture warriors” of Fix Noise are trying to protect the holiday (more here)…
…and I guess this is an appropriate tune for the day...
…and you know what? The John Hiatt tune is great IMHO, but here is another one that fits in as far as I'm concerned.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Tuesday Stuff
(Sorry I messed up the day – the L-Tryptophan kicked in a little early.)...Kyle Kulinski tells us that, according to Rick “Goodhair” Perry, the Gropenfuhrer has been chosen by God, and no, I don’t think it’s correct to say any political leader has been chosen by The Almighty (Perry does have that whole "fundie" rap down pat, though, I have to admit - pardon me while I vomit in my mouth)…
…and Michael Brooks tells us that House Ranking Member Devin Nunes (on the Intel Committee…yeah, Nunes is pretty “rank” all right) is suing everybody – too funny (more here - NSFW)…
…and TYT tells us how Steve Schmidt of MSNBC is turning on Bernie – love the order of Schmidt’s coalition by the way, meaning the Dems are the last on the list with Repugs first and then independents; I reluctantly agree with Schmidt’s assertion that we shouldn’t take Trump for granted, but that’s about it; I definitely agree with Cenk and Ana’s assessment of Schmidt – and by the way, speaking of corrupt millionaires running for office, I give you this (and GREAT points by Cenk about Caribou Barbie and Alaskan “socialism,” as well as Claire McCaskill)…
…and speaking of MSNBC, the more I see of “Mayor Pete,” the more I blame that allegedly “liberal” network for “riding the tire swing” with him to prop him up and crowd people like Julian Castro and Kamala Harris off the stage (great takedown here by David Doel – more here; yeah, I think he wants to “get out of South Bend” too)…
Update 11/27/19: In the matter of “sensible centrist” Democrats, I think this is a great post (and sadly true as far as I can see). And you’d better believe the “party of Lincoln” knows all about the fissure between the true Democratic base (as far as I’m concerned) embracing Bernie, Warren, and maybe Yang/Castro/Harris at this point, and the corporatist crowd who just loves Biden and Mayor Pete (and this guy). Also, if you don’t think the Repugs are working on a strategy to exploit that divide and turn it into a chasm next year, then I’ve got a bridge to one of the five New York boroughs to sell you.
…and Robert Reich asks who’s worse – Mango Mussolini or Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao (tough call)…
…and happy 80th birthday to the former Anna Mae Bullock of Nutbush, Tennessee.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Monday Stuff
Farron Cousins tells us about a life form named Ken LaCorte, who, it seems, is running a “fake news farm” in Macedonia (didn’t believe there was such a thing either, and yeah, I’m sure it’s legal because you have to prove intent somehow – doesn’t make it any less disgusting, though)…
…and God, was this funny – and richly deserved too…
…and Rudy has “insurance”? You mean, like a mobster? I hope one day Rudy ends up doing a “perp walk”…
…and David Doel tells us about Bernie trending upward in the polls; and yeah, Biden is “The scourge of cable news” indeed…I’m starting to understand how the phrase “OK, boomer” became a thing…
…and Kyle tells us the latest about the coup in Bolivia – yep, scary stuff…
…and I’m not exactly sure where I’ll be this Thursday or what I’ll be doing (well, aside from the usual for the holiday), but I definitely didn’t want to forget about this song.
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