Friday, January 24, 2025

Friday Stuff

Kyle Kulinski tells us about Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence having a good chuckle when he’s asked about scamming his sheep-like followers over some inaugural “meme coin”...and yeah, our institutions of power, you might say (though now they’re pretty powerless IMO) continue to do their best to normalize this grift (NSFW/H)...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report brings us the tale of Flori-DUUH! and CA farmer Tony DiMare, who is worried NOW about losing immigrants to pick his crops (where the $#@! were you last year when it mattered, ace?)...and boy, is Krystal Ball ever right about AI being MUCH MORE of a threat to your job than any immigrant could ever be (and more fool the idiots who fell for Bronzer Beelzebub’s con on that) many of you I’m sure, I’ve witnessed some utter horror stories on Linkedin about people applying for hundreds of jobs but getting turned down because of how an AI program is used to disqualify them...the “brain drain” this country is going to experience is going to be incalculable and beyond devastating to our economy and way of life...also didn’t know about #47 shutting down the CBP1 app to help those trying to emigrate here legally, but should we really be surprised at this point? Additionally, good job by Figueredo to tie this back to the awful Laken Riley bill, supported by 10 U.S. Senate alleged Democrats (and no disrespect to Figueredo, but it’s truly naΓ―ve of him to expect Chuck Schumer to have a spine on this issue or anything else); terrific analysis of this garbage bill by Mark Joseph Stern in particular (also NSFW/H)...

...and I think Dem U.S. Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut has been pretty steadfast in warning us about Cantaloupe Capone, and I reluctantly have to admit in fairness that Nicolle Wallace has been that way also...

...and Brittany Page, sitting in for David Pakman, lets us know here that those pardoned by the Gropenfuhrer for the 1/6 insurrection are apparently planning to act like #47’s personal mob, at least hinting at more violence (including Enrique Tarrio of the Proud Boys, and the “QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley, who now wants to “buy some mother f***ing guns”), which was predicted by – oh, I don’t know – exactly EVERYONE IN THIS COUNTRY WHO WAS PAYING ATTENTION TO THIS STUFF!!!...

...and Jesse Dollemore lets us know that that allegedly “godly” man “MAGA Mike” Johnson has what you could charitably call a dismissive attitude towards the pardons/sentence commutations handed down to the 1/6 treasonous insurrectionists by Our Ochre Abomination (and yeah, the lying comes as easily as breathing to life forms like Johnson)...

...and David Doel brings us a clip of AOC and Jon Stewart discussing our current predicament (and why this time is different) and what to do about it...yeah, I’m so glad Mango Mussoliini is trying so hard to address the cost of eggs and gas while he gives $500 billion to developing an AI capability...and yes, as sickening as it is, the whole “cultural acceptance” angle now is truly gut-churning (and by the way, I don’t think it’s over the top to say that Snoop Dogg is officially dead to me now)...and GREAT point from Stewart about us needing to bend the proverbial arc of the moral universe that is SUPPOSED to bend towards justice, along with pointing out that, indeed, ways emerge and moments emerge...I always thought that Dubya was electorally invincible and so was his party, but then along came Katrina...and boy, is Doel ever right to point out that right now is the time for collective action (briefly NSFW/H as well)...

...and speaking of eggs, here's an incredibly NSFW/H commentary on the subject...

...and RIP Garth Hudson, the last surviving member of The Band.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thursday Stuff

Rachel Maddow notifies us pretty much of the start of #47 and “Authoritarianism 101” (pardoning the miscreants responsible for 1/6/21)... it is indeed incredibly unsettling to see how this parallels the behavior of other strongmen around the world as Maddow says...but it’s not like we weren’t freaking warned, people! Why the f*ck do you think people like yours truly were yelling about this stuff last year??!! And boy, is Maddow ever right at the end...and gee, it looks like this got the attention of “The Thin (Skinned) Blue Line,” which, to me, prompts the question...WHAT THE HELL DID YOU EXPECT WHEN YOU ENDORSED HIM??!! WERE YOU ASLEEP WHEN #47 CAMPAIGNED ON RELEASING THESE CRIMINALS??!! (here)

...and Sam of The Majority Report lets us know about the Nazi salute from King Elon I to #47's inauguration crowd; I agree with Sam that this was Musk’s attempt at trolling people, though of course it rightly earned Musk even more condemnation than he’s received already...nice job by Sam to recall the Gilbert Gottfried story about Kurt Waldheim and the salute...also, Musk must’ve gotten the message about how much of a money pit “X” has turned into, because he’s been posting on it much more over the last couple of weeks than I can ever recall (trying to breathe life back into the entity he’s pretty much destroyed)...

...and speaking of these misfit twins Combover Caligula and Elmo, our *preznit appeared to admit that Musk rigged the election in PA, with #47 running his orange yam mouth about “those vote-counting computers” (hmm...wonder if that affected Casey/McCormick also?)..and listen, I don’t have proof of wrongdoing either, though I wish I did; I would only add that, given that our election infrastructure in this country is so easily hackable, I wouldn’t be surprised by ANYTHING that proved that the counts were played with by bad actors like Musk (Farron Cousins tells us about it)...

...and Lawrence O’Donnell discusses “The Trump Standard” when it comes to White House press briefings (looks like the White House press secretary has gone AWOL already)...and boy, is Lawrence right about the great job Jen Psaki did and also how badly Karine Jean-Pierre was beaten up (and sometime justifiably, I’ll admit, but not much)...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us that Mike Collins of Georgia (you can guess the political party) wants to deport Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, who told Trump to be kind to migrants, LGBTQ individuals, etc. at a national prayer service for the stinking inauguration (and #47’s perturbed puss was one thing, but the next time anybody gets the urge to feel sympathy for Melania, just show that pic of her disgust also)...yeah, let’s kick people who have compassion out of our country, just like Republican Jesus would do, right?...utterly vile individuals who we’ll be saddled with for at least the next four years..heckuva job, everyone who voted for this treasonous asshat and also DID NOT ONE DAMN THING TO HELP HARRIS/WALZ...

Update 1: Such a godly man....not! (here).

Update 2: Nail. Hammer. Head.

...and this tune hit #1 on the British pop charts in 1965 (and she’s still with us, hopefully enjoying a comfortable retirement – always respected Petula Clark for this in particular).

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wednesday Stuff

Seth Meyers brings us A Closer Look on you-know-what on Monday...and what can you say when there are bipeds out there who are shocked over the fact that Cantaloupe Capone cheated many of them out of attending #47’s inaugural in person? I guess there’s just no end to the gullibility of these people...these clips of his disgusting speech are all I want to subject myself to, and it’s all I want to subject you too also, dear reader...oh, and is it my imagination, or did Melania dress like she didn’t want to be recognized? I saw some comments saying she looked like the Hamburglar (and someone’s going to have to explain that spider/jellybean thing to me at the end)...

...and The Lincoln Project gives us a bit of a reality check here in light of Bronzer Beelzebub’s arrival once more in An Oval Office...

...and Belle lets us know here that, while on his way out the door, President Biden declared the Equal Rights Amendment to be the “law of the land”...I think Belle is exactly right; yes, the ERA should have been ratified forever ago, particularly since it has no binding force of law (so there’s really nothing for wingnuts to be PO’ed about...or you would think, anyway), but Biden can’t just say “make it so”...this should reignite action to get moving on ratifying it – not hopeful with this incoming regime, but it’s up to us to keep fighting on this and other issues of course...

...and when it comes to issues directly impacting women, one of the fiercest fighters out there was Cecile Richards, and believe it or not, she just left us...kind of gutted by this news, to tell you the truth...I ran into her a couple of times at Democratic fundraisers/phone banking events, that sort of thing, and for someone with her public profile, she was completely down to earth as far as I was concerned...there aren’t too many good ways to pass out of this life, but having a glioblastoma is truly one of the worst...RIP...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 1/21/10...yesterday marked the 15th anniversary of the utterly wretched and despicable ruling by the SCOTUS of Hangin’ Judge JR in the case of Citizens United v. FEC...Roberts apparently only wanted to keep this ruling to apply to political ads, but “Strip Search Sammy” Alito wanted to expand it to the universe to cover ALL corporate campaign spending...given that, here is Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment on that sorry day once more...

...and whenever the insanity gets to be too much, I try to retreat in my mind to our blue state paradise (not sure when we’ll be able to get there again in person), and part of that includes streaming WMVY online because you can rest assured that you’ll hear good new and older music, and this tune falls into the former category...might be my new theme song of sorts for a little while.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tuesday Stuff

OK, so in the first day under our brand new dictatorship, #47 pulled this country out of the Paris Climate Accords (again - here), took us out of the WHO (so we’re on our own for the next pandemic - here), and got rid of Biden’s cap on insulin prices, among other miseries (here).

And by the way, he also pardoned the life forms responsible for this...

Update: Good!

...and David Pakman discusses Combover Caligula’s faux “populism,” dissected pretty well in this clip...looks like #47 is all crickets now on supposedly bringing down prices (as Pakman says), even though he was crowing about it during the election of course...and as far as I’m concerned, Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian have climbed on board the “crazy train”...I’m sick and tired of ANYONE giving #47 the benefit of the doubt on ANY issue WHICH HE HASN’T EARNED IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen presents a clip of “MAGA Mike” Johnson giving a typical long, convoluted answer when asked, basically, what he and his party propose to do to help lower costs for Americans...yeah, as Cohen says, that means that they don’t have a freaking plan and never had a freaking plan and NEVER WILL HAVE A FREAKING PLAN (to help anyone besides the “pay no price, bear no burden” one percent, that is)...great job by Cohen to go all the way back to The Sainted Ronnie R to find out when wealth inequality really took off in this country...and at this point, I realize it probably doesn’t matter to point out for the umpteenth time that TRUMP KILLED THE FREAKING LANKFORD/MURPHY BORDER BILL IN THE SENATE!!! (NSFW/H)...

...and in the following Rebel HQ clip, somebody named Sage Steele talks with Mr. Ainsley Earhardt (I may have commented on this already, but not with these updates) tip: if you start out by saying “I’m not trying to be mean or insensitive”...yeah, you’re in fact trying to be mean and insensitive...apt reference to “Lysistrata” also, with Steele shaming her own gender for wanting to be with liberal men who use a semblance of brains and compassion to support their partners (from Yasmin Khan...this video showed up on Rebel HQ a few hours ago, but I know Khan probably added these comments last October – I’m sure they’re still timely, though, when it comes to women miscarrying, tragically...hope all is well for Khan)...and the fact that Ken Paxton isn’t behind bars himself (here) instead of trying to interfere with women’s health care decisions is more testimony as to the fetid corruption of “the land of the yellow rose”.

And as far as Steele’s comment about 18 to 24-year-old women is concerned, I give you this (from here)...
Women were more likely than men to support Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz within and across every race/ethnic, age, and education group reported in the available data.
Did Trump peel off support from these demographics? Yes, but not enough for anyone to claim that he won that demographic far as I’m concerned, this is MORE evidence, as if we needed it, that the Dems need to do a hell of a lot better job of shoring up their base of support instead of saying “fight orange man because he’s bad” (and more on that scumbag John McEntee is here).

Here is the clip...

...and I realize that I didn’t say anything until now about the recent passing of David Lynch...he admitted that he was heavily influenced by what you could call his “Philadelphia experience,” so I’ll give him that...”Twin Peaks” was probably the last TV series I actually kept up with all the way through (I liked this moment with Kyle MacLachlan and Michael Ontkean, I admit), and another lifetime ago I watched “Eraserhead,” “Blue Velvet,” “Wild At Heart” and “The Elephant Man,” which are both stunning and genuinely odd, which I suppose is Lynch’s trademark...genuinely touching remembrances of Lynch from MacLachlan and Isabella Rossellini on social media, it should be noted...

...and on the subject of people who have just left us, we should add Bob Perkins of WRTI-FM...can’t tell you all of the great jazz music that he introduced during his long career on the radio (including this number)...truly a wonderful legacy for us all...RIP.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday Stuff

John and Abelina Sabrina of The Damage Report let us know here that it appears that “Curtsy Kyrsten” went too far even for her – her beyond-ridiculous global personal expenses may actually constitute campaign finance violations; CREW may take a long, hard looks at this, though I’m sure no prosecution will be forthcoming, though it should be, even though Sinema is no longer in “the world’s greatest deliberative body” of course...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen lets us know here that #47 wants to make aid to California to fight the wildfires conditional on passage of “one big beautiful bill” with his stinking tax cuts for the “pay no price, bear no burden” bunch...and I completely share Cohen’s NSFW/H sentiments...for “Coach Tubs” to be calling OTHER PEOPLE “imbeciles” may be the biggest “pot, meet kettle” moment in recorded history...and this makes me recall the moment that we, in blue states, required that people in Texas, Flori-DUUH, Oklahoma and North Carolina elect Democrats as a condition of receiving disaster aid – oh, wait...actually, I can’t recall that after all because it NEVER FREAKING HAPPENED and it would be A GROSSLY MONSTROUS THING TO DO if we actually did!...and yeah, I’m not impartial I know, but Gavin Newsom continues to impress me, and the way he’s handling all of this misery in his state is truly commendable...

...and Jesse Dollemore brings us the sorry tale of Pam Bondi, Trump’s AG pick (now that Matt Gaetz is no longer in the running and free to date underage girls again, allegedly!) who falls down on a question about the 14th Amendment, doing her best to be combative – WOW, what arrogance from this b*tch! (oh, and she’ll “look at” birthright freaking generous of her! - #sarcasm)...and by the way, CNN, I don’t give a damn about your BS format of about 20 different talking heads creating noise; just present me with the story along with any actual facts, evidence...stuff like that; I can make up MY OWN MIND, thank you very much...and as far as Bronzer Beelzebub not having an enemies list, I give you this (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and Jordan Zakarin of More Perfect Union brings us a clip of workers fighting for the right to unionize, particularly in Colorado and Maryland...and oh yeah, Not Your Father’s Republican Party is experiencing gains from disaffected workers at the polls, even though Repugs don’t promise a damn thing of benefit to workers either (quite the opposite, actually)...still incomprehensible to me that the Biden Administration vastly expanded workers rights and workplace protections as noted in the clip, but somehow that proved to NOT be a winning message in the election last year (and no, I haven’t forgotten about what led to that sorry result).

(And I’m sorry – well, not really – but I have to digress a bit and say some of you I’m sure, I’m already starting to get Emails from the Democrats to the effect of, “we have special elections coming up and we need to fight Trump, so give us money,” proving that this bunch of clueless election losers running the national organization learned ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from the most recent election...for the love of God, Dems, MAKE A FREAKING CASE ABOUT WHAT YOU STAND FOR! As noted in the MPU video, Harris and the Dems lost last year even though they OVERWHELMINGLY DELIVERED FOR THIS COUNTRY! WILL YOU EVER FREAKING LEARN??!! YOU HAVE THE ISSUES ON YOUR SIDE!! And that comment, by the way, is definitely not aimed at PA/Bucks County Democrats, who are great and do the hard work of canvassing, voter outreach, phone banking, organizing, etc. - more food for thought on that is here.)

Here is the MPU clip...

...and as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing else going on today deserving of mention (here)...

...and for MLK day, I think it's appropriate to revisit this speech from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Barratt Middle School in Philadelphia on October 26. 1967, with the theme of “What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?"....

Update 1: An important note is here (here here, and here also).

...and this tune is apropos for the holiday also.

Update 2: And oh yeah, there's this...
Update 3: Well said (also this).

Update 1/20/25: Indeed.