“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Saturday Stuff
...at least most of those voting in that election knew what they were voting for or against, as opposed to this country...
...and I know that President Obama is carrying a heavy load with zero assistance from those majority clowns in the U.S. House in particular and not a lot from the Senate either (there's the legislative branch of government as well as the executive, after all), but he still needs to answer the question posed in this video...
...and I really need to go off a bit here.
In these parts (Bucks County, PA, in particular the Neshaminy School District), there's a controversy brewing over the fact that Gillian McGoldrick, editor-in-chief of Neshaminy HS’s student newspaper The Playwickian, as well as faculty adviser Tara Huber, were both suspended by Neshaminy School District Superintendent Robert Copeland because McGoldrick and Huber were apparently the ones behind a decision not to publish the word “Redskin” in a Letter to the Editor after the two quite rightly IMHO had decided that the term was an “offensive racial slur” and it would no longer appear in the paper.
Well, the oh-so-august-in-their-imaginations editorial board of the Bucks County Courier Times basically came down on the side of Copeland and the school administration yesterday, in part because the Courier Times believes that “it's just plain silly to expect people to debate an issue without mentioning the issue by name” (kind of mirrors this attitude as far as I'm concerned).
I honestly don't know what there is to “debate” here. The paper decided that the term was offensive and wouldn't appear in the paper (of course, leave it to the Courier Times to side with the powers that be, apparently believing that it's more important for McGoldrick to be punished than rewarded for exercising a responsible journalistic instinct). The “issue” is that the term wouldn't appear any more – as noted in the Huffington Post link above, similar protests are going on elsewhere over that term...or don't the “news professionals” of the Courier Times editorial board realize that?
Besides, I don't want to hear any high-minded claptrap from the Courier Times about how important it is not to favor one opinion on an issue over another (the “pro” and “anti” Redskin camps, if you will). On the same page that the Courier Times ran this editorial yesterday, they published one of their typically wingnutty letters with the title of “The 'Shameocrat Party'.” And believe me when I tell you that they would NEVER run a comparable headline against a Republican politician or talking point. They would NEVER condone anything like the language they allow against Democrats on a routine basis if that language were pointed at someone or something having to do with Not Your Father's Republican Party (there was an Op-Ed referring to Republicans as "godless," but that language barely appears at all on the Op-Ed page, nowhere near in proportion to anti-Democratic pejoratives).
(Here's another example: a story appeared in the paper a couple of years ago about how “Mikey the Beloved” Fitzpatrick pre-screens his “Town Hall” questions and how they end up usually being “softball” self-flattering stuff. Faster than you can say Karl Rove, someone from the Fitzpatrick camp complained to the Courier Times and that story – shockingly, some sound journalism from the usually wretched Gary Weckselblatt – COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED online subsequent to publication.)
So no, Courier Times, I don't want to hear any of your self-serving BS about supposedly sound journalistic ethics while you continues to slavishly kow tow to elderly white conservatives who never heard an anti-Obama talking point from the Roger Ailes BS Factory that they didn't wholeheartedly endorse (sorry I don't have links to the Courier Times Op-Ed stuff, but it's all behind their stupid pay wall by now anyway, which is a whole other rant).
And since, again, we're talking about the Bucks County Courier Times, that means that it's time for this tune (tongue in cheek, of course).
Friday, September 19, 2014
Friday Stuff
Apparently some of these life forms reside in Bucks County, humble abode of yours truly – more’s the pity…
…and in more pleasant Philly news, kudos for this – Tweety and Mayor Michael Nutter bring us the details…
…and yeah, I think Sean Inanity gave us a bit more of a look into his upbringing here than we ever wanted; as usual, Stephen Colbert has a response here (it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again, Sean)…
...and Rachel Maddow gives us more details on dereliction of duty by those meat sacks in Congress (more here, and something else to keep in mind on this is here - typical)…
…and I give you the latest installment of FAIR TV…
…and to me, those idiots on Capitol Hill have turned the meaning of this tune inside out; had it in my head all day today.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Thursday Stuff
…and last I checked, this creature named Eric Frein was still at large – yeah, a lot of the cops in Ferguson, MO look bad, but I still don’t believe that they represent the majority of law enforcement, which deserves our support, especially with stuff like this going on…
…and yeah, it’s time for BENGHAZI! BENGHAZI! BENGHAZI! BENGHAZI!!!, whether we want it or not (and except for the Repug base, I think not – I also think John Stanton tried to sneak in a Repug talking point at the very end, but good work by Alex Wagner to shoot him down)…
…and I hope you’re in the mood for some Thursday blues/funk, because here it comes (and with horns too – why of course, right?).
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Wednesday Stuff
...and God, when are stories like this one going to end - will it take a federal grand jury for this also?...
...and John Oliver strikes again, this time on corporations abusing social media (NSFW)...
…and I thought this was good news; never had even an iota of evidence that any proceeds whatsoever have gone to support terrorism – I think he’s a guy who wants to make a positive contribution with his great music (here is a sample from yesteryear).
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Tuesday Stuff

Jon “Bowzer” Bauman, “Senior Votes Count!” co-founder / star from legendary rock band Sha Na Na, endorses Kevin Strouse for Congress
Bristol, PA - Today, Kevin Strouse received the endorsement of “Senior Votes Count!” as he called on Congressman Fitzpatrick to take a government shutdown off the table. As we quickly approach the October 1st start of the 2015 fiscal year, Strouse is urging Congressman Fitzpatrick to give voters certainty that he won’t allow a repeat of his disastrous Republican shutdown.
In the district, Congressman Fitzpatrick claims that he worked tirelessly to stop the government shutdown. He’s even willing to mislead his constituents by claiming that he supported a clean continuing resolution. However, the facts show that Congressman Fitzpatrick voted 17 times against efforts to reopen the government throughout the shutdown.
Strouse commented “8th district voters deserve a pledge from Congressman Fitzpatrick to not repeat the same shutdown disaster that he brought us through last year. Before the shutdown, Fitzpatrick said that “a shutdown of the federal government is the ultimate admission of failure to do your job.” Well, by his own measure, Congressman Fitzpatrick is a failure.”
“Senior Votes Count!” co-founder / legendary rock and roll star Jon “Bowzer” Bauman threw his support behind Kevin as he slammed Congressman Fitzpatrick for his abysmal 16% lifetime rating from the Alliance for Retired Americans and for his vote to shut down the government.
In September of 2013, Congressman Fitzpatrick claimed that shutting down the government is off the table for him. However, In October 2013, the Associated Press reported that Fitzpatrick sided with Republicans in a vote that led to the government shutdown.
Strouse continued, “Congressman Fitzpatrick told us last year that he wouldn’t allow a government shutdown.. But then in a blaze of partisan glory, he ignored his constituents, shut down the federal government, and voted 17 times against efforts to reopen it. While it’s clear that a promise from Congressman Fitzpatrick doesn’t mean much, voters deserve to know his stance on the issues.”
The Associated Press Reported that Mike Fitzpatrick Sided with Republicans in Vote that “Resulted in the Government Shutdown”“After weeks of trying to balance the wishes of his moderate district and House conservatives, he sided with most congressional Republicans in refusing to approve a measure that would have kept the government operating because it also would have continued to pay for the health care law. Democrats, who control the White House and the Senate, refused to delay or destroy the landmark health care law. The impasse resulted in the government shutdown.” [Associated Press, 10/10/13]
Following the government shutdown, Fitzpatrick voted sixteen times against efforts to vote on a clean government funding resolution by allowing consideration of the Senate-passed continuing resolution: [H Res 370, Vote #509, 10/02/13; HJ Res 70, Vote #512, 10/02/13; HR 3230, Vote #515, 10/03/13; HJ Res 72, Vote #517, 10/03/13; H Res 371, Vote #519, 10/04/13; HJ Res 85, Vote #521, 10/04/13; HJ Res 75, Vote #523, 10/04/13; H J Res 77, Vote #527, 10/7/13; HJ Res 84, Vote #529, 10/08/13; H Res 373, Vote #531, 10/08/13; HR 3273, Vote #533, 10/08/13; HJ Res 90, Vote #536, 10/09/13; HJ Res 79, Vote #539, 10/10/13; HJ Res 76, Vote #541, 10/11/13; HJ Res 380, Vote #543, 10/11/13; HJ Res 80, Vote #547, 10/14/13]
Fitzpatrick: “Shutting Down the Government is off the Table for me”“Fitzpatrick said ‘shutting down the government is off the table for me,’ hinting [though not explicitly saying] he won’t take the repeal fight so far that it drags the government over the edge.” [Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/20/13]
Fitzpatrick: “None of us wanted this Shutdown. We Worked Tirelessly to Stop it” In October 2013, in a joint op-ed, Fitzpatrick claimed he has always opposed a shutdown.
“None of us wanted this shutdown. We worked tirelessly to stop it and to keep the government funded. And that continues today. We have also worked to repeal, defund, delay, and dismantle Obamacare. And for good reason. It’s led to lost coverage, fewer jobs, and higher insurance costs for families.” [Philadelphia Inquirer, Congressmen Meehan, Dent, Barletta, Gerlach, Fitzpatrick, Runyan, and Lobiondo op-ed, 10/6/13]
Congressman Fitzpatrick has a 16% Lifetime Rating from the Alliance for Retired Americans [Alliance for Retired Americans, Pennsylvania Delegation Voting Record]
Kevin Strouse is a former Army Ranger, CIA counterterrorism analyst, and veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan who lives in Middletown, Pa., with his wife, Amy, and two young children, Walter and Charlotte. He is currently Program Director of Teach2Serve, a non-profit that teaches social entrepreneurship to regional high school students. He earned his BA from Columbia University and a Masters in Security Studies from Georgetown University, graduating with honors.
...and here is Kevin's latest ad (to help pay for it and to help his campaign overall, please click here)...
…and speaking of Congress (#1), I thought this was an odd little bit of minutiae; “Press 1 if you want to hear a complete list of kickbacks accepted by your elected representative or senator, Press 2 if you want to hear a complete list of votes by your elected representative or senator on behalf of the “one percent,” Press 3 if you want to hear about the latest pointless piece of legislation supported by your public official that has zero chance of actually being signed into law,” etc...
...and speaking of Congress (#2), I think Huckleberry Graham should just go pick up his purse and call a cab here (borderline I know, but I'm only referring to him using language he has used himself towards others)...
…and gosh, whaddaya know – I forgot about National Make a Hat Day yesterday (here…gives me an excuse for this tune :-) - vid is borderline NSFW I guess.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Monday Stuff
...and it looks like, apart from racism in the shooting of Michael Brown, we also have it in deciding which eyewitnesses to take seriously – I've asked it before and I'll ask it again; this is CNN?...
...and I'm including this partly to extend a metaphorical middle-finger-raised-on-high to the You Tube commenters hating on this video...
...and here's a peppy little tune for the youngsters out there at home :-).