Saturday, February 08, 2025

Saturday Stuff

Rachel Maddow lets us know here that one of King Elon’s DOGE minions gaining access to the Treasury Department payment system (who ended up resigning) advocated for racism and eugenics...and another one of these life forms, going by the moniker “Big Balls,” was ALSO vouched for by Trumpist Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent...are there any actual adults in this administration I wonder?...and some of these life forms are trying to be in charge of air traffic control and our nuclear capability...dear God in Heaven...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen with Marc Elias discuss Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly blocking King Elon and DOGE from trying to access our private records...and I realize there is so much crap moving so fast that it’s hard to keep track of all of it; heckuva job, all you numbskulls who helped get Musk/Trump elected...and it’s not hard to imagine that Trumpist DOJ lawyers are going to try and imitate the tactics from Combover Caligula as a defendant in his various legal cases, and that indeed is to stall and try and “play” the courts...typical criminal behavior...

...and Seth Meyers takes “A Closer Look” at some of the madness that has transpired with King Elon and Mango Mussolini...and yeah, inasmuch as there is a plan of some kind, it is for our ruling cabal of grifters and frauds to keep people so confused that nobody knows exactly what the f*ck is going on (some of this echoes prior videos, but I think it’s important enough to repeat...and after watching that clip of Schumer at the end, I feel like I need a drink...more on that subject shortly)...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report wonder if Bronzer Beelzebub accidentally admitted that Israel killed 500K Palestinians (Emma V. points this out at about 11:20) looks like #47 wants to completely pave over Gaza at this point and have the US take over, even though that’s illegal as hell of course...and yeah, check out the great big sh*t-eating grin on the face of our “ally” “Bibi” (also noted by Emma) as Our Ochre Abomination joyfully discusses the ongoing genocide in that war criminal Netanyahu’s backyard...and I grant Emma’s point about Peter Douchebag being the one asking the sort-of hard question, but to be fair, it’s not like Cantaloupe Capone is going to acknowledge an “unfriendly” reporter either...and yeah, here comes the “many people” lying tell again...and “the riviera of the middle east”?? We have a certifiable lunatic in charge, people (and how was Harris/Walz somehow worse than this?)...OK, so let’s just play “devil’s advocate” here and pretend that Trump and Netanyahu somehow build up some kind of playground for the rich in a completely-ethnically-cleansed Gaza; does anybody have any freaking idea what kind of a military presence will be needed to keep it from being utterly bombed into oblivion by jihadists??!!...

...and Leeja Miller wonders Why Dems Aren’t Doing Anything in response to this madness; actually, they are, but there’s much more they could be doing, as noted in the video (and God, is Schumer ever intolerable!)...and I guess ads for “Me Undies” is logical given Jesse Dollemore’s ads for Sheath men’s briefs...glad Miller revisited the utterly horrible Laken Riley law, which was indeed passed with bipartisan support; waaay too damn many cowardly Dems caved on this, and if anybody thinks our ruling regime is going to stop at denying due process rights to immigrants, then you must have been living under a rock for the last year or so...and I’m glad Senate Democrats are acting like they’re going to pay attention to social media AT LONG FREAKING LAST, but if they don’t come up with messaging based on ACTUAL FREAKING POLICY, then they might as well be shouting into tin cans attached by string...actually, if the Dems want tips on posting on social media, they should contact Jennifer Granholm, who was pretty active on Linkedin as Biden’s DOE Secretary – I thought she did a good job with her posts – they should also contact John Fetterman; yeah, I know what he’s turned into, but the social media person running his campaign was pretty sharp...terrific suggestions here for truly gumming up “the world’s greatest deliberative body” also (if that numb nuts Tommy Tuberville can do this to our military over abortion, then we can sure as hell do it to try and preserve our democracy)...lots of good reasons to bookmark “Indivisible,” some of which Miller notes here...and related to this, I would say that Ken Martin has his work cut out for him as noted here, and a positive update is also (NSFW/H a bit)...

...and I started the week with a newer tune, so I think it makes sense to end with another newer number.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Friday Stuff

Chris Hayes discusses FBI agents suing the DOJ of Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence over potential acts of retribution in response to the 1/6 investigation, including revealing sensitive personal information of agents and others in law enforcement as well as terminations (gee, I thought Repugs were the "law and order" party; more fool me I guess)...Hayes talks with Dem U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (who is one of the FEW Dems standing up during this madness...and I’m sure Whitehouse is spot-on about Trumpette Pam Bondi, tragically)...

...and Rachel Maddow lets us know about some flunky for King Elmo I trying to diss GSA employees in a video conference, hastening the whole “spoon emoji” thing (too funny)...Maddow also tells us how the dismantling of USAID is crushing farmers in red state Kansas, with about 52K jobs lost...anybody out there tired of all the winning yet??!!...also, a new Ebola epidemic is breaking out in Uganda, and USAID would be helping, but – oopsie! – President Elon and Little Marco say, “naaah”...and nice work on all of the demonstrations for USAID...

...and John of The Damage Report tells us about King Elon I trying to take over the FAA, and Susan Collins is “concerned,” as if that will amount to anything more than the equivalent of a bucket of snot...somehow, though, Collins is better than Thom Tillis, who apparently doesn’t have a clue about performing the job he was elected for...and yeah, all of this DOGE garbage does indeed sound like 1/6/21, but from a technology perspective...God, trying to unwind all of this, assuming that’s even possible, could take decades!! (and yes, this is indeed more insanity tied to Project 2025 as Francesca points out)...

...and Belle tells us that there was a sign of life from the “D” team in response to the ongoing madness from our ruling regime; the Senate pulled an “all-nighter” to oppose the nomination of Russell Vought, the individual behind Project 2025, as head of OMB (even though Dems unanimously opposed Vought, he was still confirmed)...yeah, #47 allegedly didn’t know about P2025...which is why 37 of his disastrous E.O.s came right from that wretched document...Belle at first gets Vought's name wrong, but she corrected herself...

...and with all of the insane garbage going on in our world, I wanted to try and provide an update that's actually positive (very slightly NSFW/H)...

...and this tune reached #1 on the U.S. pop charts on this day in 1970 (and the whole attempt at subliminal ads is a hoot, I must say).

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Wednesday Stuff

Leeja Miller gives us a clip on the chaos from King Elon I as of yesterday...good point to note that the crazy nonsense from Mango Mussolini is rooted in lawful procedures and processes, including executive orders of course, notwithstanding the perverse way in which those procedures and processes are applied...the biggest E.O. of course was the one that created DOGE, as well as the attack on USAID, and going after that organization had to warm to coal-black hearts of other dictators everywhere including Vlad The Butcher, seeing as how USAID specialized in humanitarian relief efforts (and the madness created by Apartheid Clyde does indeed mirror how he wrecked Xitter)...and yeah, what a “profile in pudding” Little Marco Rubio turned out to be as alleged Secretary of State, though seriously, could we have expected any different...and the South Africa connection to King Elon and the gutting of USAID is something I didn’t realize until I watched this; yeah, it’s just Miller’s theory, but it makes sense to me...and King Elmo going after the GSA is another dangerous front on the undeclared war against the efficient operation of our government (and OF COUURRSE the Unitary Executive Theory is BAAACK, along with the “impoundment power,” abused by Tricky Dick)...Miller points out what helps keep her sane, and what I hang onto is the fact that we still have a Constitution, thank God; if these rich f*cks manage to put together their “Article V” convention and tear it up, rewriting it to benefit themselves, then it really is time to GTFO (NSFW/H)...

...and Yasmin Khan of Rebel HQ informs us that Combover Caligula’s FCC Chair Brendan Carr apparently wants to investigate PBS and NPR...sure, why not – another ridiculous waste of taxpayer dollars...and about attacking the DOE, “you really have to be quite uneducated to not value education” indeed...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about jackbooted thug and DHS head Tom Homan threatening to arrest and prosecute NJ governor Phil Murphy...and yeah, Homan is indeed a mush mouth (and Jesse is being disturbingly graphic I’ll admit, but I don’t think he’s wrong by much as far as this bunch is concerned)...and I DEFINITELY don’t take anything this administration says at face value either...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 2/2/17...the last time the “party of Lincoln” had complete control of our government, they tried to get a nationwide “Right To (No) Work” bill passed, as Kyle Kulinski tells us, and I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before those assclowns try something like that again...more on why RTW is terrible is here (NSFW/H at end)...

...and on the subject of fighting back, kudos to Dem U.S. House Rep Melanie Stansbury of New Mexico for this...

...and Farron Cousins of Ring of Fire lets us know that Cantaloupe Capone was apparently informed in no uncertain terms that our dirty energy companies in this country that exacerbate climate change aren’t going to “drill baby, drill” any time soon, despite whatever bleatings he may have concocted during the campaign last year...sooo, naturally, prices aren’t going to come down either (again, they WERE coming down under #46, but that’s pretty much dust in the wind at this point, sadly)...

...and if anybody out there had any notion that our ruling bunch of grifters and frauds had A FREAKING CLUE about what they’re doing and the damage they were inflicting, well, you can pretty much rest assured that they’re all dumb as rocks...this Rachel Maddow segment to that effect is brought to us by Anthony Vincent Gallo of Occupy Democrats...

...and RIP saxophonist Gene “Daddy G” Barge, immortalized in this huge AM radio hit from back in the day.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Tuesday Stuff

Farron Cousins discusses Kristi (“Unsafe At Any Speed” – and no, I’m not going to stop linking to that clip) Noem, #47’s new DHS Secretary, going to NYC to round up the “dirtbags” Cousins says, we’re talking about human beings, and the way this ruling regime operates, I’m sure people will be included who work jobs and contribute to our economy, and it wouldn’t shock me if they ended up gathering some homeless veterans also, since there are plenty of them, tragically...and nice touch for Noem to be late for her own swearing-in...

...and I know I alluded to this yesterday, but David Shuster of Rebel HQ tells us about the Gropenfuhrer backing down on his tariffs with the DJIA tanking, and, again, first not saying he wanted concessions from Mexico and then claiming he got concessions from Mexico; welcome to government by chaos, all you idiots who supported him or, at a minimum, did NOTHING to help Harris/Walz last year...and if anybody out there thinks that Kevin (“Human Capital Stock”) Hassett is telling us the truth, then I have a bridge to one of the five New York boroughs to sell to you...

Update: More of the same - ugh...

...meanwhile, “across the pond,” Jonathan Pie tells us that, basically, they’re looking at a lot of BS also when it comes to government not providing for its citizens (maybe there was no dough for Labour to do anything, but they’re in charge, so...)...somehow, water has gotten more expensive, forcing the utility over there to raise rates (and no, I’m not gloating, since the whole “reward the shareholders and give it to the customers in the neck” thing is pretty much “another day at the office” over here too)...and yeah, The Sainted Ronnie R and “man in a frock” Maggie Thatcher were pretty much two peas in the same sorry pod who got this whole mess started...the Thatcher quote came from the late MP and acclaimed actress Glenda Jackson, for the record (NSFW/H)...

...and I’ve got a couple of items here that I meant to get to sooner, but they got more or less pushed aside for other newsworthy items...first, given the air tragedy in D.C. last week, Lawrence O’Donnell recalls a prior air disaster from ‘82, and I think it’s worth it to echo O’Donnell’s point about how, in the past, the first instinct from our government was sympathy and not blame, even though, as O’Donnell rightly notes, The Sainted Ronnie R fired over 11K air traffic controllers and broke up PATCO on 8/5/81 (and yeah, that sure was stoo-pid all right), and arguably led to the deadly accident O’Donnell the past, our prior federal politicians knew to shut up before all the facts were discovered (unlike Mango Mussolini of course)...and nice work for O’Donnell to remind us about Lenny Skutnik; yeah, #40, being a good actor, often had the knack for deflecting and inspiring, but in this case (notwithstanding his horrible union busting), it was the right call (and I’m withholding any comment on what happened in Northeast Philadelphia with that medical jet crash because there’s still a lot we don’t know about that)...

...and the second item was the sentencing of former Dem U.S. Senator Bob (“Gold Bar”) Menendez to 11 years in prison last week...and yeah, you could argue that the disgraced former senator is indeed looking for a pardon from Our Ochre Abomination...way too damn funny (and I give Jesse credit for making the best of his ads for Sheath briefs – everybody has to pay the bills I guess)...

...and I haven’t had a clip from Tennessee Brando for a little while, and fortunately, I came across this item...a knife shop owner in Texas refuses to repair a “Hitler Youth” knife, though he offered to “de-Nazify” the weapon...and to be honest, I don’t care about the politics of the knife shop owner either – there’s doing the right, decent thing and then there is acting like a total POS, and the knife shop owner chose the former as far as I’m concerned...and I think it’s also called for to link all of this extremist crap right back to King Elon I...I definitely share Brando’s sentiments about “de-Nazifying” your personal relationships also, as it were (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and in the midst of all of this madness, kudos to Bernie Sanders for setting the right tone once again...

...and as noted here, on this day in 1999, Haitian immigrant Amadou Diallo was executed, shot 41 times by NYC police; the cops loved Springsteen until he recorded this tune – too f*cking bad.

Monday, February 03, 2025

Monday Stuff

This CBC report informs us that, at a recent NHL Ottawa Senators home game against the Minnesota Wild, the American national anthem was met with scattered boos when it was played before the home crowd, in reaction to the ridiculous tariffs by Bronzer Beelzebub (I think this also happened at a Toronto Raptors basketball game)...good job by one of the commentators to recall how far back our alliance goes, particularly in the wake of 9/11 and how Canada joined in fighting Afghanistan in accordance with Article 5 of our NATO agreement (an attack against one member country is an attack against all) far as I’m concerned with #47, all roads lead back to Putin; the goal of our ruling regime is to undermine this country every way possible and create chaos, which is exactly what the “Moscow munchkin” wants (and this is one of the best columns I've seen yet on our current mess from Timothy Snyder)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen informs us that, gee, whaddaya know? It looks like Canada had already figured out how to apply their own retaliatory tariffs against red states in the event that #47 started his beyond stoo-pid tariff war, which of course he did...Mexico also followed suit because they’re not idiots, including President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo (great job by still-Canadian PM Justin Trudeau in particular to recall the JFK quote)...

Update 1: And by the way, according to this (but mainly this), I just want to try and understand the sequence of events:
  • Trump does something typically dumb (in this case, antagonize our biggest trade partners with his idiotic tariffs)...also, Goldman Sachs informs us of a lot of “short” stock market transactions betting against our performance (Dow goes down about 700 points).
  • Mexico, one of those partners, agrees to some token gesture to get their tariff lifted (in this case, a promise to send 10,000 troops to the border apparently).
  • Trump lifts the Mexico tariffs and the market rebounds after everybody who “shorted” their U.S. market holdings has made their money.
  • Trump takes a victory lap ad nauseum for the next few news cycles.
  • Have I got this about right?

    Update 2: Oh, so our bulbous orange demogogue got a promise from Canada to reduce fentanyl (here)?
    God, four years of this bullsh*t...

    ...and Kyle Kulinski brings us a video of a woman breaking down when she learned that Our Ochre Abomination cut off her benefits (and no, apparently she wasn’t a MAGA supporter)...and yeah, as Kyle says, the “wet dream” of wingnuts is indeed to destroy the social safety net, which is relied on by millions regardless of political affiliation...on a wholly other matter, I think Salem is one cute cat (NSFW/H)...

    ...and Lawrence O’Donnell discusses the effort of Caroline Kennedy to oppose her cousin “Brain Worms” RFK Jr., nominated to head HHS, with the former bravely speaking out against her cousin...and good job by Lawrence to take the WH press corps to task for treating Trumpette spokes-liar Karoline Leavitt like she was a piece of porcelain, as opposed to Steve Douchebag of Fix Noise yelling and propagandizing at Biden spokespeople...

    ...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report starts this clip by talking about pals of Elon Musk facing reprisals for the Nazi salute, including Laura Smith of our beloved commonwealth of PA, along with Michigan priest Calvin Robinson (and yes, I know that was once called the Bellamy Salute prior to WWII and was included with the Pledge of Allegiance, but I would say that the horrific events of that world crisis have changed the context at the very least)...Figueredo takes this in the direction of defending gay/trans people and other marginalized groups, which is apropos unfortunately since Musk and his cohorts are giving cover for those attacks by embracing Nazi symbolism and actual practice...Figueredo is also right about late-stage capitalism, though I wish he wasn’t...I also agree with Figueredo’s assessment that blaming “otherized” groups used to be more subtle in the past, but now you’ve got Marjorie Traitor Greene and her ilk flaunting it all over the place...and I would vote against RFK Jr. just to spite this Nicole Shanahan b*tch, though there are plenty of other reasons to oppose him also, as noted in the prior video from O’Donnell...NSFW/H...

    ...and I would say that this newer tune offers some food for thought - hope you agree.