God, hasn’t France suffered enough already? To help, click here…

…and hey, as long as “The Donald” just gave us fresh, new ammunition (here)…
…and speaking of Trump’s new veep nominee, Rachel Maddow brought us this report earlier in the week on how it can be a fruitless exercise to try and run against the “number 2” on the ticket…
…and I agree with South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott on nothing, but kudos to him for this…
…and while making a lot of money isn’t a crime I know, it could be if you use the influence it buys to screw over everybody else…lots of ways that our senatorial mistake from PA has done that which I’ll try to present over the coming weeks and months; in the meantime, to help Katie McGinty, click here…
Update 7/18/16: Actually, this should go a long way towards telling us how awful a senator Toomey truly is.
…and what, are we actually supposed to think that Stuart Varney ISN’T a scumbag because he has an English accent? (NSFW)...
…and Harry Chapin left us 35 years ago tomorrow – among his other accomplishments, he also was a tireless advocate against hunger and poverty in this country…to say his voice is still needed is a huge understatement.