You know what? I don't know how much of the anti-Sanders stuff out there is media trolling by the Hillary campaign and how much of it is a meltdown from the Sanders campaign, including the Nevada business (and I'll admit that the numbers are in HRC's favor), but let's not forget this, shall we?...
(For example, Cenk Uygur, who I respect, said that he hasn’t seen video of a chair being thrown during the Nevada stuff – neither have I, but isn’t that missing the larger point?)...
…also, I didn’t give much of a thought to the recent passing of former Utah Repug Senator Bob Bennett (I had issues with the guy, but he was pretty normal compared to the rest of that bunch, including the utter lowlife who ended up getting his job), but I thought this was pretty touching, to say nothing of completely called for at a minimum…
…and speaking of Cenk, I also thought he and Ana gave a good analysis here of the dustup over Facebook and so-called preferred right-wing content (funny that you never hear about liberals and progressives being allowed to vet the “news” content of The Daily Tucker,, The Weakly Standard, and of course Fix Noise)…
…and kudos to the striking Verizon workers – all the best…
…and just keep telling yourself that “The Handmaid’s Tale” is fiction when you watch this (by the way, I’ve been watching a great documentary on Showtime called “Drunk, Stoned, Brilliant, Dead” about National Lampoon – would really like to know what people like Doug Kenney, Henry Beard and John Hughes before he went commercial would do with something like this story)…
Update: Wow, here is a sentence I thought I’d never write – kudos to Repug governor Mary Fallin for this (yeah, I'm sure she has an ulterior motive, but nice job to do the right thing).
…and Thom Hartmann brings us economic and labor news for the week (“B. Barry Bamz” ought to pay attention to the first item in particular – one of the more depressing segments I realize, and I’m not sure what we can do about it except work for change, all of us)…
…and I’ll be honest; I go back and forth on these guys, but I like this new tune in particular.
“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Friday, May 20, 2016
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Thursday Stuff
RIP Morley Safer (jeez, didn’t they just give him a retirement party the other day?)…I thought most of his features were pretty good – he actually had a segment with The Muppets years ago that I thought was pretty funny, and he had a really hard time keeping a straight face, which I certainly don’t hold against him…he made his name, though, doing some truly balls-out reporting during the Vietnam War, including this segment…
...and OMFG (here – and by the way, you didn’t hear any of these numbskulls prattling on about a refugee crisis during the…oh, let me think – now what was that little dustup again?? And I don’t necessarily like the TSA either, but how exactly do they constitute a “security problem”?).
…and yeah, there’s some humor in this, but for the eleventy billionth time, this makes it loud and clear to me that Hillary Clinton needs to make the case for herself – we’ll see…
…and I give you Example Part The Infinity, as Charles Pierce might say, of how conservatives have no sense of humor whatsoever (apropos in particular in light of the prior clip)…
...and Thom Hartmann brings us science and green news for the week (For the last time? Gee, I hope not.)...
…and I guess I’m overdue for a “relationship” song, so here you go.
...and OMFG (here – and by the way, you didn’t hear any of these numbskulls prattling on about a refugee crisis during the…oh, let me think – now what was that little dustup again?? And I don’t necessarily like the TSA either, but how exactly do they constitute a “security problem”?).
…and yeah, there’s some humor in this, but for the eleventy billionth time, this makes it loud and clear to me that Hillary Clinton needs to make the case for herself – we’ll see…
…and I give you Example Part The Infinity, as Charles Pierce might say, of how conservatives have no sense of humor whatsoever (apropos in particular in light of the prior clip)…
...and Thom Hartmann brings us science and green news for the week (For the last time? Gee, I hope not.)...
…and I guess I’m overdue for a “relationship” song, so here you go.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Wednesday Stuff
Once again, Elizabeth Warren speaks and we listen, this time on Zika (here).
And by the way, I have a message for the supposed Democratic Party “leadership”; before we lose another congressional election, why don’t we actually make the case (including putting up some videos) highlighting the stuff that Warren is talking about? You know, how absolutely horrible congressional Republicans are when it comes to infrastructure, the economy overall, funding government to do its job properly (including the Zika nonsense Warren is talking about), and trying to pass anti-trans or anti-Planned Parenthood and abortion laws every other week, as well as other stuff? You know, actually DO THE HARD WORK OF EXPLAINING TO VOTERS HOW DEMOCRATS ACTUALLY GOVERN LIKE ADULTS AS OPPOSED TO THE OTHER SIDE!
For the most part, Republicans are corporatist greedhead monsters and Democrats are compromised cowards, with at least one notable exception. Please go out there and prove me wrong about the “D” team, OK?...
…and sorry again to be such a downer; I can’t believe that this story actually took place in this country, but it did (see above for not doing anything about it)…
…and kudos to Samantha Bee again for this (definitely NSFW, but for a good reason, in response that is - nice)…
…and RIP Guy Clark – I’m pretty sure Tom Rush covered this tune.
And by the way, I have a message for the supposed Democratic Party “leadership”; before we lose another congressional election, why don’t we actually make the case (including putting up some videos) highlighting the stuff that Warren is talking about? You know, how absolutely horrible congressional Republicans are when it comes to infrastructure, the economy overall, funding government to do its job properly (including the Zika nonsense Warren is talking about), and trying to pass anti-trans or anti-Planned Parenthood and abortion laws every other week, as well as other stuff? You know, actually DO THE HARD WORK OF EXPLAINING TO VOTERS HOW DEMOCRATS ACTUALLY GOVERN LIKE ADULTS AS OPPOSED TO THE OTHER SIDE!
For the most part, Republicans are corporatist greedhead monsters and Democrats are compromised cowards, with at least one notable exception. Please go out there and prove me wrong about the “D” team, OK?...
…and sorry again to be such a downer; I can’t believe that this story actually took place in this country, but it did (see above for not doing anything about it)…
…and kudos to Samantha Bee again for this (definitely NSFW, but for a good reason, in response that is - nice)…
…and RIP Guy Clark – I’m pretty sure Tom Rush covered this tune.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Tuesday Stuff
Yeah, I think this about says it (Update 5/20/16: "30 pieces of silver" indeed, and no, I don't think that's an inapt way to put it)...
…and Samantha Bee does it again, giving the “jump for Jesus” crowd exactly what they deserve (here)…
…and just say “oops” and get out, Jon Keyser and Colorado Republicans (gee whiz, sounds like one or more people were caught committing voter fraud for real – from the party that screams about it the loudest, it should be noted – which, last I checked, was a felony; more related stuff is here...more on Michael Bennet is here)…
…and I don’t know about you, but I think we all need to hear something like this from time to time.
…and Samantha Bee does it again, giving the “jump for Jesus” crowd exactly what they deserve (here)…
…and just say “oops” and get out, Jon Keyser and Colorado Republicans (gee whiz, sounds like one or more people were caught committing voter fraud for real – from the party that screams about it the loudest, it should be noted – which, last I checked, was a felony; more related stuff is here...more on Michael Bennet is here)…
…and I don’t know about you, but I think we all need to hear something like this from time to time.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Monday Stuff
With the never-ending corporate media bloviating about "The Donald" (including this latest idiocy), I think a little more of a taste of reality is in order...
...and speaking of corporate media bloviating, kudos to Bill Maher for this (most recent show was great; even glibertarian Jack Hunter made sense - I have a feeling HBO won't allow this to stay up for long)...
...and once more, it's time for another installment of "This Day In Doomsy History" from 5/14/10 (and yes, Number 44 was spot-on, but as we know, the Repugs took over the House in 2010 in no small part because Dem voters didn't show up in November, and they took the Senate in 2014 for much the same reason - it's up to all of us to erase that mistake; I may show this video a few more times before Election Day)...
…and it looks like Russ Feingold struck back against that turd Ron Johnson in this ad, from here – more of the latter’s disgusting stupidity is here…not that Johnson would actually do this of course, but he should click here to learn about some of the people he insulted – to help Russ, click here)…
…and this tells us about Guido Menzio, an associate professor in the economics department at the University of Pennsylvania, who committed the apparently unpardonable sin of performing – wait for it! – MATH ON AN AIRPLANE! JUDAS H. PRIEST ON A POGO STICK!!!...
...…and I set out to highlight more recent tunes, but this cover is about 8-9 years old of a tune from way back, but I still think it’s pretty good.
...and speaking of corporate media bloviating, kudos to Bill Maher for this (most recent show was great; even glibertarian Jack Hunter made sense - I have a feeling HBO won't allow this to stay up for long)...
...and once more, it's time for another installment of "This Day In Doomsy History" from 5/14/10 (and yes, Number 44 was spot-on, but as we know, the Repugs took over the House in 2010 in no small part because Dem voters didn't show up in November, and they took the Senate in 2014 for much the same reason - it's up to all of us to erase that mistake; I may show this video a few more times before Election Day)...
…and it looks like Russ Feingold struck back against that turd Ron Johnson in this ad, from here – more of the latter’s disgusting stupidity is here…not that Johnson would actually do this of course, but he should click here to learn about some of the people he insulted – to help Russ, click here)…
…and this tells us about Guido Menzio, an associate professor in the economics department at the University of Pennsylvania, who committed the apparently unpardonable sin of performing – wait for it! – MATH ON AN AIRPLANE! JUDAS H. PRIEST ON A POGO STICK!!!...
...…and I set out to highlight more recent tunes, but this cover is about 8-9 years old of a tune from way back, but I still think it’s pretty good.
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