Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday Stuff

I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less), and this time we’re taking a short trip back about a year ago to 7/11/23, in which we learn about everything our thoroughly corrupt SCOTUS is blocking from the Biden Administration, including student debt relief (and it looks like Biden is taking another crack at that as noted here...and does anyone seriously think this would be taking place if, God forbid, the leader of Cult 45 manages to win another term in office?)...

...and when it comes to corruption on the High Court, the focus quite rightly has been on “Strip Search Sammy” Alito and Almost Silent Clarence Thomas, which is as it should be, and with that in mind, this Democracy Now! clip with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez features an interview with author Adam Cohen on the Abe Fortas resignation from the SCOTUS in 1969 (video is from last year)...GREAT point about Dems caving on Fortas, including Walter Mondale and Joseph Tydings of Maryland – what’s past is prologue on that score, it seems...the money behind the Fortas scandal was a pittance compared to now – really, the wingnuts wanted Fortas out because of a free speech ruling, with individuals like Strom Thurmond screaming that the ruling allegedly legalized p*rn (more on the “Fortas Film Festival” is here)...

...and Alex Wagner talks more about the relationship between Fortas and LBJ and the $20K Fortas accepted from financier Louis Wolfson, which Fortas returned...again, presenting this to show what “small potatoes” the Fortas stuff was compared to the Thomas and Alito garbage, though I have to say that Fortas consulting with Johnson while on the High Court was a no-no (video is also about a year old)...

...and returning to the present moment, Farron Cousins tells us that Bronzer Beelzebub resurfaced recently from the golf course and acted once more like the lunatic that he is, telling his minions to pass something called the SAVE Act, which re-criminalizes something that’s already illegal (God, what a bunch of nitwits!)...

...and as a bit of a “compare and contrast” exercise, I give you recent speeches from Biden (defending NATO) and Mango Mussolini (???) that took place on the same day...

...and David Pakman gives us this clip of Dem U.S. House Rep Jake Auchincloss defending President Biden in front of this Fix Noise male mannequin named John Roberts (another one)...I wish EVERY GODDAMN WISHY WASHY DEM OUT THERE (including this guy, who I usually respect and is apparently stepping down) would PAY ATTENTION TO THIS!!!...

...and RIP union organizer Jane McAlevey, who has left us at way too young of an age at 59...

...and I now offer a bit of a seasonal mediation in the hopes of getting some wet weather in this locality.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday Stuff

More Perfect Union tells us the story of Charles Koch trying to corner the nitrogen fertilizer market in Iowa/Missouri and raise prices out of sight for our farmers...typical (and leave it to this cretin to somehow try and blame “government”...when the time comes for him to depart this world, his remains should reside in a trash bin and not be interred because it would likely contaminate the soil and groundwater for miles...more here)...

...and Beau gives us a recent commentary on the election in a little under four months...for whatever my take is worth, I believe it’s going to be tight until the end, with our ridiculous corporate media doing everything it can to cheer on the “horserace”...“It’s important to remember that a lot of people are voting out of self defense”...indeed...

...and Jesse Dollemore discusses Combover Caligula caught lying about not knowing about Project 2025...didn’t know about that disgusting garbage with John McEntee giving out counterfeit money to the homeless (here) so they’d get arrested (NSFW/H)...

...and in a related vein, Brian Tyler Cohen brings us the pathetic tale of Our Treasonous Orange Pustule of a former *president trying to hawk money with his mugshot... truly no bottom for these life forms (also NSFW/H)...

...and speaking of fake Trump money, I recently visited a local establishment near Le Manse Doomsy for lunch and came across this bill...
...and this was on the back of the bill...
I don’t know how legal it is to be passing out something like this, but I thought I’d put this out there...just add it to the pile of at-least-borderline-illegal behavior from Cantaloupe Capone.

Returning to the videos, I give you a clip that’s a few years old to commemorate the passing of this guy...TYT and John Iadarola, along with Desi Doyen (who knows what she’s talking about), discuss what I would call Jim Inhofe’s most infamous moment, along with the great response from Dem U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (also including that knucklehead Jimmy Dore and Dave Rubin before he too went to the “dark side” – also NSFW/H)...

...and happy 65th birthday to Suzanne Vega.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Lawyer Glenn Kirschner, in this “Justice Matters” segment on the next legal mess for Mango Mussolini, explains, among other things, why the “executive privilege” claim, in all probability, won’t wash with Judge Tanya Chutkan as evidentiary hearings go forward; as Kirschner says, Combover Caligula can’t claim such a privilege when HE ISN’T THE SITTING PRESIDENT...also, all kinds of witness testimony from the New York case is likely to be introduced in this one in Kirschner says, though, the “guilty” verdict that matters the most is one that, God willing, will be handed down on November 5th (towards which we all need to do our part, of course)...

...and in a related item, the “feminist Lawyer” tells us how a national abortion ban could take place in this country – see the above item about us needing to organize and get out the vote to ensure that this NEVER happens (and in addition to making it plain that these lunatics from the “party of Lincoln” do indeed want a national abortion ban, this clip tells us about the horrendous ruling from this SCOTUS in overturning the Chevron doctrine – more here)...

...and keeping with the legal stuff, Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Dem U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Sheldon Whitehouse asking for the DOJ and Merrick Garland to conduct an investigation into Almost Silent Clarence Thomas...and boy, is Norm Eisen ever right about what the wingnuts did after 1964; I know I’ve said this before, but we need to take that page from THEIR playbook and learn that lesson once and for freaking all!!! (organizing, spending money wisely...MESSAGE FREAKING DISCIPLINE, PEOPLE!!! (ugh!...more importantly, this idiot)...and I definitely share Cohen’s opinion of Merrick Garland)...

Update 1: Kudos to AOC in a related item here.

...and I’ve got one more law-related item, and it’s from Michael Popok of Meidas Touch – an Alaska Trumpist judge was forced to step down because of allegations of sexual misconduct, somebody named Joshua Kindred (citations are from May, but they became public on July 8th)...and Popok's right about Biden and the SCOTUS, but in addition to another term in the White House, he also needs a Democratic U.S. Senate, and we need to make sure THAT happens also...among other things, that means defeating Larry Hogan in Maryland, “gold bar” Menendez in New Jersey, etc.

(By the way, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m trying really hard to avoid commentary from people saying Biden should drop out...1) The existential threat we face from Bronzer Beelzebub requires that we don’t do that unless Biden starts drooling and blabbering incoherently in front of a camera or a microphone, or pulls a gun on somebody; 2) That ignores the practical reality of putting together a presidential campaign, and the only person I’ve seen in corporate media who appears to understand that is Lawrence O’Donnell, and 3) Yes, Biden could have done better in the debate, but at least he knows what facts and reality are, as opposed to the guy who, aside from demonstrating rampant, unrepentant criminality, made another reference to a fictional character, compared a former president to a tennis icon and remarked about recently discussing hot dogs with Frank Sinatra and, apparently, Luciano Pavarotti as noted here.)

Update 2: Oh look, a fact-free rant about airports...from a guy with his own private jet (here).

Update 7/11/24: Definitely not the biggest fan of Coons, but he's spot-on here.

Update 7/19/24: God almighty, he referred to Lecter as a real person AGAIN! (here).

Here is the Popok clip...

...and it looks like there’s another weather-related horror show from Hurricane Beryl going on in The Land of the Yellow Rose, as John of The Damage Report tells us...I think it’s tone deaf for Immigrant Torturer guv Greg Abbott to be in South Korea while this is going on, but at least he’s doing something that’s somewhat tied to governance, as opposed to “Cancun” Cruz – I guess now he’s “SoCal Cruz”...I don’t want to imagine the mindset of anyone who thinks either of these frauds represents a model of public service (GREAT point by Yasmin Khan about the bad stuff that happens AFTER the hurricane/bad storm when it’s time to do something about Cruz, which is WAY overdue, click help hurricane victims, click here)...

...and speaking of the climate, we could use a little precipitation in these parts, actually (but careful what I wish for, I know).

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

It is my sincerest wish that all of the alleged media geniuses and Dem politicians out there getting a case of the vapors over a couple of stumbles by President Biden in a goddamn debate would pause briefly from inflicting their OMIGOD BIDEN HAS TO STEP DOWN IMMEDIATELY! HE HASN'T DROPPED OUT YET!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM??!! hot takes and watch this video instead (and I guess the latest nonsense in that vein is here) – yes, once more, I know what The Lincoln Project is, but they’ve identified the threat from Our Unconscionable Ochre Ogre pretty well IMO (and yes, Biden has work to do, but I would also ask that you consider this...and more on Project 2025 is here)...

Update 7/10/24: I’m the last one in the world to back Chuck Schumer, but to give you an example of how ridiculous the media feeding frenzy has gotten, somehow “listening to donor concerns” morphed into “Schumer Open To Dropping Biden” (here).

...and it looks like Robert Reich is planning on a series of clips to remind us just how horrid a time we had under Bronzer Beelzebub, which cannot be overstated enough as far as yours truly is concerned...

...and Jesse Dollemore brings us this clip of a military vet on Tik Tok (@jswagenius) blasting Repugs for fake patriotism...yeah, it’s a pretty good quick summation of all of the ways that the “party of Lincoln” talks out of both sides of their face when it comes to what they profess to believe vs. how they act...great point about the missing “WWJD” stuff...

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT discuss Arizona iced tea CEO Don Vultaggio, who, to this point, hasn’t raised the price of his products, to his credit, also like Costco, since he apparently doesn’t feel the need to screw over his customers (and Costco hasn’t either)...and as far as I’m concerned, Cenk is SPOT FREAKING ON about what happens when you become a publicly traded company, and he and Ana are a thousand percent correct about the so-called strategy of taking on too much goddamn debt...I keep these two on a short leash, you might say, comparatively when it comes to these videos because they often leave out context or twist their commentary to support the dreaded “both sides” narrative, and they do so again here by not mentioning that U.S. Senate Dems are trying to do something about price gouging as noted here...


...and Thom Hartmann brings us the sorry story of the University of Flori-DUUH! trying to terminate DEI positions to comply with an edict from Ron #DeathSantis to get rid of related programs...yep, straight-up racism pretty much, as Thom says...

...and I would say that this tune resonates a bit with yours truly on a certain level...I really don’t know much about these two, but I definitely want to hear more.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Monday Stuff

Farrons Cousins tells us in this video that Combover Caligula thinks (using the term loosely I'll admit) that the recent horrible SCOTUS ruling will erase his felony convictions in the Stormy Daniels hush money case – uh, no...most likely not, for the simple reason (as Cousins points out) that the charges in question have to do with actions that occurred before the Gropenfuhrer ever made it to An Oval Office...

...and with the prior clip in mind, Leeja Miller discusses How Our Ochre Abomination Profits From Being a Criminal...$12 million prosecuting that POS just between April and September of last year? I guess I shouldn’t be shocked, but I am...clip is also an important rehashing of the Citizens United horror show...Miller also takes a look at the truly seamy nature of so-called “leadership PACs”...she’s right about the FEC not showing a heck of a lot of leadership on this issue, though I would argue that that also has to do with the fact that there are 3 Repug members as well as 3 Dem ones with no tie-breaking Dem vote to stop Repug obstruction (as Miller explains)...interesting (but disgusting) summary of the financial shenanigans between the MAGA Inc. Super PAC and the Save America PAC...pretty good explanation of how our utterly rigged justice system favors the wealthy and utterly screws over the poor...I didn’t know the campaign donations flowed in after Bronzer Beelzebub’s conviction in the Stormy Daniels case ($53 million), but I’m not surprised – no end to the nonsense from the gullible suckers and rubes out there...also didn’t know about the ties between the Trump campaign and Project 2025; the former is merely greasing the skids, you might say, to put the latter into place...the top 100 donors gave $1.6 billion in the 2020 campaign; if that isn’t proof that our election system is utterly broken, I don’t know what is (NSFW/H)...

...and Yasmin Khan, Cenk and Sharon Reed of TYT bring us the story of this Mark Robinson lunatic in South Carolina saying some people “need killing” – gee, I wonder who he’s talking about? Lefties? OF COOUUURRRSE!...I obviously don’t agree with Cenk about pulling Biden, but Cenk’s point about the double standard on violence is spot-on (and for the record, I don’t support violence against anyone either)...and I’m almost numb to the fact that this dangerous garbage took place at what supposedly is a house of worship, as Sharon Reed points out, but I know I shouldn’t be...

...and David Doel tells us about Labour winning big in the recent U.K. elections, despite lower vote totals than in previous election (which means that the country overall was pretty much done with the Tories, with the “Reform” party undercutting them big for me) looks like Keir Starmer will be the incoming Prime Minister (and I think it’s fair to compare the “Greens” to “Reform” in terms of the overall vote; I’m certainly not an expert on U.K. politics, I should emphasize...and based on this, it looks like France has taken an unexpectedly leftward turn also)...

...and returning to elections in this country, Beau discusses President Biden’s recent interview with George Stephanopoulos and $11 million (the approximate value of a 28-mniute prime time ad, which you could argue this was...sounds like the “normies” were basically OK with what Biden was saying, putting aside the fact for a minute that Biden is a gaffe machine as Beau says, something which we should all know by now...I believe that policy is what matters instead of verbal slipups like saying “goodest” or whatever...more here and here)...

...and I now give you today's regional forecast.