Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

It is my sincerest wish that all of the alleged media geniuses and Dem politicians out there getting a case of the vapors over a couple of stumbles by President Biden in a goddamn debate would pause briefly from inflicting their OMIGOD BIDEN HAS TO STEP DOWN IMMEDIATELY! HE HASN'T DROPPED OUT YET!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM??!! hot takes and watch this video instead (and I guess the latest nonsense in that vein is here) – yes, once more, I know what The Lincoln Project is, but they’ve identified the threat from Our Unconscionable Ochre Ogre pretty well IMO (and yes, Biden has work to do, but I would also ask that you consider this...and more on Project 2025 is here)...

Update 7/10/24: I’m the last one in the world to back Chuck Schumer, but to give you an example of how ridiculous the media feeding frenzy has gotten, somehow “listening to donor concerns” morphed into “Schumer Open To Dropping Biden” (here).

...and it looks like Robert Reich is planning on a series of clips to remind us just how horrid a time we had under Bronzer Beelzebub, which cannot be overstated enough as far as yours truly is concerned...

...and Jesse Dollemore brings us this clip of a military vet on Tik Tok (@jswagenius) blasting Repugs for fake patriotism...yeah, it’s a pretty good quick summation of all of the ways that the “party of Lincoln” talks out of both sides of their face when it comes to what they profess to believe vs. how they act...great point about the missing “WWJD” stuff...

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT discuss Arizona iced tea CEO Don Vultaggio, who, to this point, hasn’t raised the price of his products, to his credit, also like Costco, since he apparently doesn’t feel the need to screw over his customers (and Costco hasn’t either)...and as far as I’m concerned, Cenk is SPOT FREAKING ON about what happens when you become a publicly traded company, and he and Ana are a thousand percent correct about the so-called strategy of taking on too much goddamn debt...I keep these two on a short leash, you might say, comparatively when it comes to these videos because they often leave out context or twist their commentary to support the dreaded “both sides” narrative, and they do so again here by not mentioning that U.S. Senate Dems are trying to do something about price gouging as noted here...


...and Thom Hartmann brings us the sorry story of the University of Flori-DUUH! trying to terminate DEI positions to comply with an edict from Ron #DeathSantis to get rid of related programs...yep, straight-up racism pretty much, as Thom says...

...and I would say that this tune resonates a bit with yours truly on a certain level...I really don’t know much about these two, but I definitely want to hear more.

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