I saw something about this that more or less floated by like typical wingnut flotsam, but kudos to Stephen Colbert for giving Dorothy Rabinowitz what she deserves for it – the last minute or so of this is priceless; and by the way, Stephen, to be serious for a minute, our condolences…
…and here is the latest on the Repug “rebranding” effort (too funny)…
…and as far as I’m concerned, this is the story of the week – kudos to this young man; I basically could care less about the NBA Finals, but after watching this, I now hope San Antonio wins…
…and here’s a late entry that caught my ear, if you will – enjoy.
And our tut-tutting corporate media is shocked, shocked I tell you, that Edward Snowden apparently believes that he’ll never receive a fair trial in this country – see Bradley Manning and Deric Lostutter, as John Fugelsang notes in this clip…
…and so many of the usual Beltway suspects are mad at Snowden that somehow you have a feeling that he did the right thing (which, I’m sure, will be history’s ultimate judgment, if I were inclined to take a guess at that right now – good point by Dana Milbank that Clapper knew that question from Wyden in advance; no excuse for supposedly being caught off guard, unless of course he really does have something to hide…hmmmmm)…
…and Rachel Maddow reminds us about some important history; I noted a little while ago that there are going to be a bunch of milestones this year, and this is another one…
…and either this day or June 2nd would have been the 61st birthday of Pete Farndon of The Pretenders – not getting completely consistent info on that in the blogosphere, but here’s a good tune anyway.
I thought Rachel Maddow asked some good questions here about how someone like Edward Snowden could end up with access to such sensitive data, ably aided here by Barton Gellman of the WaPo…
…and I swear it’s nothing but a drug for our corporate media, the whole “Bush Bounce” story line which is coming one of these days, one of these days (here)…forgetting totally that Number 43 really did end up with the highest disapproval rating in Gallup Poll history (and you really aren’t going to try and make me look that up, are you?).
Well, here is a reminder as to how truly wretched this guy was (NSFW - and speaking of immigration, it looks like Ted "Crash And Burn" Cruz didn't do a very good job of listening to the last White House occupant of his party here)…
Update 6/13/13: As I said, it's like a drug (here); I thought this guy knew better.
...and speaking of Texas mistakes (that "not guilty" verdict turns my stomach - and by the way, about 30 municipalities are about to run out of water, at a minimum; but climate change is "junk science")...
…and it was such a lovely evening that I decided to give “mellow” the rest of the day off again.
I have to admit that I’d fallen into the whole “well, if The Sainted Ronnie R were with us today, he’d be a Repug Party outcast” mindset a bit also – fortunately, Bill Maher provided a bit of shock therapy on that subject here (a lot more related stuff is here)...
…and I thought this was a highly informative exchange between Chris Hayes and Jeremy Scahill on the recent secrecy stuff involving Number 44…
…and as you watch this, keep in mind that some nitwit wrote a column that the Bucks County Courier Times printed today claiming that the climate crisis must be a hoax because Al Gore bought an $8.9 million ocean-front villa (about par for the course with that rag)…
…and while this remains a good song, I have to admit that I’m getting awfully tired of presenting it with stories like this.