Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday Stuff

This Lincoln Project clip informs us that those remarks that are kind of casual asides from Byron Donalds and other Trumpist stooges (“yeah, what matters is Inauguration Day, not Election Day”) let you know that these characters will indeed keep trying to overturn our democracy in favor of Our Treasonous Orange Pustule regardless of the electoral outcome...

...and Miss Beau lets us know about our latest grievance from Our Treasonous Orange Man-Baby – you know, it’s almost funny to hear #45 whine about Kamala Harris and “60 Minutes” because, in the process, he gives away everything he tries to do for himself, namely, to have interviews edited to try and make him sound intelligent...and OF COURSE that means, as far as Combover Caligula is concerned, that that program must be “investigated” (that is, kicked off the air)...and since he’s running away from Fix Noise, yeah, I guess he’ll be trying to get air time from OAN and Newsmax next...nice job to work in that line about the pets of Springfield, Ohio...

...and Chris Hayes tells us about the “party of Lincoln” “suddenly” seeing disinformation in the hurricane crisis...oh, so NOW that PEOPLE ARE FREAKING DYING AND LOSING THEIR HOMES, NOW you decide to push back against the outrageous garbage from Marjorie Train Wreck Greene, Ronna Romney McDaniel and the rest of their foul, fetid ilk? Forgive me while I ask a bit of an impolite question...WHERE THE F*CK HAVE YOU IDIOTS BEEN FOR AT LEAST THE LAST EIGHT YEARS OR SO? LIVING UNDER A ROCK??!!...

...and Thom Hartmann brings us the story of Providence St. Joseph Hospital in Eureka, California, an allegedly Catholic institution, which is so “pro-life” that they almost let a woman die who needed a medical abortion since her water broke at about 15 weeks, and the twins she was carrying would not survive...take a bow, you criminal SCOTUS, for trashing Roe and enabling this garbage (and kudos to California AG Rob Bonta for going after these criminals as noted here)...sorry Thom’s video is a little choppy...

...and this latest “Classroom” segment from Sean Morrow and More Perfect union discusses microplastics...and yes, unfortunately, we’re just going to ingest some of this garbage as we live our lives, but it definitely doesn’t help when unregulated manufacturing is responsible also...I’d heard of PCBs, but I’ve never heard about PAHs until now, and I’m not one bit surprised to find that Monsanto is part of this mess also...and calling something a “nurdle” sounds a bit benign, but in this case, it’s anything but...and Diane Wilson is my new heroine for her battle against Formosa Plastics in Seadrift, Texas, which as you can guess is a foreign-owned company manufacturing plastics and nurdles without end, and leaking vinyl chloride which can cause cancer, along with all of the chemical manufacturers mentioned in the video and probably many others also...terrific...

...and I ask myself the title of this song most every day (along with the lyrics a bit also), and I’m sure I’m not alone on that...if you’re reading this, I have a feeling you do too.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday Stuff

Kyle Kulinski gives us an update on Trumpist Royce White in Minnesota, running against Dem Amy Klobuchar in that state’s U.S. Senate contest...I have issues with Klobuchar, but definitely not enough to not support her in her re-election bid (sorry for the double negative)...yeah, White is pretty much a piece of sh*t for saying “the bad guys won” in WWII, which of course spits on the sacrifice of my father along with millions of others who served our nation...and this from some guy who appears to be addicted to porn of one type or another, as if he would have any grounds whatsoever to try and make a charge like that (NSFW/H)...

...and speaking of the leader of White’s party, Lawrence O’Donnell tells us that (according to a soon-to-be-published book by Bob Woodward), Trump sent COVID testing equipment to Vlad The Butcher that WE FREAKING COULD HAVE USED HERE DURING THE PANDEMIC, YOU TRAITOR!!! (and apparently it was needed in particular by hospitals at the time - it wasn’t the testing kits where you swab inside your nose, stick the swab in the card and look for the result)...and I guess we just live in an era where stories like this apparently will NEVER be reported in real time, but only as part of a book deal for some well-heeled scribe like Woodward... and what does it tell you about how dumb 45 is that it took Putin having to warn him about the blowback over the testing equipment? And as far as I'm concerned, the question about who was worse, Trump or Nixon, was settled long ago...glad to hear Harris keep hammering home the point that, at these fascist Bund rallies of his, Mango Mussolini only prattles on about himself and definitely NOT your kids or your family, which, in addition to being completely true, is a great campaign message...also, good for O’Donnell to work in Medicare and that Harris/Walz is proposing expanding coverage to include long-term home care...

...and Jesse Dollemore reminds us that Our Treasonous Orange Pustule is still “blowing kisses” to Orban, Erdogan, Duterte, and other dictators, including Putin and Kim Jong Un of course...THIS should be the blaring red siren when it comes to our elections as far as our utterly useless corporate media is concerned (and I know I alluded to that yesterday), as opposed to saying, “oh, 45 is changing because of cognitive decline”...and oh yeah, Cantaloupe Capone said he’d be trustworthy as dictator to Sean Inanity; what could go wrong (removing my tongue form my cheek)???...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report bring us the news that, apparently, Combover Caligula told the FBI to spike the investigation into “I Like Beer” Brett Kavanaugh (here) – yeah, this sure fits the profile for the Gropenfuhrer, doesn’t it?...this leads into another chapter in the annals of white grievance culture from the previously mentioned Sean Inanity; yeah, they’re trying to find some way, somehow to offset the likely electoral impact of trashing Roe v. Wade and coming up with this nonsense like “OH YEAH? WELL, WHAT ABOUT THE DRAFT AND HOW THAT IMPACTS MEN???!!”...also, they mention 45's beyond ridiculous watch scam (here)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen and Glenn Kirschner tell us about some rare good news from our thoroughly corrupt SCOTUS (as long as we just mentioned Kavanaugh), namely, our Philistines in robes told both Bronze Beelzebub and Xitter King Elon I to pound sand and keep #45’s electronic communication under seal for 6 months as per a lower court order (and in accordance with Special Prosecutor Jack Smith's investigation)...I’m inclined to believe that #45, in collaboration with Xitter, would indeed want this 6-month info to determine the parties in communication with Our Treasonous Orange Man-Baby so they could either lean on them and harass them or get $$ from them of course or try to subvert our government with them...

...and today marks what would have been the 78th birthday of John Prine, who ended up as a COVID casualty, sadly... would he have been saved if he’d gotten tested for COVID earlier, using the equipment that was sent to Russia instead by you-know-who? We’ll never know.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Miss Beau informs us that it looks like Hurricane Milton is barreling its way towards Ft. Myers in Flori-DUUUH!; hope everybody has gotten the hell out, and if not, what on earth are you waiting for? Oh, and #45 was yapping about supposedly never hearing of a Cat 5 hurricane, Hurricane Dorian was a Cat 5 that happened while he was *president (leading to the whole “sharpie drawing on the map” thing, as pictured) and Hurricane Irma hit Puerto Rico (leading to the whole “watch me pitch paper towels to these people whose homes have been destroyed” thing...and it looks like guv #DeathSantis isn’t taking calls from Biden and Harris, as noted here? What a jagoff...and I guess U.S. House Speaker “MAGA Mike” Johnson couldn’t fund FEMA because he was too busy monitoring his son’s porn intake as noted here)...

...and Trae Crowder gives us some perspective as only he can on how much the wingnuts caterwaul about big gumint, though they want it to do everything they want and be completely available for them 24/7/365, though they’re too dumb to realize that (in light of the ongoing effort to clean up from Helene’s devastation, and with Milton on the way also as already noted...NSFW/H)...

...and here is my occasional reminder that a sizeable portion of this country is nuts and willing to “stand back and stand by” for Our Treasonous Orange Pustule (to do something about that, click here)...

...and Jumpin’ Judas H. Priest On A Pogo Stick! The “Old Gray Lady” FINALLY discovers that #45’s brain is turning into pudding...but OF COURSE they STILL treat Combover Caligula with kid gloves in the process – David Pakman gives us more info on that...

...and today marks what would have been the 84th birthday of John Lennon...

...and happy birthday also to Jackson Browne.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

David Pakman tells us that Our Treasonous Orange Pustule spouted off recently that Kamala Harris is murdering people at another one of these hate-filled rallies in Wisconsin (God, what a delusional psycho this guy is, but we knew that)...yep, as sick as you can imagine, and more and more incoherent as Pakman points out (I’m not even going to research his babblings...$93 trillion, huh? And buildings in Manhattan with no windows, and Democrats supposedly wanting to do something with bathrooms? And if Dems are able to take back the House, then yeah, we’ll be hearing about the Green New Deal again, you orange turd)...

...and Chris Hayes gives us more BS from Combover Caligula and Marjorie Train Wreck Greene, with the latter saying “they” can control the weather (and as Hayes points out, along with at least one Repug in North Carolina government, this stuff is hampering relief effort for people trying to recover from Helene)...I honestly don’t know what you do with the life forms who continue to believe this garbage; let them fester and stew in their own insanity and leave us alone, I guess (and Milton is on its way also, so it looks like this entire awful cycle will repeat to be wrong – all of this makes me recall this post)...

...and I know I said yesterday I would have something on the Biden Administration settling the dock workers strike, and Mike Figueredo comments on that here, featuring Harold Daggett, the leader of the striking workers, and their quest to obtain an eventual 77 percent pay increase, which, as Figueredo explains, really isn’t that unreasonable given both the specialization of their type of work and the potential danger...also a great point by Figueredo to talk about “class solidarity,” and of course, leave it to some numbskull from Fix Noise to try and spin the strike to make it sound like the longshoremen are trying to hurt farmers and other U.S. consumers while giving Maersk a pass...also, I realize that person questioning Our Ochre Abomination is going to keep yapping about INFLATION KAMALA HARRIS OMIGOD!!!, but it should be noted for about the zillionth time that INFLATION IS STATISTICALLY NOT AN ISSUE IN THIS COUNTRY!!! (here)... and as noted here, Bronzer Beelzebub might have been (with the exception of The Sainted Ronnie R) the most anti-worker president in our lifetimes, and #45’s comments about “dead head spending,” or whatever that mess was, was just a typical pro-business riff on THE ONE PERCENT MUST HAVE THEIR TAX CUTS WHILE THE GAYS AND THE TRANNIES AND THE ILLEGALS AND THOSE LAZY LOW-WAGE WORKERS HAVE TO GET IT IN THE NECK!! (NSFW/H)...

...and I have to admit that I don’t know much about Julie Su (referenced also in the Figueredo clip), but I was impressed by the way she handled that stoo-pid question from some pro-business lackey about “oh, the dockworkers can’t get a 63 percent wage increase phased in over 5 years because that cost will be passed on to consumers” nonsense (from Sam and Emma of The Majority Report...maybe the exact number of the wage increase is between the 77 from Mike Figueredo and the 63 percent here) of Sam’s good points has to do with the size of these cargo ships that can only dock in a few ports in this country and the related economic impact...

...and in keeping with anti-worker hostility in this country, this More Perfect Union clip takes a look at the Marathon Petroleum Refinery, which might be the greediest oil company in this country, and that’s saying a lot I know; the Teamsters are striking for a fairer wage and some reasonable time off for the workforce...important story, but it’s hard to hear the damn narrator!...

...and every once in a while, I think we need a bit of an inspirational tune, and I think this newer number works for now.

Monday, October 07, 2024

Monday Stuff

Chris Hayes tells us about Cantaloupe Capone blaming Biden for supposedly not handling disaster relief for the victims of Hurricane Helene properly (big shock – Our Ochre Abomination is LYING again)...but oopsie! It turns out that Our Treasonous Orange Pustule actually did that when he was in An Oval Office...and yes, give #46 and Harris credit also for handling the dock workers strike...and gosh, Sean Inanity haz a sad about the settlement...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (I’ll have more on that...the settlement, that is)...and oh yeah, a newspaper in North Carolina is telling the leader of Cult 45 to knock it off with the BS about the relief effort (here), and here is a list of Repug U.S. Senators who voted against FEMA funding, including Cancun Cruz and Lex Luthor Scott (to do something about Cruz, click here, and to do something about Scott, click here...and oh yeah, there is this too)...

Update: And here we go again, unfortunately.

...and in a related item, Jesse Dollemore lets us know about more madness from Marjorie Traitor Greene; the GA-14 loon sez “they” can “control the weather” in a tweet of course (to do something about this goofball, click here)...this echoes the Hayes clip a bit of Trump withholding aid during natural disasters (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and speaking of Scott in the “sunshine state,” John and Francesca tell us that the Repug U.S. senatorial mistake admits that “something is happening” when it comes to more extreme weather events and the scarier climate picture, but as for cutting back on carbon emissions to try and do something about it, cue the sound of crickets...and Bo-Bo Boebert’s opponent in Colorado should be able to use this latest bit of stoo-pidity against the Beetlejuice vaping queen...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen informs us that Kamala Harris is going after Bronzer Beelzebub for losing 200K manufacturing jobs...clip does a good job of showing Harris baiting #45, letting the toddler have his meltdown in the debate and then Tim Walz quite correctly chimes in on what a pathetic showing it was, and putting it in the context of other world leaders taking notes...and oh yeah, Couch Boy is indirectly crediting Biden/Harris on manufacturing jobs vs. the ones Mango Mussolini lost, whether he realizes it or not (NSFW/H)...

...and today is the one-year anniversary of Hamas’s cowardly attack on Israel (here), which has truly unleashed hell on earth in response (here), but today is also the 18th anniversary of the murder of Russian journalist Anna noted here, one of her murderers was pardoned last November for fighting in Ukraine, which is a further insult to Politkovskaya's memory as far as yours truly is concerned...

Update 10/12/24: I failed to give the reminder that Politkovskaya was murdered pretty much on Putin's birthday (here)...I'll let you make of that what you will, dear reader.

..and kudos to “The Boss” for endorsing Kamala Harris (here); I think that calls for the following tune.