Yeah, you go Christine O’Donnell and your references to “Democrat” policies, or whatever – do your best to utterly screw up what would be a highly likely “R” U.S. Senate pickup for “70-year-old, bad heart Republican” Mike Castle (And a quarter-million-dollar ad buy, huh? Aaah, I can smell the Astroturf)…
…and I know I’m a little late with this, but I didn’t want to let the week go by without showing this clip of K.O. interviewing Jeremy Scahill of The Nation about the “thanks” that Bushco is supposed to get over Iraq (spare me – kudos to Scahill for expressing the outrage we all should feel, though many do)…
…and here is my little “tribute” to Number 43 and his gang of pirates (and here is another item about Commander Codpiece)…
Update 9/4/10: And here is more "credit" for Iraq.
…and finally, I should let you know that The Philadelphia Inquirer plans to do something truly unbelievable this weekend; they plan to publish a Sunday edition without an Op-Ed section...

And though it will be good to give their readers a break from Kevin Ferris, Smerky (who has been “phoning it in,” and I’m trying to be kind here) and whatever DC-simpatico, slightly-left-of-center pundit they feel like rewarding with black and white real estate, to say nothing of Bill Lyon waxing nostalgic in the wrong section, it all still begs the following question: what the hell is a newspaper anyway if it doesn’t provide a vehicle for reader feedback?
Geez, if you’re going to do that, do it on Monday and spare some of the Inky’s readers the agony of another Krauthammer whine about Obama and the Democrats, willya?
Well anyway, this goes out to the Inky, doing its part to enhance blog readership everywhere.