OK, just when you thought we were safe, I’m back again with you-know-what…
#24, Buck McKeon
#25, Kristi Noem
#26, Hal Rogers
#27, Lou Barletta (Two bonus selections: Boren and Ross)
#28, Paul Broun
#29, Mary Bono Mack
#30, David Dreier
#31, Marsha Blackburn (including backgrounder)

…and this takes us to #23, and that would be U.S. House Repug Todd Akin of Missouri (alias Jesus Q. Nutbar, as Hunter at Daily Kos refers to him here).
Let’s see, where to begin with Akin…
Well, for starters, did you know that Akin said that “liberals hate God” (noted by Hunter)? And, as noted here, federal student loans gave America the “stage three cancer of socialism”? And by supporting the repeal of the 17th Amendment, as noted here, he wants to eliminate the right of citizens to vote for him while he runs for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Dem Claire McCaskill?
Akin is yet another pitiable excuse for a human being serving in Congress and elected by voters who, it would seem, have barely mastered the art of using a TV remote, let alone knowing how to function in a voting booth and exercising their basic duty in our democracy (Akin is noted in the video below trying to make a joke about lynching and health care reform – truly precious stuff – but the video overall is a fine compilation by Rachel Maddow of the right-wing garbage in response to the Affordable Care Act...more of Akin's awful votes on this vitally important issue are here)…
Update 8/8/12: More on Akin here...
Update 8/9/12: Surprised?
Update 8/10/12: I may not be able to keep up with all of this, but I'll try (here).
Update 8/17/12: God, what a scumwad (here).
Update 8/20/12: I'm beginning to think Akin belongs in Bellevue as opposed to the "show me" state (here).
Update 8/21/12: Actually, after reading this, I don't know who's crazier - Akin, or the people who will vote for him.
…and I don’t know about you, but I’m in the mood for a bit of summer fun, so here it is.