From me and Nat...
“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Friday Stuff
More Christmas stuff - here's Bing and Bowie...
...and the former lead singer of Johnny and the Moondogs.
...and the former lead singer of Johnny and the Moondogs.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Thursday Stuff
Not sure how I forgot this one, but somehow I did, almost...
...and I know I gave him static for playing at Flush Limbore's wedding, and he doesn't quite get the whole thing going on in Arizona, but Sir Elton is still OK anyway ...
...and I thought this was pretty neat, in case you're in the mood for a Christmas lights show and can't make it to Longwood Gardens in these parts...
...and it wouldn't be the eve of Christmas Eve without this one, would it?
...and I know I gave him static for playing at Flush Limbore's wedding, and he doesn't quite get the whole thing going on in Arizona, but Sir Elton is still OK anyway ...
...and I thought this was pretty neat, in case you're in the mood for a Christmas lights show and can't make it to Longwood Gardens in these parts...
...and it wouldn't be the eve of Christmas Eve without this one, would it?
Doomsy's Do-Gooders And Dregs (2010 - Pt. 9)

Do Gooder of the Year Nominee
Departing PA Governor Ed Rendell gets it for his veto of a gun bill that would have expanded the "castle doctrine" to "outside (of the) home or car," as the Philadelphia Inquirer puts it here (now just watch and see how fast Tom Corbett, Space Cadet signs it into law when it reaches his desk again after he's sworn in).
As I've said for about the 20 millionth time, the only issue I care about is whether or not our favoring that twisted interpretation of the Second Amendment helps law enforcement. And I can't possibly see how this, in particular, does that.
Do Gooders Of The Year Nominee
The Faith Advocates for Jobs Campaign, a coalition of religious groups launching a grass roots effort to help the unemployed, noted here (and Do Gooder citations to Sens. Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey and Bernie Sanders for joining the effort...wonder how much impact the Catholic Church would have on this issue by itself if it spent a fraction of his time fighting the scourge of unemployment as it did yapping abort abortion, euthanasia and - gasp! - human cloning...
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Repug nut case U.S. House Rep Steve King of Iowa, for calling for a return of the “Congressional internal security committees” – cutting to the chase, King is calling for a return to McCarthyism here (as I said after the 2010 election results, I now know that there are people in this country who would vote for the You Tube talking orange if it had an “R” next to its name, and in addition to Kentucky, this is one of the elections I was thinking about when I said that, for what it’s worth)
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Recent loser of the Delaware U.S. Senatorial Election Christine O’Donnell gets it for comparing the extension of unemployment benefits to Pearl Harbor and the recent death of Elizabeth Edwards – formerly, we laughed at her because she was an idiot, but now we can ridicule her because she’s utterly cruel and ultimately contemptible, noted here.
Dregs of the Year Nominees
The editorial board of the Bucks County Courier Times, for advocating here that departing Democratic congressman Patrick Murphy should run for Bucks County Commissioner; I think it’s pretty hilarious to suggest that a political figure with a national profile like Murphy’s should settle for a job doling out favors on behalf of our beloved little “backwater” (sorry, Diane).
And why exactly does the paper suggest this? Because of the GOP’s “sense of ownership and entitlement,” which the paper encourages when it refuses to report on the Rob Ciervo voter fraud letter from the November election (the PA Democratic Party filed a protest over it).
Too funny…
The "And Try Telling Me One More Time About How You Clowns Are Supposedly The Defenders Of Social Security" Citation of the Year
As noted here...
WASHINGTON – House and Senate Republicans on Wednesday thwarted Democratic efforts to award $250 checks to Social Security recipients facing a second consecutive year without a cost-of-living increase.And this from a group that sent a letter to Obama saying they wouldn't even consider working on legislation (yeah, I know...they have an interesting definition of "work on legislation," as we'll find out once more next January - ugh) until the top 2 percent of this country got an extension of their precious, stinking George Dubya Bush trillion dollar tax cut that will do absolutely nothing to generate jobs or (of course) lower the deficit.
President Barack Obama and Democrats have urged approval of the one-time payment, saying seniors barely getting by on their Social Security checks face undue hardships without the COLA increase.
But most Republicans contended that the nation couldn't afford the estimated $14 billion cost of the payment, and that the COLA freezes in 2010 and 2011 come after seniors received a significant boost in 2009.
Truly, how do these life forms sleep at night (also for this - h/t Atrios, though the Repugs later caved on Zadroga, though not without cutting almost a third of the funding).
Do Gooder of the Year Nominee
Can't forget Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo (here)
Dregs of the Year Nominees
Once again, the scumwads of the Westboro Baptist Church for planning to picket the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards (here...sometimes there truly are no words - good response here)
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Newly-minted Dem Senator Joe Manchin for opposing repeal of DADT here (I mean, of course the Repugs would oppose it along with President Snowe - Manchin, you'll recall, is the putz who fired bullets at what was supposed to be a copy of "cap and trade" legislation in opposition to Obama...Manchin would later miss votes on 12/19 for DADT again and the DREAM Act - he apologized here, but that's still pretty lame)
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Laurie Nordquist, director of Wells Fargo Institutional Retirement Trust, for the following here...
"Too many Americans have their heads in the sand in the face of obvious savings deficits," said Laurie Nordquist, director of Wells Fargo Institutional Retirement Trust. "Barring a miracle, a winning lottery ticket or a big inheritance, they're going to be forced to dramatically cut back their lifestyles after retirement."As mcjoan tells us, "Austerity for the middle class isn't the answer to solving the savings problem. Addressing income inequality is. That includes not cutting Social Security, but strengthening it. That, or we face a future that looks depressingly like Depression era America--seniors living hand to mouth."
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Repug U.S. House Rep Dana Rohrabacher, claiming here that "we" (meaning white people) will "lose our freedom" if the DREAM Act passes (don't worry, you moron - it didn't pass, though it should have)
Dregs of the Year Nominee
As a follow-up, this New York Times story tells us Repug Senator John Cornyn of Texas repeats the wingnut mythology that the recently-defeated DREAM Act "as written would have allowed illegal immigrants with criminal records to obtain citizenship."
As noted here (particularly in the following excerpt), Cornyn is lying, as is much of the wingnutosphere propagating this talking point (shocking, I know)...
The DREAM Act would give a break to immigrant high school graduates, brought to this country illegally as children and still lacking documentation. It would offer a conditional six-year residency status to those who meet its conditions, which include residency in the U.S. for more than five years, no criminal record, and enlistment in the military or enrollment at a four-year college for at least two years.Of course, it would have been nice if Times writer James McKinley, Jr. had pointed that out.
Lather, rinse, repeat...
Dregs of the Year Nominee
President Obama (again) for claiming here that Social Security, when it was founded in 1935, paid benefits to widows and orphans, which it didn't until 1939 (when it originated, it paid benefits only to workers who paid into it) - I probably would have let that go had he not also said that Social Security contributes to the deficit, which it doesn't (Medicare does, though)
Doesn't he have people to help him get this stuff right?
Do Gooder of the Year Nominee
Dave Tally rates a mention, a homeless man who found a bag containing $3,300 in cash and did the right thing, turning it into the Tempe, AZ Community Action Agency, as noted here.
And the response?
In news accounts, Mr. Tally has been praised as a homeless hero. People moved by his selflessness have sent him checks — totaling far more than was in the backpack — and have offered him jobs to help him get on his feet.Well done, Mr. Tally, and good luck to you.
On Thursday night, Mayor Hugh Hallman read a proclamation declaring it Dave Tally Day. Mr. Tally was taciturn, having recently undergone dental surgery in preparation for a whole new set of teeth donated by a local dentist. A lawyer stepped forward, too, to help Mr. Tally try to handle an old court case.
“I never imagined all this,” Mr. Tally, 49, said as he emerged from City Hall and went out onto the streets where he has scraped by for the past decade. “I just thought we’d turn the backpack over and it would be over with.”
Do Gooder of the Year Nominee
Alexandra Jarrin, who, as CNN tells us here, is compiling letters from the "99ers" to send to Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont asking for help (Lord knows that Sanders isn't the problem, but trying to convince the rest of Congress is)
Do Gooders of the Year Nominees
The NFL’s Philadelphia Eagles get a mention, and not because they're in first place in the NFC East after beating Dallas on the road and the Giants in that amazing comeback at the Meadowlands last Sunday (though those are good reasons also).
It’s because, as noted here from November, “the team announced…that it will be installing 2,500 solar panels, 80 20-ft high wind turbines and a generator that runs on natural gas and biodiesel, making its home park Lincoln Financial Field the first stadium capable of generating all of its own electricity” (h/t John at Eschaton)
Do Gooder of the Year Nominee
Dem U.S. House Rep Rush Holt for some "straight talk" for real here on Social Security...
Do Gooder of the Year Nominee
Ginger Littleton, a member of the Panama City, FL school board who tried to knock the gun out of the hand of Clay Duke with her purse; Duke fired at other school board members at a meeting of the board, missing them by inches - security guards shot Duke in the back before Duke took his own life, noted here (I don’t know if it was guts or stupidity on the part of Littleton to do what she did, but it was heroic all the same)
Dregs of the Year Nominee ("I Heard The News Today, Oh Boy" Citation)
In an otherwise fairly well-researched column, J.D. Mullane of the Bucks County Courier Times argued that The Beatles broke up over John Lennon’s remark that they were “bigger than Jesus”…actually, it had more to do with the death of manager Brian Epstein, their tiring over the circus of touring (and keep in mind that they had been playing live for years even before they made it big in the U.S. in 1964), the fact that they all got married and settled down to family commitments, the influence of current events (particularly the Vietnam War) and their flirtations with other forms of spirituality (particularly George), the desire to act in movies also (particularly John and Ringo), the legal battles with Allen Klein and all of the stuff with Apple Corps, the disintegration of their deal over the royalties of their songs which led to the fiasco of other artists owning them, even, at one time, Michael Jackson, etc., etc., etc.
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos, who said here that if Congress lifts the ban against open service and allows gays to serve without hiding their sexual orientation, the Marines could be so distracted that they would die in the line of duty, with Amos joined by the “amen” chorus of Repug nut jobs including Phil Gingrey, Buck McKeon, Duncan Hunter and Saint McCain (#1, our military has said in large numbers that they don’t care about this issue, and #2, I would argue that our service people are already “distracted” by this nonsense)
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Smerky, for acting as soon-to-be-ex Senator Arlen Specter's PR agent again here, this time nominating him to replace the late Richard Holbrooke...
I thought that when I heard the president's remembrance of Holbrooke on Monday: "As anyone who has ever worked with him knows - or had the clear disadvantage of negotiating across the table from him - Richard is relentless.I will grant Smerky’s point that Specter ended up compiling a formidable career in public service. However, on the matter of international diplomacy, I think the following should be noted from this 2006 column by the Inquirer’s Michael Rubin…
"He never stops. He never quits. Because he's always believed that if we stay focused, if we act on our mutual interests, that progress is possible. Wars can end. Peace can be forged."
Throughout more than four decades of public service, Specter has embodied many of the same characteristics. He was elected D.A. in the Republican no-fly zone of Philadelphia. Became a hard-charging prosecutor battling corruption. Helped investigate the Kennedy assassination on the Warren Commission.
He lost elections for mayor of Philadelphia, the Senate and governor before finally winning his Senate seat in 1980. For three decades, he staked out the political common ground as the Senate became increasingly overwhelmed by polarization and gridlock.
He beat open-heart surgery, a brain tumor and Hodgkin's disease (twice).
In short, he defied any number of odds to become not only Pennsylvania's longest-serving U.S. senator, but also one of the most influential elected officials in the country.
Specter's trip was his 16th taxpayer-funded visit to Syria since 1984. While he may relish the image of statesman, Specter has little but failure to show for his efforts.And oh yeah, this tells us about those $50 million in earmarks that benefited clients of a lobbyist married to one of Specter's senior aides, Vicky Siegel Herson.
Senator Specter, enjoy your retirement. You've earned it.
And Smerky, go find another public figure to mythologize.
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Orrin Hatch, for claiming here that unemployment benefits last "well over 100 weeks"; not unless they're extended, they don't (here)
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Ron Paul gets it for proposing a government shutdown here; so basically, Paul thinks it's OK if he doesn't do his job, which is to work on and try to pass legislation...wonder how many other employees would be able to get away with saying "this is the way we should adjust" and then just get up and walk away (before their sorry asses were fired, I mean)?
If Republicans despise government so much, then they should be disqualified from working in government.
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Peter Orszag, for taking a million-dollar gig at Citibank so soon after leaving the Obama Administration (yes, I realize he technically didn’t do anything wrong, not as I can tell anyway, and a lot of other individuals have parlayed government service for big dough like this, but every once in awhile, I think it’s a good thing to point out that this practice really reeks, as James Fallows notes here – h/t Jay Ackroyd at Eschaton)
Dregs of the Year Nominees (Reverse Evolutionary Moment Of The Year)
Officials in Oklahoma who used the animal tranquilizer pentobarbital to execute John David Duty, who killed a prison cellmate in 2001; as noted here…
Lawyers representing Duty and two other death-row inmates argued during a court hearing in November that use of the sedative could be inhumane and that inmates could be conscious but paralysed when the other drugs were administered.I’ll admit that I’m “sitting on a fence” when it comes to the death penalty. However, stories such as this definitely make me lean towards abolishing it altogether.
Do Gooder Of The Year Nominee - Sports Citation #1
The pic below is of Phils' manager Charlie Manuel from the Philadelphia Daily News serving dinner to Waqaar Jannat at Our Brother's Place Homeless Facility at 9th and Hamilton Streets on 12/17.

Philadelphia Eagles’ cornerback Ellis Hobbs, who bought over $100 dollars of Christmas toys for Jennifer Santoro – the Daily News story by David Gambacorta said that Hobbs, a married father of two “explained that he was fortunate to be in a position to make some else’s holiday a little brighter” (Hobbs has been dogged in his career by at least two severe neck injuries, with the latest one coming on November 21st against the Giants, and at this moment it is unclear if he’ll ever play in the NFL again – yes, he probably has more money as a pro athlete than we do, but still, he performed this wonderful act for a total stranger…all the best to him)
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Dem Senator Jon Tester, for voting against the DREAM Act (what kos sez here)...
Dregs of the Year Nominee ("You-Know-What Me" Citation)
I'm not sure exactly what happened to Charles Blow of the New York Times after the November elections, but he has turned out some truly wankerific stuff lately; here, he claimed that liberals are threatened/worried/obsessed with "Caribou Barbie" Sarah Palin (OK, repeat after me for the millionth time - I...DON'T...BLEEPING...CARE...ABOUT...THIS...WOMAN!), and here, he said that "far-left liberals would rather fight the friend who disappoints them than focus on the enemy who wants to destroy them. That’s not so for those on the right. They just want to win. Too many liberals just want to whine."
"They just want to win," huh? Gee, I guess that explains Christine O'Donnell, Sharron Angle, Linda McMahon, Carly Fiorina, Joe Raese, etc. (and I thought Paul Krugman explained pretty well here how the short-term "stimulus" of this deal will likely run out a year from now, unfortunately, just as the 2012 elections..which I can't even contemplate right now, to be honest...start preoccupying our corporate media - one of the reasons why liberals such as yours truly have been howling about the Obama tax deal).
And as far as Blow's charge of "shrinking to a little fortress of liberalism" or whatever is concerned, I thought this was a good response (I'd rather support politicians who actually fight and win versus those who acquiesce and lose - and I'll support those who fight and lose too, as long as it's for a cause I support).
Dregs of the Year Nominee
The august Bucks County Courier Times editorial board earned another citation for this Op-Ed in which it claimed that Social Security is "a government-mandated pension program" (uh, noted here, one difference between Social Security and an employer-based pension is that it's possible for someone to retire comfortably under the latter, whereas the former was always meant to be insurance that would fulfill a need for some point in time supplemented by other income, since SS didn't provide enough of a payout to do that itself).
More to the point of the column, though, the paper of course supported the wrongheaded verdict by Judge Henry Hudson against the individual mandate in health care reform (funny, but I don't recall any editorials when Judge George Caram Steeh of the Eastern District of Michigan ruled here that the individual mandate was indeed constitutional, an opinion shared by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, of all people...basically, of the 15 legal challenges thus far to health care reform, the ruling by Hudson - who, as noted here, has more than a little bit of a conflict of interest - is the first one to actually succeed).
Do Gooder of the Year Nominee
Kind of bending the rules a bit here, but I'm giving this to Michael Steele for deciding to run again for head of the RNC here; if he pulls it off, then we'll be able to have fun with his screwups for a little while longer (and I wish James Bopp were truly the idiot Steele claims he is, but it was pretty smart of Bopp, unfortunately, to get the awful Citizens United case before the docket of Hangin' Judge JR, to say nothing of getting the case won, with the seismic effects that ended up having on the 2010 elections).
Dregs of the Year Nominee
It appears that FCC head Julius Genachowski snatched defeat from the jaws of victory on Net Neutrality, as Chris Bowers explains here (God, does this administration fight for anything besides tax cuts anymore? And what a shame that Al Franken isn't in charge of the FCC, as noted here.)
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Our corporate media gets a collective citation for refusing to report on the Afghanistan War here (and don't think for a minute that I'm giving Number 44 a pass here just because he's a Democrat - we used to get in-depth reporting and analysis on stuff like this...maybe Sawyer, Couric and too many others in their clique should go back and look at some grainy, '60s-era videotapes to see some of the coverage of Vietnam if they want to learn how to do this sort of thing, or - God forbid - follow the lead of that baad hippie lib Rachel Maddow who actually journeyed there herself and reported for an entire week).
Dregs of the Year Nominee
“60 Minutes” (sticking with our corporate media), for its godawful report on states dealing with their budget crises (allowing Governor Bully to peddle all kinds of dookey virtually unanswered - somewhere I'm sure Don Hewitt is doing somersaults in his
Do Gooders of the Year Nominee
The outgoing 111th Congress gets it for repealing DADT, getting START passed, and getting Zadroga passed by voice vote, all in the "lame duck" session, which should go down as the most productive such session on record...about the only big issues I can think of that didn't end up getting addressed in one form or another as it turned out were cap and trade (which, in the scheme of things, is probably the biggest of all), the DREAM Act, and the DISCLOSE Act, the latter two of which Obama should implement as executive orders as far as I'm concerned (more here).
Dregs of the Year Nominee
And no sooner do I give the Dems credit than I come across the following in the New York Times today here (recalling a past winner)…
Democrats also disputed that the election results were a repudiation of their agenda and pointed instead at the hard times many Americans are suffering through. “The economy has been awful all over the country,” said Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader. “The economy is the reason you had the uproar from the Tea Party. That’s all it was.”

Do Gooder of the Year Nominee
Former Kaplan University academic advisor Sheldon Cobbler, who blew the whistle on Kaplan’s practice of “guerilla registration,” which is to “(enroll) students in classes they never take, without their consent and sometimes even after they have sought to withdraw from the university, in order to maximize the company's revenues” – Kaplan fired him in June (and by the way, if you want to see something hilarious, take a look at the graph at the bottom of page one here to see whether or not the WaPo, Kaplan’s “poor stepchild,” is turning a profit – tee hee…wonder how much of that green from '09 represents the salaries of Will, Broder, Cohen, Krauthammer, etc.).
Dregs of the Year Nominee
The utterly monstrous Tom Coburn gets it for doing all he could to block health benefits for 9/11 first responders (and as noted here, some of these heroes visited Coburn’s office to politely protest, and were treated shamefully in response).
There’s really no point in me pointing out with the most sarcastic language that I can what Coburn truly is. Fools in Oklahoma keep returning him to the U.S. Senate, and despite this, may very well do so again the first chance they get.
(And while this was great news, it never should have come to this - am I right? And while trillions are showered upon the "pay no price, bear no burden" crowd, Senate Repugs pinch pennies by comparison on those who risked all in midtown Manhattan that fateful day, cutting the funding from $6.2 to $4.3 billion.)
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Mann Coulter again (weirdly apt for her to get a citation as the year winds down, since she was the first in January) for saying that she hopes Germany doesn’t "reconstitute an army" here (or something - they already have one...duuuuhh!) now that the repeal of DADT has been signed – as noted here, though…
Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel, Poland, Thailand, and the United Kingdom (allows lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals to serve openly in the military), among many other (countries). Examples of countries that ban non-heterosexuals from military service include Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Venezuela--and the United States, of course.That is, until now (and Senator “Country First” kept such fine company on this issue, didn’t he?).
I'll end this next time.
Update 12/24/10: I've got some more for you...
Do Gooder of the Year Nominees
We know that New York governor David Paterson is on his way out, but he recently granted clemency to a man named John White just in time for Christmas.
As we learn from the NAACP...
In 2006, a group of teenagers came to John's Long Island home shouting words of violence, yelling racial slurs, and threatening to kill his son. John did what any father would do -- he defended his home and his family.How true that is (and a citation also to that fine lady and the NAACP members who defended White during his ordeal).
In the ensuing struggle, one of the teenagers lunged at John's handgun and was tragically killed. John was sentenced to prison.
NAACP members across New York rallied behind John, supporting his family during the trial and guarding his home. One stalwart NAACP life member, a woman from a working-class background, donated $20,000 of her life savings to help.
"It wasn't easy financially," she said, "but it was an easy choice to make. Justice only happens when we sacrifice."
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel - as noted here, his company continues to donate to anti-gay politicians despite his claims that "Target will take a leadership role in bringing together a group of companies and partner organizations for a dialogue focused on diversity and inclusion in the workplace, including GLBT issues."
Merry bleeping Christmas, you disgusting hypocrite.
Do Gooder of the Year Nominee
Manuel Lara Lopez - as Think Progress tells us here, he is a legal U.S. resident for 20 years, immigrating to Texas from Mexico like many immigrants to seek a better life. After being diagnosed with severe intestinal cancer, Lara pronounced his “dying wish was to become a U.S. citizen, and that wish was granted this week in his South Austin backyard” (and a secondary Do Gooder citation to U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel, who administered the oath)
Do Gooder of the Year Nominees
Joe and Wendy Rocca - as noted here, they work year-round sending care packages to bases where our military are stationed on the other side of the world. They call the project Operation American Soldier (sorry for not highlighting our service people more on this site...kudos to the Roccas for this).
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Wednesday Stuff
(Hopefully back to posting tomorrow...)
In the meantime, RIP Fred Foy...
...and I'm sure these remarks by John Kerry will earn a whole new round of wingnut derision over French ancestry, windsurfing, eating brie or whatever, which is what just about always happens when a bunch of loudmouths can't make an intelligent argument (here) - thank you, Senator...
...and here's some seasonal silliness...
...and some cool stuff by "Sweet Baby James."
In the meantime, RIP Fred Foy...
...and I'm sure these remarks by John Kerry will earn a whole new round of wingnut derision over French ancestry, windsurfing, eating brie or whatever, which is what just about always happens when a bunch of loudmouths can't make an intelligent argument (here) - thank you, Senator...
...and here's some seasonal silliness...
...and some cool stuff by "Sweet Baby James."
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tuesday Stuff
(Posting will be sporadic from now through the end of the year, just to let you know.)
Here is a clip of today's Jon Kyl/Lindsay Graham press conference, noted here (welcome to the world of actual work, you frauds)...
...and RIP Steve Landesberg (this was one of my favorite clips from one of my favorite shows)...
...and here's something traditional from a favorite son of our beloved commonwealth...
...and I'm not sure this needs any further explanation (and I'm also not sure that anyone wants one).
Here is a clip of today's Jon Kyl/Lindsay Graham press conference, noted here (welcome to the world of actual work, you frauds)...
...and RIP Steve Landesberg (this was one of my favorite clips from one of my favorite shows)...
...and here's something traditional from a favorite son of our beloved commonwealth...
...and I'm not sure this needs any further explanation (and I'm also not sure that anyone wants one).
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday Stuff
I guess Cleavon Little stole his white robe and hood from Haley Barbour (here)...
...and this goes out to Barbour and that whole "tell me again how The Civil War was really about states rights" crowd...
...turning to the spirit of the season, we have this offering from Mr. Shatner (only a joke, people)...
...and an "oughts-era" update to a timeless tale (hat tip to one of my senior correspondents for this one).
...and this goes out to Barbour and that whole "tell me again how The Civil War was really about states rights" crowd...
...turning to the spirit of the season, we have this offering from Mr. Shatner (only a joke, people)...
...and an "oughts-era" update to a timeless tale (hat tip to one of my senior correspondents for this one).
Doomsy's Do-Gooders And Dregs (2010 - Pt. 8)

The “Let’s Decry The Patronage ‘Sausage-Making’ Behind Health Care Reform…And By The Way, Look Over There – ACORN!” Citation Of The Year
U.S. Senate Repugs reportedly offered incoming Dem Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia $1 billion for a plant to convert coal to diesel fuel that has stalled under Democratic leadership in Washington if Manchin were to switch parties (but just remember that only Dems make tawdry, back-room deals…and why anyone would be dumb enough to trust a Repug on anything is something I cannot imagine - here).
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Dem (!) Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia for comparing progressives to teabaggers here (lucky for Warner he isn’t up for re-election until 2014 – of course, we have long memories, as well as that Google thingie...Warner also gets it for this)
Do Gooder of the Year Nominee
I don’t know how many others besides me have noticed this, but former Reagan White House Budget Director David Stockman has really been smacking down some in his own party over our budget mess, including House Repug Mike Pence of Indiana here – a little late to the game, but welcome (also here)…
Do Gooders of the Year Nominee
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors, who, as noted here “banned most McDonald's Happy Meals with toys, as they're now served...The ordinance (issued by the Board) requires McDonald's and other fast-food servings with toys to meet new nutritional standards” (the wingnut harrumphing will begin momentarily)
“You Better Think Twice” Citation Of The Year
Yes, we know the rules of the filibuster in the U.S. Senate really stink, but guess what? I don’t think anyone should be in a hurry to fix them assuming the Dems lose the majority in the Senate in 2012, which, given the amount of unregulated corporate campaign spending by the “U.S” Chamber of Commerce and other groups benefitting from the horrible Citizens United ruling, is a real possibility (if there’s one thing I’m sick and tired of almost beyond words, it’s this notion that the Repugs are allowed to play dirty, but the Dems have to play by the rules...Obama should issue an executive order implementing the DISCLOSE Act to try and prevent another electoral catastrophe in 2012...still, though, I'll admit dday makes some good points here).
Dregs of the Year Nominees
Anyone involved in any way at all with trying to get President Snowe to become a Democrat (here...I can’t criticize what the Repugs are trying to do with Manchin but pretend that this is OK in the other direction just because Democrats are doing it)
Dregs of the Year Nominees
The “catfood commission” gets it for its proposal to cut Social Security and Medicare (gee, what a surprise) as well as eliminate the home mortgage deduction (ditto) while also eliminating the Earned Income Tax Credit which, as Atrios notes, “is about the only thing we do for the working poor.”
Also (noted here)…
The proposed simplification of the tax code would repeal or modify a number of popular tax breaks — including the deductibility of mortgage interest payments — so that income tax rates could be reduced across the board. Under the plan, individual income tax rates would decline to as low as 8 percent on the lowest income bracket (now 10 percent) and to 23 percent on the highest bracket (now 35 percent). The corporate tax rate, now 35 percent, would also be reduced, to as low as 26 percent.This whole episode was utterly unproductive and totally futile. And it has Obama’s name on it (and somehow I’m sure he knew it would be a dead dog – that’s why he happened to be in Asia when all of this “dropped”).
Weirdest Political Anecdote of the Year
During an interview with Matt Lauer to promote his book “Decision Points,” Dubya (who of course was nowhere to be found before the election, but suddenly became ubiquitous after November 2nd) said that his mother, Mrs. “Beautiful Mind” herself, kept the remains of her miscarried fetus in a jar and showed it to her son when he was a teenager (, that’s seriously messed up even for that family).
Dregs of the Year Nominees
U.S. House Rep-elect (ugh) Allen West and hate radio host (and almost-West-chief-of-staff) Joyce Kaufman for this (more on West later)…
“Happy Ending” Of The Year
Myanmar democracy champion Aung San Suu Kyi was released after seven years of house arrest (here).
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Senator “Country First” for his ridiculous DADT posturing (and what a shame that his wife took such a courageous stand but then decided to “walk it back”) here (more here - DADT would eventually be repealed, of course)…
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Bill Orally gets it for his response to Dana Milbank here – it seems Milbank (formerly unsympathetic for “Mouthpiece Theater” and his put-downs of HuffPo’s Nico Pitney for his great Iranian uprising coverage of last year) quite correctly pointed out how Fix Noise was the number one cheerleader for the Repug takeover of the U.S. House on 11/2 (I would also put the Bucks County Courier Times in the “top 10” in that department, by the way).
Well, how does “Billo” react? By remarks about “beheading” Milbank, to which Milbank responds as follows…
Hilarious! Decapitation jokes just slay me, and this one had all the more hilarity because the topic of journalist beheadings brings to mind my late friend and colleague Danny Pearl, who replaced me in the Wall Street Journal's London bureau and later was murdered in Pakistan by people who thought sharia justified it.And somewhere, I’m sure David Zurawik or Stu Bykofsky will write a column saying that Keith Olbermann is somehow worse because he had too many liberals on “Countdown.”
Do Gooder of the Year Nominee
Biting my lip on this one big time, but I have to give it to Holy Joe Lieberman for standing up to “Straight Talk” McCain on DADT here (and for this - whoa!)…
The “Remind Me Never To Purchase The Oxford American Dictionary” Citation Of The Year
“Refudiate,” a nonexistent term made up by a former moose-hunting half-term governor of Alaska, was named Oxford’s “Word of the Year” here (good job on giving a nomination to “bankster,” though)
The “Enough Already!” Citation Of The Year
MSNBC suspends Joe Scar over Republican Party campaign donations (here - seriously, Phil Griffin, you’re just a laughingstock on this issue right now...stop digging the hole).
“Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire” Citation of the Year
The “U.S.” Chamber of Commerce tells Obama they won’t support defeating him in 2012 here (and why exactly should I consider them to be credible on this or anything else?)
Do Gooders of the Year Nominees
The “please tax us” millionaires (here)…
Dregs of the Year Nominees
The TSA and its administrator John S. Pistole for stories such as this (yep, whenever both Daily Kos and Red State are mad at the same agency for the same reason, that’s pretty historic...and I thought this was an - ahem - interesting column on the subject)…
The “So Really, What Else Did You Expect?” Citation of the Year
Soon after joining the Congressional Black Caucus, Repug U.S. House Rep Allen West of Florida “accused the organization of failing the black community by promoting dependence on government welfare programs” here (and more on West is here - and still more is here).
Dregs of the Year Nominees
Our “allies” in Israel for this (and it rates a three-month suspended sentence – unbelievable)…
Do Gooders of the Year Nominee
Motor Trend Magazine gets it for choosing the hybrid Chevy Volt as the 2011 Car of the Year, which is good enough. What is better, though, is the smack-down they gave to a certain Flush Limbore who has drooled, bloviated and generally made a bigger fool out of himself than usual (is that possible?) over the vehicle, with Motor Trend reminding Limbore that “driving and OxyContin don’t mix” here (BOO-YAAH!).
Dregs of the Year Nominees
So many reasons to nominate the “U.S.” Chamber of Commerce, primarily for using money from foreign entities in U.S. elections, but also for their bitching about Obama generally, including the supposedly onerous taxes their clients have to pay (please), when, in fact, “U.S. corporations are on track for (their) biggest earnings growth in 22 years and the stock market is headed for its best back-to- back annual gains since 2004” (noted here).
Do Gooders of the Year Nominee
Forty six percent of those polled here who would change the Constitution to ban unlimited corporate funding in elections in response to the Citizens United atrocity of a Supreme Court ruling (and a Dregs citation to the thirty six percent opposed)…
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush for changing that state’s Medicaid program as part of an “experimental overhaul,” meaning that enrollees “(have) to deal with a private, for-profit insurance company to get…care, not a government agency accountable to the public” – one reason why this matters is noted here in the case of 37-year-old program member Alisa Wilson, who needed a liver transplant which was repeatedly denied; as Think Progress tells us here…
After “scores of e-mails and…the help of a Florida state legislator,” the HMO, Sunshine State Health, finally gave in and approved coverage for Wilson (in early November). Yet her health was too severe for surgery by then. On Friday evening (November 19th), Wilson passed away:And God knows how many Alisa Wilsons there are in this country (but oh, it’s really the fault of that baad Michael Moore who made a film about this which was “loose with the facts,” although nobody can point out where he was wrong).
If Jeb Bush decides to run for president in 2012, it’s going to get really interesting. This is a pretty severe and tragic story, but there’s a whole bunch of bad lesser stuff that got swept under the proverbial rug on his watch, and it will all come out.
“Come To Jesus” Moment of the Year
Pope Benny says that condoms “may be OK under certain circumstances” to prevent AIDS here (baby steps to be sure, but progress)…
Felon of the Year
Tom DeLay was convicted of money laundering charges here in November (and to refresh your memory on what a despicable character he is – if you need such a reminder – read this, in which his repeated references to the “Democrat” Party are a comparatively minor offense; awfully funny to hear a guy who never served questioning the patriotism of others, though...still awaiting a sentence).
Geographically Challenged Wingnut Of The Year (Wasilla entry)
Sarah Palin says here that we have to “stand with our North Korean allies” (ummm, no).
Turkey of the Year
Repug U.S. House Rep Todd Akin said here that the Pilgrims came to the U.S. to flee “unbiblical socialism” (of course, the Pilgrims coming to this country is ostensibly what we observe at Thanksgiving, and they came to flee religious persecution) – sorry, but wrong...thanks for playing our game; here are some lovely parting gifts.
Inappropriate Invocation of a Deity Of The Year
Buffalo Bills wide receiver Steve Johnson blamed God for Johnson’s dropped pass in the end zone of what would have been an overtime Bills victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers here – a little later, Pittsburgh ended up winning on a field goal (sounds like Johnson should introduce himself to Scott Norwood, since both have experience with failing to win big games for their team).
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Juan Williams gets it for spouting the usual conservative garbage about the unemployed here, which is actually a bit funny in a “gallows humor” kind of way because, if our corporate media paid a fraction of the attention to the everyday unemployed that it devoted to Williams when he was fired from NPR (and seamlessly moved to his current pricey gig with Fix Noise), then maybe this country would be a hell of a lot less tolerant of the inane garbage composed of political talking points that passes for actual reporting on this subject (h/t Atrios).
Dregs of the Year Nominees
Bushco, now and always, get it for this among other reasons (on the utterly interminable tax cut thing, with their minions still towing the line here of course).
Dregs of the Year Nominee
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who apparently is a subject matter expert on a particular bodily function (I’ll let you, dear reader, check this out without any further explanation on my part)
Dregs of the Year Nominee
I know I just got done with tax cuts, and God do I hate to mention that subject again, but Katie Couric gets it here for blaming the Democrats for the ten-year expiration of Bushco's scheme (Couric is now what she always has been, and that is a corporate media bubblehead).
More later (it will probably take ten posts to cover everything)...
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday Stuff
Christmas with "Family Guy" - can't beat it...
...and even though our football team did something pretty damn amazing today, this is a clip from this city's hockey team from 1984-85 - I thought this was inspired too (they would go on to lose the Stanley Cup final to the Edmonton Oilers in five games).
...and even though our football team did something pretty damn amazing today, this is a clip from this city's hockey team from 1984-85 - I thought this was inspired too (they would go on to lose the Stanley Cup final to the Edmonton Oilers in five games).
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