Saturday, November 14, 2020

Saturday Stuff

I wonder how much our corporate media would be absolutely screaming for Joe Biden to concede to Mango Mussolini if, tragically, last Tuesday’s results had gone the opposite way? Are they quiet on the subject because the Gropenfuhrer has the magic “R” after his name, and our fourth estate cousins like that?...

...and once again, I know what The Lincoln Project is, but their ads are good, and they’re absolutely right once more here (about Repugs McConnell, Perdue, Loeffler and McCarthy “putting America first”)...

...and this Really American clip brings the receipts, you might say, on Kelly Loeffler (to help Raphael Warnock in one of the two GA special runoff elections in January, click here)...

...and I honestly had not heard Sen. David Perdue’s deliberate mispronunciation of VP-elect Kamala Harris’s name before this clip, but yeah, it is indeed pretty gross, as Rachel Maddow tells us (to help Jon Ossoff in the other of the two GA special runoff elections in January, click here)...

...and boy, did Chris Hayes ever “find the nut” on this one; anybody who thinks Republicans will do ANYTHING except try to kneecap the incoming Biden/Harris administration any possibly way they can should pay attention to this clip (e.g., the Judy Shelton saga and the “loyal opposition” trying to “salt” everything – typically disgusting crap from Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao...I don’t want to imagine how twisted the life forms are who actually vote for this death eater, and I meant the current, and possibly future, Senate Majority Leader...again, to do something about that, click here to support Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in the Georgia runoff elections in January...and gee, wasn't Lisa Murkowski supposed to be an actual grownup in "the world's greatest deliberative body" as noted here?)...

...and here’s a relatively newer, bluesy tune from this century – enjoy.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Friday Stuff

John Iadarola and Aida Rodriguez tell us that Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Russian Operative in An Oval Office is now pissed off at his own media channel (and making noises like he wants to start his own network) over the result of the presidential election (“The people who put down others for the participation ribbon are now crying for a participation ribbon”...uh, yep...and that Scott Baio anecdote with the mugs is pretty much beyond belief, even for this bunch)...

...and one of the biggest targets for Mango Mussolini apparently is Al Schmidt, who 45 has been going after for alleged election fraud, or something, though of course those ridiculous claims absolutely disintegrate when held up to serious scrutiny, as noted here (Brian Tyler Cohen explains)...

...and Thom Hartmann tells us that Georgia is pushing for a statewide hand recount...sure, go ahead and lose all over again (I like Thom’s “national vote” clarification vs. “popular vote”...have to read up more on what Hartmann proposes at the end – the “interstate compact” I believe...damn, I don't even want to imagine the 2024 election!)...

...and good for that radical socialist (joke) Bernie Sanders for calling out Our Soon-To-Be-Former Orange Pustule-In-Chief (Now This)...

...and Kyle tells us that 72 percent of those polled on Fix Noise want government-run health, I definitely don’t think The Roger Ailes BS Factory saw that coming either (and I wish I could argue with Kyle on his assessment on congressional Democrats, but I can’t at this moment, except to point out that I don’t believe every single progressive won, but I’d have to do more research on that – comparing to FDR is a little unfair, but I agree with Kyle’s general commentary on that – a lot of groups helped Biden win to varying degrees, and yes, that includes some crossover Republicans too – I honestly don’t know if Bernie Sanders would have been able to pull off what Biden did, and I don’t say that lightly because I supported Sanders...criticism of Pelosi is fair, and Chuck Schumer is as good at running political campaigns as his niece is at telling jokes...or whatever the hell Amy Schumer is)...

...and Ali Velshi tells us that it sounds like the Repugs are still trying to keep their lame-brained followers all ginned up for the two Georgia runoffs, and that’s part of the reason for not publicly supporting the Biden win (to help Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, click here)...

...though of course (as Ana and Cenk tell us) that doesn’t excuse the fact that only 4 Repug senators have straight-up acknowledged the Biden win and the rest are saying Trump still has a shot, and the percentage is close to that for Republican governors also...Cenk’s outrage at the end is totally justified IMHO...

...and I know that, on previous Fridays the 13th (I think that's the correct plural), I've included "Born Under A Bad Sign," but I thought I'd give that a break this time and include this number with the first clip in mind.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thursday Stuff

Lawrence O’Donnell gave us a nice commentary last night about the silence of the Gropenfuhrer in response to the election...gosh, you mean we haven’t been subjected to any tweet storms recently? What a blessing indeed (and yes, Ron Klain is an outstanding choice for Chief of Staff, as much as my opinion matters in this stuff I know)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us what President-Elect Biden had to say in response to whether or not he intends to pursue his own legal action, which, as far as I’m concerned, is an utterly ridiculous question...our corporate media is going to have to make the adjustment to treating a presidential administration like responsible adults again, and I wonder if they’re up for the challenge?...

...and Ali Velshi brought us a great report last night on the new Native American Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. (and by the way, Native Americans delivered Arizona for the Dems, let’s not forget, as noted here – Velshi is sitting in for Rachel Maddow who apparently is in quarantine; all the best for a speedy recovery...11/3 was most definitely a bright spot in the presidential election, but otherwise, the slog of 2020 trudges on)...

...and happy 75th birthday to Neil Young – I know I included one of his tunes last week for a good reason, but here are two more for the occasion.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Wednesday Stuff

John and Francesca give us the latest on Generalissimo Trump’s hissy fit over the recent election results (Loser! Pathetic! Sad!). Oh, and here’s perhaps the best:

...and TYT gives us “In Memoriam: The Trump Presidency”...

...and K.O. leads in here with remarks from that self-important baboon Mike Pompeo basically not accepting the results of the recent presidential election and then discusses all the federal dollars that blue states send to red states...personally, I think states receiving an excess of federal dollars over what they generate (Kentucky, South Carolina, etc.) should have to pay a hefty fee, and the money could be used (in part) to help upgrade our national infrastructure at long last...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Dommsy History” (more or less) from 11/8/16, in which Bill Maher (when he used to actually be funny) points out the typically stupid contradiction of so-called “fundamentalist Christians” supporting someone like Soon-To-Be-Departing #45 (interesting also in light of this)...

...and Sam Seder talks with Benjamin Dixon about the two Georgia runoffs in January (to help, click here and here) – yes, there are built-in Repug advantages here, but it will also be an all-out fight also, and we need to “leave it all in the road”...

...and David Pakman tells us that President-elect Biden is getting ready to launch a parallel coronavirus task force (and yeah, get ready for the concern trolling on the deficit also)...

...and I thought this was a nice welcome for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from German Chancellor Angela Merkel...

...and in light of Veterans Day, I thought I'd present this tune (also, when Republicans contest absentee ballots, they hsouldn't forget this, and I thought this was timely also).

Monday, November 09, 2020

Monday Stuff

As I noted on Halloween, this utterly ridiculous sign appeared at the intersection of Route 332 and Stony Hill Road in these parts recently, before Election Day of course. Well, given that world leaders have been calling President-Elect Joe Biden to congratulate him and incoming (and history making) veep Kamala Harris, you would think Xi Jinping would be one of the first people to offer best wishes. However, he apparently hasn't (along with Putin of course, which isn't surprising as you can guess, as noted here)...with Chinese media expressing "cautious optimism" instead.

Weird, huh?

And speaking of weird, it looks like the “mayor of 9/11” recently held a press conference next to Four Seasons Landscaping off State Road in Philly announcing that the Trumpsters will contest the election results...truly, you can’t make this stuff up (more here and here).

And just remember, boys and girls, “Networks don’t get to decide elections. Courts do.” (interesting comment in light of this)...

Update: Just no words, people...

...and Farron Cousins tells us how Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao will continue to do his obstructionist number for as long as humanly possible (though I would always dispute McConnell’s alleged humanity, to be honest – to help Jon Ossoff, click here, and to help Raphael Warnock, click here; both are Dems running in Georgia’s special elections on 1/5/21...electing them is the only shot we have at stopping McConnell)...

...and Cenk and Ana of TYT tell us about Dem U.S. House Rep Ilhan Omar’s response to the remarks from Generalissimo Trump about her and her home state of Minnesota...“I guess he F’d around and found out.” - nice...I’m sure this will prompt a whole other round of wingnut garbage about Omar allegedly marrying her brother (here)...great last 2 minutes or so from Cenk...

...and is it my imagination, or is Pat Robertson slowly turning into Gollum, with Robertson predicting a Trump win, as he did previously with Willard Mitt Romney (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and with the prior clip in particular in mind (and the first one too, I suppose), do you want to know what the rest of the world thinks of how we vote in this country? Well, I think this gives you some idea (and yes, Dems have gerrymandered, but Repugs did it on steroids in 2010 with Project Redmap...NOBODY SHOULD DO IT!).

And hell, I’d even take a “Democracy Big Mac,” but a sausage is good too...

...and given the clip from The Guardian, I couldn’t resist adding this tune.

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Sunday Stuff

(I should note that I expect to be gradually cutting back on the Trump memes, which I'm happy to do given the most recent presidential win for Biden/Harris.)

Brian Tyler Cohen tells us here about Generalissimo Trump bitching about the ballot counting in the recently-completed presidential election, to the point where even the Fix Noise reporter calls out the anchor on it (I realize this issue is pretty settled, but I’m sure this charge will be resurrected for the lawsuits which I’m sure will be ongoing...and not surprisingly, Hunter of Daily Kos nails it here)...

...and John I. and Jayar of “The Damage Report” tell us that “the squad” doubled as a result of the 2020 contests, which of course is good news...

...but what isn’t good of course is the fact that our corporate media is taking EXACTLY THE WRONG LESSON from what just happened; I hate to break the news to anybody, but except for Biden and results noted above (and outliers like Mark Kelly and Hickenlooper, as well as some ballot measures), there really isn’t a hell of a lot to take comfort from if you’re a Democrat...yes, it took a broad coalition to boot Our Orange Pustule from office (which is the prize we needed to win of course), and good luck trying to keep that coalition together going forward, but as I tried to emphasize here also, we have to be about economic populism first and foremost...I actually think that’s some of what Claire McCaskill tried to communicate, albeit in an incredibly stupid way (and invoking “coastal elites”...really resisting an urge to throw my TV out the window in the general direction of Missouri), and one could legitimately ask WHY THE HELL SHE DIDN’T CAMPAIGN ON THAT WHEN SHE WAS SENATOR OF THAT STATE!!!

(Oh, and Brian Williams tells Michael Steele, of all people, he can take a “victory lap.” Pardon me while I gag! Do you know who’s entitled to take a “victory lap” for real? Some of the people mentioned here (90-something percent turnout in Detroit, with Rashida Tlaib, people! well as tribal Native American support in Arizona). Also, people like Conor Lamb and Abigail Spanberger have to resist getting their shorts in a knot when the “socialism” charge is thrown at them. Republicans have been playing that stupid game for 70 years! Haven’t you figured out that that’s code for rewarding the well-off and stabbing everybody else in the back? Why are you still playing that nonsense with them? I will admit once more, though, that “defund the police” is stoo-pid on so many levels as a slogan.)

It might be a good idea to remind some “chicken little” Democrats why they ended up in the U.S. House majority in the first place two years ago. The first issue was protecting the ACA which was (and still is) under continual Republican attack. The second was that horrible December 2017 tax bill that rewarded the one percent...again...and blew up the deficit...again. So yeah, Democrats, you have NO CHOICE but to run on economic issues as opposed to “values” nonsense (and yeah, once more, I know what The Lincoln Project is, but they did good work with their ads)...

...and some of what Cenk and Ana said above is echoed here by Sam Seder and Emma Vigeland, who is a bit of negative Cassandra at times I’ll admit, though she’s ostensibly right; it’s going to take imagination and strategy to craft an economically populist message in swing districts, but as far as I’m concerned, if you’re even somewhat competent as a Democrat, you should be able to pull that off...or, if you need help, try reaching out to AOC, as noted here (behind the NYT pay wall)...

...still, though, I think we’re allowed to take a bit of a breather and celebrate (here)...

Update 11/9/20: Granted the bar is set really low here, but credit to Dubya where it's due (here).

...and why not do so with this tune?