Yeah, I know I told everybody to ignore the master debaters last night (heh), but as long at they're giving us free ammunition (here)...
...and we can have a laugh over the idiocy in the prior video, but the stuff Cenk tells us about that is at least tangentially tied to Not Your Father's Republican Party is deadly serious...
...but of course none of this phases “the base,” as noted here – yep, time for another installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 8/5/09...
...switching things a bit, John Oliver had a neat segment on Washington, D.C., where "taxation without representation" lives...
..and who else should be featured in the penultimate video this week but this guy, who mentored Oliver and so many others (here) – can't thank you enough, Jon...
...and this Sunday marks the 20th anniversary of the passing of Jerry Garcia.
“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Friday, August 07, 2015
Thursday, August 06, 2015
Thursday Stuff
(By the way, don't be too shocked, but I also added what I think is a timely post here; knowing me, it's probably not hard to figure out.)
Yeah, I don't know why the hell the L.A. cops won't admit they're wrong either - and don't you just love the barely-veiled threat in the last sentence from their statement? (here). Regardless, their treatment of Ted Rall (both the cops and the utterly gutless management of the L.A. Times) stinks to high heaven...
...and I thought this was a good Thom Hartmann commentary on Bernie Sanders...
...and after this, I just want to say the following - WAY TO GO, NETFLIX!...
...and as noted here, today marks the 70th anniversary of the dropping of the A-bomb on Hiroshima; as I’d said before, I’m going against liberal orthodoxy I know to say that I think it was justified; I’ve read and seen many scholarly individuals like Oliver Stone contend that it shouldn’t have occurred, and while I don’t contest the history they present, I do contest somewhat their interpretation of it…anyway, here is a tune for the occasion (and Todd sings the "f" word a couple of times for emphasis).
Yeah, I don't know why the hell the L.A. cops won't admit they're wrong either - and don't you just love the barely-veiled threat in the last sentence from their statement? (here). Regardless, their treatment of Ted Rall (both the cops and the utterly gutless management of the L.A. Times) stinks to high heaven...
...and I thought this was a good Thom Hartmann commentary on Bernie Sanders...
...and after this, I just want to say the following - WAY TO GO, NETFLIX!...
...and as noted here, today marks the 70th anniversary of the dropping of the A-bomb on Hiroshima; as I’d said before, I’m going against liberal orthodoxy I know to say that I think it was justified; I’ve read and seen many scholarly individuals like Oliver Stone contend that it shouldn’t have occurred, and while I don’t contest the history they present, I do contest somewhat their interpretation of it…anyway, here is a tune for the occasion (and Todd sings the "f" word a couple of times for emphasis).
Wednesday, August 05, 2015
Wednesday Stuff
About 50 years ago this week, Morley Safer, then a Vietnam war correspondent, told us of the operation going on in the village of Cam Ne, which, as far as I'm concerned, demonstrated a whole other level of courage as a foreign correpondent (here)...
...and God, I wish those other fools and frauds on Capitol Hill had a fraction of Elizabeth Warren's guts (here)...
...and as bad as it is that the "party of Lincoln" is trying to eliminate women's health care, Rev. Al tells us how they're trying to do the same thing with social programs yet again – his last sentence here should be cast in 20-foot type on billboards all over this country (and when it comes to the VRA, let’s not forget this)…
…and I suppose this tune works on at least a couple of levels.
...and God, I wish those other fools and frauds on Capitol Hill had a fraction of Elizabeth Warren's guts (here)...
...and as bad as it is that the "party of Lincoln" is trying to eliminate women's health care, Rev. Al tells us how they're trying to do the same thing with social programs yet again – his last sentence here should be cast in 20-foot type on billboards all over this country (and when it comes to the VRA, let’s not forget this)…
…and I suppose this tune works on at least a couple of levels.
Tuesday, August 04, 2015
Tuesday Stuff
Former President Carter tells Thom Hartmann that we don’t have a representative democracy any more in this country, more like an oligarchy as Carter puts it, which, sadly, I think is spot-on (here)…
…and after watching this, I can say that I REALLY am going to miss Jon Stewart…
...and wow, what a collection of performers whose careers "The Daily Show" helped to start, huh?...
…and RIP Lynn Anderson, who had a crossover pop hit with this little number awhile back (harking back to the ‘70s and Number 39 in the White House).
…and after watching this, I can say that I REALLY am going to miss Jon Stewart…
...and wow, what a collection of performers whose careers "The Daily Show" helped to start, huh?...
…and RIP Lynn Anderson, who had a crossover pop hit with this little number awhile back (harking back to the ‘70s and Number 39 in the White House).
Monday, August 03, 2015
Monday Stuff
I cannot possibly understand why Rachel Maddow is now intent on spending the overwhelming majority of her show any more opining on the “clown car” of Republican presidential candidates (Comcast must be leaving a foul stain on everything and everyone), but during a recent moment she actually gave us responsible journalism when she interviewed Sandy and Lonnie Phillips here, the parents of Jessica Ghawi, one of the 12 people murdered by the coward James Holmes in an Aurora, Colorado movie theater – oh, and did I mention that the Phillipses are being sued for six digits by that state’s gun makers under an existing law? What country am I living in again?...
...and I would ask that you contrast that story with this one, in which Los Angeles is trying to ban high-capacity magazines...
…and boy, have I got an evergreen item for “This Day In Doomsy History,” dating back to August 2nd, 2007 – the first of three (I think) installments of “Back Talk,” and this one may be the best (NSFW)…
…and yeah, way to go, you nitwits who wrecked HitchBOT (here) – no problem in Germany or Canada, but he only lasted a couple of weeks in this country (“U-S-A,”!, “U-S-A”!)…here’s a tune for the occasion.
...and I would ask that you contrast that story with this one, in which Los Angeles is trying to ban high-capacity magazines...

…and yeah, way to go, you nitwits who wrecked HitchBOT (here) – no problem in Germany or Canada, but he only lasted a couple of weeks in this country (“U-S-A,”!, “U-S-A”!)…here’s a tune for the occasion.
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