Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday Stuff

I thought this was a great ad for Dem Lucas Kunce in the Missouri U.S. Senate race from John many reasons to oppose “Running Man” Josh Hawley, many of which are mentioned (more is here, and to help Kunce, click here)...

...and Jordan Uhl and Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks discuss a ballot initiative in support of abortion in AZ with 577K signatures, the highest total of signatures for a ballot initiative in that state’s history, and it looks like an abortion rights measure is gaining ground in Missouri also; a discussion follows about Josh Hawley and Lucas Kunce in that state...and I’m glad to hear an acknowledgement of Maryland from Jordan Uhl, since that is a dicey race indeed (some updated polling on Arizona appears a little I’ve said, I try to be careful with TYT videos, but I think this is a good one to be fair)...

...and Leeja Miller takes another deep dive into the question of whether or not you should leave the US based on the possibility of Dementia J. Trump actually winning in November (yes, that possibility is looking less likely, but it will be a fight to the end, people)...I’m not going to kid you; this has been a topic of discussion within Le Manse Doomsy, but to say there are monumental implications of something like that is as big an understatement as you can imagine...”it is so hard to have any perspective when you’re in a burning building” and “When progressive perfection and martyrdom become the only acceptable way to participate in the fight for progressive change, most people are going to tap out” for sure...I think this is a pretty balanced look at the question, and props to Miller for actually going abroad and getting the “expat” perspective here (NSFW/H)... what is Our Ochre Abomination railing about exactly since he and his fake hillbilly sidekick apparently are losing ground all over the place? Why, that would be the crowd size at the Harris/Walz rallies, with Our Treasonous Tiny Handed former *preznit yelling that the Dem pics are AI-generated, or something, as David Doel tells us (and Doel effectively debunks this nonsense, as if we expected #45 to actually tell the truth, which we don’t of course)...

...and Jesse Dollemore gives us an example of “moron math” practiced by the Repug presidential nominee...meanwhile, in the world of reality, inflation is at about 3 percent, which is about normal, so the Inflation Reduction Act from President Biden worked – and here is a fact check on the typical preposterous nonsense from our demented lying narcissistic sociopath about immigrants supposedly taking all of the jobs created under #46...more here (NSFW/H)...

...and this clip from More Perfect Union tells us about the heat obstacles faced by migrant workers who pick the fruit/produce that ends up in our markets and our dinner tables...I know it’s a broken record to keep saying this, but it bears repeating; you may have some chance with Dems on human rights issues like this (e.g., water breaks for workers in extreme heat), but you have no chance with the “party of Lincoln” I’ve said before, I’m old enough to remember when our corporate news media would make documentaries and air them in prime time, including this one related to this issue...and only 5 states have heat safety standards? I guess this is emblematic of a late-stage capitalist economy, unfortunately (and I’d pay money to see this Flori-DUUUH! asshat Thad Altman have to pick grapes, tomatoes, etc. in 100-plus-degree heat)...and as I watched this and realized that it would be up to OSHA to make sure farms did what they were supposed to, I can see agribusinesses running to the courts and citing the utterly ruinous SCOTUS ruling that kneecapped federal agency enforcement as a defense (here)...

...and I can’t let the week wind down without acknowledging that last Sunday marked the 10th anniversary, believe it or not, of the death of Robin Williams...good luck trying to pick just one clip of his best moments; I settled on this one from Johnny Carson – I could start filling up posts with clips from all over the place, and I probably still wouldn’t do him we know, he won his Oscar for “Good Will Hunting” in 1997, which was richly deserved; "Awakenings" was well done also - Williams was good, but Robert De Niro REALLY nailed his role...

...and as long as we’re discussing milestones, yesterday was the 55th anniversary of the beginning of the Woodstock Music and Art Fair in upstate New York – so many memorable performances IMO, including this one.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday Stuff

(More on the cartoon is here.)

Texas Paul of the Meidas Touch Network calls out the neo-Nazi acting like a total nut at a Seattle airport...I’d heard a little about Heinz Guderian, but I admit I didn’t know much about him, except that he was referred to in a great song by Al Stewart...kind of disturbing to hear T.P. saying this Seattle goofball may very well end up killing people, but he’s probably right, though I’d love to be wrong of course...and here is more on what The Sainted Ronnie R did to this country's mental health (NSFW/H)...

...and color me shocked, but apparently, 29 of 36 people interviewed from these Project 2025 videos actually labored for Mango Mussolini during his prior ruinous term in office, including some public affairs dude who looks to me like Rasputin (you can Google the link yourself, people)...Desi Lydic of The Daily Show tells us about it (and more totally unsurprising stuff on this is here)...

...and boy, somebody is going to get sent back to the indoctrination factory for this one – John Iadarola and Sharon Reed (not them) of The Damage Report let us know that Newsmax apparently stumbled and reported the actual truth about Bronzer Beelzebub – the leader of Cult 45 referred to immigrants as “animals” and it was reported that way, and the wingnut audience for that channel lost their collective sh*t over OF COOUURRSSE Newsmax caved...and I know you’ll be SHOCKED to hear about Fix Noise editing the clip to get rid of Biden acknowledging the trans day of visibility...not!...

...and man, if Cantaloupe Capone loses enough of his evangelical base, than that REALLY is going to go a long way for Harris/Walz...but again, this will be a fight to the end (retired Army Major Richard Ojeda tells us more...liked the parody Bible verse he cites in this clip about crowd size)...

...and this video from More Perfect Union tells us about Kamala Harris receiving support from the UAW...I really like the fact that those union members interviewed expressed interest and support of the Harris/Walz ticket concerning a variety of issues, even Israel’s latest incursion into Gaza (and God almighty, that started last October with hostages seized by anyone even talking about them anymore?)...and as far as Harris supporting a cease fire is concerned, I give you this...

...and RIP Greg Kihn, who wrote some bangin’ tunes back in the day, including this number...kind of shocked a bit by this one; August seems to have stuff like this in bunches as far as yours truly is concerned for some reason.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Miss Beau brings us the news that some polling is indicating that VP Kamala Harris is winning over independents on the economy, but as Miss Beau says, we would need more data trending in the Harris direction to definitively make that claim...but if Harris can manage to put distance between herself and the leader of “Cult 45” on the economy (and barring any downturns in the fall of course), that will go pretty far in her direction to wrapping up this whole thing (and with Tim Walz of course)...a long ways from settling this, though, and it will be a fight to the very end...

Update: I thought this was a good post on Harris and our scurrilous, bought-and-paid-for Beltway media, and I thought this was a really good column on Tim Walz.

...and Thom Hartmann brings us some polling echoing the sentiment that Harris would be better on the economy, though again, that may ebb and flow a bit, particularly since Harris hasn’t had a chance to oversee any economic policy (though we already know what Our Ochre Abomination has done on that score)...also, we see more lunacy with Roseanne Barr – “drinking baby blood”? “Fetus burgers”?? WHAAAA??....and of course, Marjorie Trailer Park Greene thinks that’s funny (to do something about this mistake from GA-14, click here)...

...and turning to the head of Greene’s party, Jon Stewart dissects the latest meanderings from Combover Caligula...long, but worth it for the helicopter stuff, which is hilarious...and apparently that mystery alleged bullet wound in #45's ear healed pretty well based on that pic at about 14:48...

...and Tennessee Brando gives us his take on the drag pic from J.D. Vance, as well as Vance changing his name, which is a lesser matter in the scheme of things I’ll admit...T.B. mentions Project 2025 again; more on that is here, and more on Vance is here...

Update 8/15/24: I don’t know about you, but it’s becoming more and more obvious to me why Uday and Qusay recommended Vance to their old man before he wrapped up the nomination (here).

...and I know I’m about a week late on this next item; Mike Figueredo informs us that Cori Bush was voted out of the U.S. Dem primary for her seat in putrid as AIPAC is, their influence only matters if the candidate their funding AGAINST has negatives where that stinking Israel lobby group believes they can make a difference...Figueredo mentions Summer Lee in PA, which is a valid comparison – Lee has had enough of a favorability rating that AIPAC didn’t think their funding of her opponent would matter; however, Bush apparently had enough of an unfavorable rating to begin with to the point where AIPAC believe their spending could turn the tide...I’m not an expert on Bush’s district so I don’t have any proof of that, but I have a feeling that that was the case...and I agree with Figueredo’s I’ve said before, movement wingnut conservatism was flat on its metaphorical back in 1964 after the Barry Goldwater presidential loss, and it took them 16 years to reorganize and seize power, but that’s what they did...there will be wins and losses, folks...

Update: And speaking of "the squad," congrats to Ilhan Omar (here).

...and happy belated 75th birthday to Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

John Fugelsang gives us a dose of reality on Trump’s supposed “anti-war” record – that seems to be one of the few talking points out there for Bronzer Beelzebub, and of course it’s inaccurate...and RFK Jr. apparently apologized to his sexual assault victim even though he supposedly didn’t remember what happened...suuuurrrre...

...and Miss Beau gives her take on the latest developments in the Russian “special military operation” in Ukraine, including the forces under Zelenskyy taking the fight to Vlad The Butcher (the “insertion scenario” of Ukraine troops into Russian forces is an interesting possibility...we’ll see)...

...and as long as we’re discussing military matters, I should note that Army Lieutenant William Calley passed away a few months ago, and apologies for being delinquent in pointing that out...the following clip explains why Calley is truly notorious, specifically concerning the “My Lai Massacre”...

...and turning to the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR, Dem U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse goes after the SCOTUS and Almost Silent Clarence Thomas, as well as the Federalist Society and Leonard Leo, the Judicial Crisis Network, and the Heritage Foundation of course, mainly for not having a binding code of ethics (the Roberts bunch that is), including a GREAT idea from Justice Kagan about lower court review of the antics from our Philistines in robes...

...and I know I included that recent clip from Leeja Miller in which she got into all the shady characters behind J.D. Vance including Peter Thiel, but here is more from the PayPal billionaire courtesy of The Majority Report...and I don’t care how rich Thiel is; as far as I’m concerned, he’s a blithering idiot...but yeah, as nearly as I can pick apart what he’s saying, it sounds like he wants a lot more of this “prosperity gospel” BS to be part of what I guess you could call this country’s religious identity, or some want it anyway, as opposed to all the “love thy neighbor” stuff...booor-ing! (removing my tongue from my cheek)...

...and I try to include this as one of my summer selections because I think it’s an appropriately upbeat number; hopefully we’ll all be able to get some down time over the next few weeks if we haven’t had that already.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us about all of the Repugs lining up to support Kamala Harris in her run for president (Jim Greenwood isn’t a surprise here in PA, but he should get credit for doing the right thing)...and yes, getting all of that Democratic support onboard isn’t automatic either, so credit for that also...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about the response from Larwrence O’Donnell of MSNBC to that beyond ridiculous press briefing that Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence gave last week, with O’Donnell commendably going off when #45 refused to answer a question about banning mifepristone and the press didn’t call him on it...

...and I would say that the "brain glitches" from Cantaloupe Capone are becoming more frequent, as John and Francesca of The Damage Report tell us..

...and speaking of Combover Caligula going off-script, it looks like he also did that on the subject of taking an imaginary helicopter ride with former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown – again, if Biden had said that, the New York Times would run about 20 “political analysis” fluff pieces over a week or two at least...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen and Glenn Kirschner bring us another “Legal Breakdown” segment about a RARE loss for sounds like the goofball AG in Missouri tried to sue New York to delay the sentencing of Our Ochre Abomination, which was a bridge too far even for our Philistines in robes (though this Andrew Bailey cretin in MI must’ve known that, because of “original jurisdiction,” a state vs. state action would automatically go to the SCOTUS...and I KNOW the two corrupted fiends on the High Court who would have allowed this suit have last names rhyming with rhombus and failito...and yes, I know that isn’t actually a word)...

...and this is a great newer tune, but damn, I think the guy needs a roofie or something...not that I encourage that, I hasten to add.