Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

John Fugelsang gives us a dose of reality on Trump’s supposed “anti-war” record – that seems to be one of the few talking points out there for Bronzer Beelzebub, and of course it’s inaccurate...and RFK Jr. apparently apologized to his sexual assault victim even though he supposedly didn’t remember what happened...suuuurrrre...

...and Miss Beau gives her take on the latest developments in the Russian “special military operation” in Ukraine, including the forces under Zelenskyy taking the fight to Vlad The Butcher (the “insertion scenario” of Ukraine troops into Russian forces is an interesting possibility...we’ll see)...

...and as long as we’re discussing military matters, I should note that Army Lieutenant William Calley passed away a few months ago, and apologies for being delinquent in pointing that out...the following clip explains why Calley is truly notorious, specifically concerning the “My Lai Massacre”...

...and turning to the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR, Dem U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse goes after the SCOTUS and Almost Silent Clarence Thomas, as well as the Federalist Society and Leonard Leo, the Judicial Crisis Network, and the Heritage Foundation of course, mainly for not having a binding code of ethics (the Roberts bunch that is), including a GREAT idea from Justice Kagan about lower court review of the antics from our Philistines in robes...

...and I know I included that recent clip from Leeja Miller in which she got into all the shady characters behind J.D. Vance including Peter Thiel, but here is more from the PayPal billionaire courtesy of The Majority Report...and I don’t care how rich Thiel is; as far as I’m concerned, he’s a blithering idiot...but yeah, as nearly as I can pick apart what he’s saying, it sounds like he wants a lot more of this “prosperity gospel” BS to be part of what I guess you could call this country’s religious identity, or some want it anyway, as opposed to all the “love thy neighbor” stuff...booor-ing! (removing my tongue from my cheek)...

...and I try to include this as one of my summer selections because I think it’s an appropriately upbeat number; hopefully we’ll all be able to get some down time over the next few weeks if we haven’t had that already.

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