I’ve been doing this blogging thing, for better or worse, since about June 2005. I’ve put up over 6,000 posts here at Blogger and about 770 over at Wordpress.
No, I’m not patting myself on the back – if I were to step back and take a look, I’m sure I’d find some stuff that was great, some stuff that was above average, some stuff that was OK, and some stuff that has genuinely sucked.
Why am I saying this? Because, if you remember absolutely nothing that I ever say or have said, or any other video, please remember this one – it sums up so very much of what I’ve tried to communicate here in about three or so minutes…
…and that being said, Mr. President, try saying this stuff to Willlard Mitt Romney’s face in the next debate also (Bob Herbert takes President Hopey Changey to the proverbial woodshed here)…
…in addition, it should be noted that Mr. Puppy-Dog-Eyes-With-The-Shiv, as well as being Willard Mitt’s running mate, is also running to retain his U.S. House seat in Wisconsin; to help his opponent, Rob Zerban, click here…
…and happy birthday to Kevin Cronin of REO Speedwagon (yes, I know, REO Speedwagon, “pretty boy” close-ups and all – this is still a whompin’ tune after all these years, however).
“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Saturday, October 06, 2012
Friday, October 05, 2012
Friday Stuff
(I also posted here.)
How dare the Bucks County Courier Times actually publish an intelligent Guest Opinion today, from our former U.S. House Rep Patrick Murphy, who of course just wasn’t good enough to represent us in favor of Mikey The Beloved (here...and wow, what wingnut garbage in the comments)…
…and here are still more lies from Willard Mitt Romney (I can’t possibly imagine how he sleeps at night, and at the rate he keeps lying, I can’t imagine how his supporters do either)…
…and this tells you how long the Repugs have been trying to get rid of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (in light of this); I know Fred Rogers wasn’t all he appeared to be at times (I guess that’s the best way to put it), but he was spot-on here, testifying for funding in 1969 before Sen. John Pastore of Rhode Island (and a Dem)…
…and RIP Frank Wilson, legendary Motown producer and songwriter, who brought us this memorable tune among others (gutsy stuff, from an era where artists including those at Motown tackled issues like this frequently, with nary a right-winger in sight screaming about the "liberal media").
How dare the Bucks County Courier Times actually publish an intelligent Guest Opinion today, from our former U.S. House Rep Patrick Murphy, who of course just wasn’t good enough to represent us in favor of Mikey The Beloved (here...and wow, what wingnut garbage in the comments)…
…and here are still more lies from Willard Mitt Romney (I can’t possibly imagine how he sleeps at night, and at the rate he keeps lying, I can’t imagine how his supporters do either)…
…and this tells you how long the Repugs have been trying to get rid of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (in light of this); I know Fred Rogers wasn’t all he appeared to be at times (I guess that’s the best way to put it), but he was spot-on here, testifying for funding in 1969 before Sen. John Pastore of Rhode Island (and a Dem)…
…and RIP Frank Wilson, legendary Motown producer and songwriter, who brought us this memorable tune among others (gutsy stuff, from an era where artists including those at Motown tackled issues like this frequently, with nary a right-winger in sight screaming about the "liberal media").
Thursday, October 04, 2012
Thursday Stuff
(Hat tip to Daily Kos for the thoroughly apropos graphic...)
I suppose Number 44 could have had a little less “hopey, changey” and a little more fire in the belly last night, but it’s hard to look presidential when dealing with a thoroughly unrepentant liar like Willard Mitt Romney (I discussed that and other related stuff here, particularly this)…
…well, as least the POTUS “brought it” today, though he needs to do that next time to shove that garbage down Romney’s throat…
…and of course, Romney is following in a thoroughly dishonorable tradition for his party, as noted here (the Reagan/Mondale videos continue in more or less of a loop, by the way)…
...and I can think of no more apt tune for this business than this one (well, maybe Jonny Lang also).
I suppose Number 44 could have had a little less “hopey, changey” and a little more fire in the belly last night, but it’s hard to look presidential when dealing with a thoroughly unrepentant liar like Willard Mitt Romney (I discussed that and other related stuff here, particularly this)…
…well, as least the POTUS “brought it” today, though he needs to do that next time to shove that garbage down Romney’s throat…
…and of course, Romney is following in a thoroughly dishonorable tradition for his party, as noted here (the Reagan/Mondale videos continue in more or less of a loop, by the way)…
...and I can think of no more apt tune for this business than this one (well, maybe Jonny Lang also).
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Wednesday Stuff

How about this then, Mikey – is it OK…
…or this…
…or this…
…or this…
Click here to support Kathy Boockvar and help to erase the mistake that too many voters in PA-08 – in their iron-headed, Teahadist stupidity – made two years ago.
(Gee, I wonder if Mikey is a bit skittish because of this video – the part where he accuses President Obama of treason is between 4:16 and 4:20)…
Also, I know I’m really late any more to all of the dustups in the “blogosphere” (still hate that word), but this tells us that yet another attempt to paint President Obama as a ZOMG BLACKETY BLACK SCARY MUSLIM BLACKETY BLACK ACORN ACORN ACORN SCARY KENYAN SOCIALIST WEALTH REDISTRIBUTOR!!!!! turned into an epic fail.
Yes, this is yet another pointless, stupid right-wing contrivance. However, I think something else needs to be pointed out here.
And that is the fact that, by manufacturing this garbage, our fellow conservative methane dispensers are showing a thorough and utter lack of any regard whatsoever for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Should the victims of Katrina be remembered with the reverence of the 9/11 victims? I don’t think it’s possible to answer that question, because any loss of life is a tragedy. However, what unites both catastrophes to me is the fact that our government failed in different ways to protect those among us who they were elected to serve (and yes, I’m thinking of Former President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History when I say that).
Was Obama being a bit of an opportunist by giving his speech that the wingnuts have turned into a cause célèbre? Probably. But at least some politician was trying to speak truth to stoo-pid when it came to trying to rebuild the “Big Easy.”
With all of that out of the way, I’d like to offer this one more time, in the probably vain hope on my part that the next time anyone tries to score political points over Katrina, they’ll crawl back under their respective rocks instead.
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Tuesday Stuff
Yep, if there’s something Willard Mitt Romney sure knows about, it’s hard work – performed by someone else, that is (here)…
…and now, I think it’s time for a case of the “warm fuzzies” :-).
…and now, I think it’s time for a case of the “warm fuzzies” :-).
Monday, October 01, 2012
Monday Stuff
RIP Barry Commoner (here and here)…
…and changing the mood more than a little, here is my reaction to this story :-)...
…and speaking of TV personalities, one of the most iconic of all began his run as host of the “Tonight” Show 50 years ago today (this clip pre-dates that, actually – Marilyn Monroe had been dead for about a month, sadly)…
…and everywhere I go, I keep reading and hearing the same thing that I’m sure you read and hear also, namely, something along the lines of “well, just wait until the debates,” particularly the first one between Romney and Obama, and then that will decide the election.
And why is that, exactly? Could it be that there are actually people out there who are waiting for that occasion to make up their minds? Are there that many people in this country who are that dense that they somehow can’t grasp what’s at stake in this election?
(I know, if I won’t like the answer, don’t ask the question.)
Yes, I support Obama for a lot of reasons, but still, this song captures how I feel about the “debates” (actions speaking louder than, and all that).
…and changing the mood more than a little, here is my reaction to this story :-)...
…and speaking of TV personalities, one of the most iconic of all began his run as host of the “Tonight” Show 50 years ago today (this clip pre-dates that, actually – Marilyn Monroe had been dead for about a month, sadly)…
…and everywhere I go, I keep reading and hearing the same thing that I’m sure you read and hear also, namely, something along the lines of “well, just wait until the debates,” particularly the first one between Romney and Obama, and then that will decide the election.
And why is that, exactly? Could it be that there are actually people out there who are waiting for that occasion to make up their minds? Are there that many people in this country who are that dense that they somehow can’t grasp what’s at stake in this election?
(I know, if I won’t like the answer, don’t ask the question.)
Yes, I support Obama for a lot of reasons, but still, this song captures how I feel about the “debates” (actions speaking louder than, and all that).
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Sunday Stuff
(I also posted here.)
Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich speaks truth to stoo-pid once again...
...and here is a special request.
Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich speaks truth to stoo-pid once again...
...and here is a special request.
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