“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Saturday, February 11, 2023
Saturday Stuff
Brian Tyler Cohen discusses Willard Mitt Romney speaking his mind on “George Santos”...I get it that The Mittster is from a more patrician, non-Trumpist wing of Not Your Father’s Republican Party where the corruption is treated more discretely without the ridiculous degree of self-promotion personified by Our Ochre Abomination, but Romney does make a bit of a good point here, I have to admit...
...and as a follow-up, David Pakman tells us that Dem U.S. House Rep Robert Garcia has introduced a resolution to expel Santos...interesting for Garcia to pursue this because, as he says, he’s similar to Santos in a lot of ways, without the lying of course...
Update: If there was ever a time when I wondered if "Santos" may actually be telling the truth, this would be it (not so much here, though).
...and I know I’ve already covered the whole thing with Biden pinning down the “loyal opposition” during the State of the Union on the GOP efforts to destroy Social Security and Medicare through various means, despite the howls of outrage (and again, I DEFY anybody to provide a similar example of the Dems acting like this under Dubya or Trump, though they easily could have), but I’m including this clip from Chris Hayes because he commendably “brings the receipts” versus Mike Lee, Lex Luthor Scott and RoJo The Clown...
Update 1 2/12/23: And in case anyone thinks the "party of Lincoln" is actually serious about deciding to leave Social Security and Medicare alone, I give you this.
...and Thom Hartmann says, yeah, not much to see here – just some actual Nazis in Ohio trying to home-school kids (article he cites is here – I know I said something about teachers walking away from the classroom for various reasons on Thursday, and you can add lunacy like this to the awful mix)...
Update 2 2/12/23: And speaking of school, kudos to the Alabama high school kids noted here.
...and this may not be the trendiest subject out there at the moment, but I don’t care; I thought this was a nice little video of the Star Ballroom dancers pledging to keep dancing even after the horrific attack that killed 11 people...good for them (more here)...
...and I now give you my final “green” tune – I think we’re about done with the ballyhoo concerning Super Bowl LVII and I’m sure both sides are nearly finished with their preparation...as the Bard once said, “the readiness is all” – with that in mind, GO BIRDS!!!
Friday, February 10, 2023
Friday Stuff
Farron Cousins tells us that, by all accounts, Sarah Huckabilly Sanders really dished out the wingnut umbrage in her response to the State of the Union address from President Biden, blaming of course the woke and “radical left” agenda, teaching kids to hate each other when in reality they just want to live in “freedom and peace,” because, as we know, President Biden is apparently trying to re-enact the “Prague Spring” in her state, or something...actually, she should pay a little attention to this instead of staging performative nonsense...
Update: Too damn funny (here).
...and David Shuster of Rebel HQ tells us about the reporter arrested in Ohio for...what? Reporting on a public event with malicious intent, or something? And I have issues with Mike DeWine for sure, but his response here is 100 percent correct...
Update 2/14/23: I was a little unclear in pointing out that this had to do with the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio - apologies (more here and here).
..and Beau tells us that Chucky Koch and his fellow unholy minions are going to try and steer the Repug Party away from Mango Mussolini...Beau makes a great point about just how far Koch and his pals want to go with this; maybe they’ll try to anoint Nikki Haley as Beau thinks, but I don’t think we should rule out Mike Pompeo either...don’t get me wrong; any Republican is horrible, but Pompeo has pretty rock solid ties back to Kansas, if you know what I mean...
Update 2/24/23: And speaking of Pompeo...
...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about the recent social media inquisition in the U.S. House...kudos to Gerry Connolly for calling out Our Ochre Abomination who tried to get that tweet from Chrissy Teigen taken down, in a hearing ostensibly about...wait for it!...HUNTER BIDEN’S FREAKING LAPTOP!...oh, and for the “looney tune” perspective, we also have “Imeach Biden” Boebert and Clay “What Need Have We Of A Trial?” Higgins (mildly NSFW/H at end)...
...and I know I haven’t done this for a while, but I thought the time was right to bring back “This Day In Doomsy History” from 2/10/11...The Onion News Network, America’s Finest News Source, reports that Congress has forgotten how to pass a bill (which, to me, isn’t far off for the unruly children now running the U.S. House)...
...and here is my penultimate “green” tune in preparation to root for the Iggles in Super Bowl LVII...
...and I give you the following as a tribute to Burt Bacharach.
Thursday, February 09, 2023
Thursday Stuff (updates)
This Now This clip tells us about a nationwide teacher shortage, focusing on Wisconsin...gee, I can’t possibly imagine how this has become a problem, what with teachers being called “groomers” by Repug party politicians and school districts waging war on LGBTQ and non-binary individuals affecting sports and bathrooms as well as conservatives telling teachers what books are and aren’t allowed in classrooms...and of course this is #sarcasm (more here, here and here...and focusing on Wisconsin, I give you RoJo The Clown here blaming “wokeness” for school shootings...and just as a reminder, RoJo won re-election by 27K votes, and as noted here, Wisconsin Repug election commissioner Robert Spindell said he suppressed 37K votes; you can do the math on that at least as well as I can)...
...and sticking with “culture war” stuff, Thom Hartmann tells us about the racist origins of the anti-abortion movement and how conservative godfather Paul Weyrich was a little late to the party, you might say...the evangelicals didn’t really care about abortion until the late ‘70s-1980 when they realized that they could use it to mobilize support, as Thom says...and boy, is Thom ever right about the Catholic Church...as I’ve said before, the Catholic Standard and Times ran nothing but pictures of fetuses in jars after Roe v. Wade was handed down (which, as it turns out, wasn't even a medically accurate representation of the typical aborted fetus...as I’ve also said, as far as I’m concerned, if someone could prove to me that Roe had actually increased the number of abortions, I might have opposed the ruling, but abortion will always happen regardless, even though the SCOTUS of “Strip Search Sammy” Alito and Hangin’ Judge JR gutted Roe in favor of Dobbs as we know)...
Update 4/12/23: Nail. Hammer. Head. (here - h/t Atrios).

...and David Pakman tells us that Baby Newton Leroy Gingrich went on Fix Noise to tell us that Biden is weak because he popped the damn balloon (should have used some kind of a balloon scooper apparently, as if that’s even a thing...yep, moving the damn goalposts again)...
Update 8/26/23: More pathetic lies on abortion from alleged "Christian" Newt are here - nooo, killing a baby up to 30 days after birth happens to be freaking murder!
Update 8/27/23: Gee, Baby Newton Leroy sure is on a roll of sorts, isn't he (here)?
...and once more, I know what The Lincoln Project is, but they keep making good ads like this one (which the beyond-useless national Democratic Party should do also, but good luck with that)...
...and RIP Burt Bacharach – I’ll feature some more of his tunes tomorrow also...good luck with narrowing down his list of timeless hits to select just one tune to include here...
...and I’m winding down my list of “green” tunes to get everyone ready to root for the Birds in Super Bowl LVII, but I didn't want to forget this number.
Wednesday, February 08, 2023
Wednesday Stuff
Beau of the Fifth Column gives us his take on President Biden’s State of the Union address last night...pretty much a case of the adult in the room doing his best to discipline the unruly children, and Marjorie Trailer Park Greene (here also) and “Imeach Biden” Boebert did pretty much what you would expect...I have to admit that I haven’t paid a lot of attention to the SOTU addresses because I know they’re heavy on theatrics...maybe not the best reason to blow them off, but I care about stuff that impacts real people as opposed to the window dressing idiocy...by the way, this marks (approximately) the 20th anniversary of Dubya’s SOTU in ’03, which was one of the most grotesque examples of wall-to-wall lies that I’ve ever seen, and that pretty much put me off the other SOTU addresses – again, maybe I need to rethink that, but that’s my story for now and I’m sticking with it (more here)...
Update 2/9/23: And let's not forget that Just Plain Folks Insurrectionist Marge's net worth is in the vicinity of $700 grand, as noted here.
...and Trae Crowder gives us take on the State of the State of the Union (mildly NSFW/H)...
...and don’t worry, nothing to see here, just an elected member of the U.S. House of Representatives calling for the death of Our Chief Executive (here)...this scheming bimbo deserves to get her metaphorical cage rattled by the Secret Service at a minimum...David Pakman tells us more...
...and when it comes to U.S. House Republican idiots, #DopeyMcForehead Matt Gaetz blames “couch potatoes” supposedly getting a cushy $216 a month in SNAP benefits as a rationale for including some kind of work requirement in order for these folks to get the pittance of help they actually DO get as things stand now...I may have touched on this earlier, but I think it needs to be mentioned again (Farron Cousins gives us the details)...
...and sticking with Flori-DUUUH!!, Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us that politicians in Ron #DeathSantis-stan want to know about the menstrual cycles of student athletes...just no bottom for these life forms (more here and here)...
...and moving north to above that Mason-Dixon line, Jayar and Jessica Burbank tell us about two neo-Nazis who wanted to take out the Baltimore power grid...this country is sick, and I lay that primarily at the feet of Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence, though the problem existed long before him, even though he weaponized it to achieve his foul political ends...
...turning to the economy, Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us about Biden economic advisor Jared Bernstein fact-checking this Fix Noise idiot Shannon Bream in real time (I think S&E provide a pretty decent financial analysis here, and I definitely don’t think Jerome Powell is doing Biden any favors – of course, leave it to this hairdo from The Roger Ailes BS Factory to act like living paycheck-to-paycheck is only a “thing” under Biden, when in reality that has been the case FOR AT LEAST THE LAST 20 FREAKING YEARS!!!)...
...and here is another "green" tune as we get ready to root for the Iggles in Super Bowl LVII.
Tuesday, February 07, 2023
Tuesday Stuff
Yeah, this is the stuff of parody from The Daily Show, but unfortunately “gammy and pop pop” at home may believe it if it comes from that clean cut Tucker Carlson (and believe me when I tell you that I’d LOVE to be wrong...and in a related story, I guess this isn't a surprise either)...
...and I wish this item was a parody too, but unfortunately it isn’t...Hakeem Jeffries gives a nice speech about how ridiculous it is for the House under the control of Marjorie Traitor Greene and her fellow insurrectionists to be taking up a resolution about “socialism”...and then the majority of the Dem caucus proceeds to vote for the measure!
As a national political party, I realize the Democrats can’t find their own metaphorical butt with multiple sets of hands, and they also continue to bring a water pistol to a gun fight against The Treasonistas on the other side of the aisle, but how freaking pathetic is it to buy into the beyond ridiculous framing here of the “Republic” Party on an issue that actually resonates pretty well with younger voters?
People I respect online said that Jeffries as minority leader would be bad news for progressives (and honestly, Ro Khanna doesn’t look good here either). In response, I thought it best to take a “wait and see” attitude. Well, let’s just say that early returns aren’t looking promising (more here)...
...and in advance of Biden’s State of the Union address tonight, Chris Hayes tells us about the U.S. lifespan decreasing...and yes, COVID is a factor, especially when only 16 percent of the population has received the bivalent booster shot...pathetic doesn’t even begin to describe how bad that number is – and I think Hayes is absolutely right about a presidential blue ribbon panel to look into this; not sure what it would come up with, but it would be a heck of a good first step (and this is positive also)...
...and the “Second Thought” guy answers the question “Do We Live Under Capitalism?” in response to some commenters throwing around some other labels in response – “There is no version of capitalism that respects competition but not competition’s outcomes.” – uh, yep (and I think the practically unmitigated sway that capitalism holds on our lives is definitely a factor in the quality of life numbers Chris Hayes discussed in the prior clip)...
...and turning to milestones, RIP Charlie Thomas of The Drifters...
...and here is another green tune to get ready to root for the Birds in Super Bowl LVII.
Monday, February 06, 2023
Monday Stuff
(I was able to get a close-up pic of the Chinese spy balloon...heh.)
David Doel tells us about all of the wingnut caterwauling about the damn balloon, which is particularly stoo-pid given that three such balloons appeared over our airspace when Mango Mussolini occupied An Oval Office and he didn’t do anything about it (and certainly nobody screeched about it either)...also, as noted here, Biden played it right to shoot this down in a non-populated area because debris got spread out over nearly seven miles...
...and Jesse Dollemore (apparently sitting in for David Pakman) tells us about some national prayer thing with Kevin McCarthy and U.S. House Republicans...and boy, where’s Major Bowes’ hook when you need it for this goofball Randy Weber? “OH, BOO-HOO O LORD! BOO-HOO! THE BIDEN DEBT IS STEALING FROM OUR KIDS!!”
Yeah, well, as noted here, Weber voted for Our Ochre Abomination’s tax scam bill in December 2017, which added at least $4 trillion to the debt as noted here...
...and Cenk, Rayy Vana and Mondale Robinson of TYT discuss Idaho Repug State Rep Ron Mendive, who thinks kids should have to work for school lunches (great point by Robinson about how the original lunch program in this country was a response to what the Black Panthers did, as well as comping the farmers for not growing food vs. not taking care of the kids...and of course this Mendive nut also helped get rid of any mention of climate change in Idaho school curricula, and he also opposed a $6 million federal education grant for working families with kids 5 and under, saying the grant’s intent was to indoctrinate kids with CRT, which IS NOT A THING in elementary schools!)...
...and Beau joins More Perfect Union for another great “classroom” video about cattle rancher Coy Young, who almost took his life from pressure stemming from the beef industry...the clip covers all kinds of ground, and of course, Milton Friedman and his Chicago School of Economics henchmen ended up overturning the tables, you might say, for the benefit of the meat-packing conglomerates, and leave it to The Sainted Ronnie R (whose birthday it is today) to put the final nails in the metaphorical coffin for consumers on behalf of the “one percent,” in this industry like so many others...
...and last Saturday marked the 40th anniversary of the death of Karen Carpenter...
...and here is another “green” tune to get us ready to root for the Birds in Super Bowl LVII.
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