Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

Beau of the Fifth Column gives us his take on President Biden’s State of the Union address last night...pretty much a case of the adult in the room doing his best to discipline the unruly children, and Marjorie Trailer Park Greene (here also) and “Imeach Biden” Boebert did pretty much what you would expect...I have to admit that I haven’t paid a lot of attention to the SOTU addresses because I know they’re heavy on theatrics...maybe not the best reason to blow them off, but I care about stuff that impacts real people as opposed to the window dressing the way, this marks (approximately) the 20th anniversary of Dubya’s SOTU in ’03, which was one of the most grotesque examples of wall-to-wall lies that I’ve ever seen, and that pretty much put me off the other SOTU addresses – again, maybe I need to rethink that, but that’s my story for now and I’m sticking with it (more here)...

Update 2/9/23: And let's not forget that Just Plain Folks Insurrectionist Marge's net worth is in the vicinity of $700 grand, as noted here.

...and Trae Crowder gives us take on the State of the State of the Union (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and don’t worry, nothing to see here, just an elected member of the U.S. House of Representatives calling for the death of Our Chief Executive (here)...this scheming bimbo deserves to get her metaphorical cage rattled by the Secret Service at a minimum...David Pakman tells us more...

...and when it comes to U.S. House Republican idiots, #DopeyMcForehead Matt Gaetz blames “couch potatoes” supposedly getting a cushy $216 a month in SNAP benefits as a rationale for including some kind of work requirement in order for these folks to get the pittance of help they actually DO get as things stand now...I may have touched on this earlier, but I think it needs to be mentioned again (Farron Cousins gives us the details)...

...and sticking with Flori-DUUUH!!, Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us that politicians in Ron #DeathSantis-stan want to know about the menstrual cycles of student athletes...just no bottom for these life forms (more here and here)...

...and moving north to above that Mason-Dixon line, Jayar and Jessica Burbank tell us about two neo-Nazis who wanted to take out the Baltimore power grid...this country is sick, and I lay that primarily at the feet of Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence, though the problem existed long before him, even though he weaponized it to achieve his foul political ends...

...turning to the economy, Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us about Biden economic advisor Jared Bernstein fact-checking this Fix Noise idiot Shannon Bream in real time (I think S&E provide a pretty decent financial analysis here, and I definitely don’t think Jerome Powell is doing Biden any favors – of course, leave it to this hairdo from The Roger Ailes BS Factory to act like living paycheck-to-paycheck is only a “thing” under Biden, when in reality that has been the case FOR AT LEAST THE LAST 20 FREAKING YEARS!!!)...

...and here is another "green" tune as we get ready to root for the Iggles in Super Bowl LVII.

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