And of course, as a result, the GOP-simpatico noise machine has immediately started trying to drown out Rep. Slaughter here for interjecting the stark reality into a discussion that has more often than not descended into the typical dueling talking point garbage (I recently had lunch with someone who was proud of the fact that he listens to both Randi Rhodes and some conservative idiot named Lewis and thus believed he was getting both sides of a story; I didn’t bother to ask him what he’d actually learned about a certain issue, because based on his non-stop jabbering about how much he hated the Democrats, it was obvious that he had learned absolutely nothing – but I digress…please listen to what Rep. Slaughter tells us here)…
…and here is more proof that I never want to inhabit the universe where the wingnuts reside; to me, it is more than problematic as to whether or not it is actually here on earth (and Chris Hayes makes a great point at about 7:20 or so about the fact that people just living their lives are going to hear this crap but not benefit from anyone such as yours truly trying to debunk it)…
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...and here's another reminder (sorry if I sound like a broken record, but they have a bigger soapbox than I ever will, and I don't see a truce from their side anytime soon)...
...and guess what, you teabaggin' fools? Looks like one of your heroes isn't the "common man" he pretends to be after all...
Update 2/27/10: Boy, that Marco Rubio sure is a rocket scientist, isn't he? So he's trying to tie Crist to the Terri Schiavo travesty (here)? Wonder if it's worth pointing out to this guy that a CBS News poll from March 2005 told us that 82 percent of those polled thought the Repugs had no business sticking their noses into the matter to begin with (here)?

...and with the Olympics winding down, I realized that, if I'm going to include a music video with curling, I'd better do it soon before they end (h/t Thers at Eschaton).
Update 2/27/10: I had previously embedded a video about the US men's hockey team that won a gold medal in 1960, but NBC screwed up the link so I removed it.