“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Saturday Stuff
Thank God our time with this human stain is nearing a close, at least concerning his alleged presidency (mildly NSFW/H) - David Doel is also pretty correct about the Democrats, unfortunately (God, what will it take for them to FINALLY get their act together and come up with effective messaging and start using social media smartly, though, to be fair, I thought Christina Finello did a good job of that running against Bri-Fi as I already noted)...
...and yeah, it’s time for Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Russian Operative of a *president to indeed “hang it up” (here – can’t wait to see PA Lt. Gov John Fetterman’s political profile raised over time, which I’m sure will happen)...
...and I’m glad to hear Farron Cousins lay the blame for Mango Mussolini’s rise where it primarily belongs, and that is at the feet of our cousins in the corporate media who just LOVED 45 because he was “boffo” for ratings...
...and hey, this game of “making up imaginary quotes to try and propagate your political opinion” sure is fun, isn’t it, as John and Jayar explain...
...and here are more seasonal selections...
...and I gave this a break last year (with an extra Gumby bit), but I thought the time was right to bring it back.
Friday, November 27, 2020
Friday Stuff
(As I watch the following video, I must admit that I'm adapting a particular hatred for anyone in Kentucky who continues to reward Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao by voting for him despite the fact that he's an absolutely garbage person who insists on punishing his own constituents as well as most of this country.)
Update 12/1/20: Yeah, I think this about says it.
Cenk and Ana of TYT tells us about folks lining up in their cars at a north Texas food bank who hopefully had a nice holiday, though given the inaction of the Senate Majority Leader and his same-party pals in that chamber, it’s likely they didn’t (and Cenk’s take on the whole “negotiation” between that death eater McConnell and Pelosi, while harsh, is probably accurate – yes, blame the Dems for not going big on policy like they should, but they also have to do this ridiculous dance with so-called independent “swing” voters who get the vapors over “socialism” and the Dems claiming to “defund the police”...oh, and by the way, the only Dem I’ve ever heard embrace that is newly elected Cori Bush in Missouri, and while I hate that slogan, she explained her reasons for supporting it, which I respect...and in a related story, the “drip, drip” drip” stuff with David Perdue in particular never ends, does it – to do something about him and the equally odious Kelly Loeffler, click here)...
...and Chris Hayes tells us here about the “guardrails” holding in the recently completed (at long last) election...aside from judges and election officials doing the right thing (and Hayes is right that, had a few people gone the wrong way – potentially breaking the law to do so – we really would be in a wholly other place), do you want to know who else deserves credit for turning out the Gropenfuhrer (discounting Dem down-ballot losses for a minute mixed with a few wins)?
These folks who waited in line to vote in Texas...
...and these folks who did the same thing in Georgia...
...and these folks who did the same thing in North Carolina...
...and these folks who did the same thing in Maryland...
...and these folks who did the same thing in our beloved commonwealth of PA (Pittsburgh area to be exact...and yes, I could spend probably a couple of days filling up this post with pics of people voting in huge in-person numbers all over this country)...
Also, you KNOW somebody like Pompeo or Cotton will come along to try and pull nonsense like this again in a few years, which is why we must ALWAYS be on our guard...
...and Farron Cousins adds a bit of emphasis to what Hayes just said by demonstrating that, yeah, this election really was a landslide against Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Russian Operative who will soon be departing from An Oval Office...
...and it looks like Jake Tapper engaged in a bit of a dustup on Twitter with Dem U.S. House Rep Rashida Tlaib over president-elect Biden’s Secretary of State nominee Tony Blinken, with Tapper believing that any criticism of Israel, however veiled, should not be allowed, which is of course ridiculous (David Doel explains – briefly NSFW/H at the end for a good reason)...
...also, John and Francesca of “The Damage Report” tell us about people who didn’t go to a COVID-spreader party but ended up as indirect fatalities anyway...ugh...and great point by Francesca about YouTube running their own anti-COVID ads as opposed to that Epoch Times clown...
...and Thom H. tells us that Mango Mussolini is trying to “burn down” the civil service on his way out the door, along with everything else our ruinous regime is doing to try and “salt” the field, as Chris Hayes said, for Biden before he takes over (also, interesting history on capital punishment – 45 is just an utter monster and another garbage human being...and oh yeah, Our Orange Pustule really does want to bring back firing squads)...
...and I now give you the latest installment of "This Day In Doomsy History" (more or less) from 11/26/10 (and yes, I've presented this at least one other time) - consider this a message for everyone doing "brick and mortar" Black Friday shopping today - despite those last two items, I should note that I mean "Black Friday" only in terms of purchasing for the holidays...
...which of course means that it really is that time of year again, isn't it?
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving 2020

...and here's another holiday fave, with an intro by Seth MacFarlane as Stewie Griffin (and again, the captions make this hilarious as far as I'm concerned)...
...and here's more holiday fun...
...and I kind of liked this also (hat tip for this to Daily Kos)...
...and here's a Thanksgiving message for those wonderful folks at the TSA.
Update 1: And here is another late addition.
Update 2: Might as well add this too.
Update 3: Imagine all the people that can be fed for $35 grand (here, getting serious for a minute).
Update 4: And since I add to this list every year, I might as well include this too (hasta la vista, baby!).
Update 5: And I suppose this is an apropos item for the era of the Gropenfuhrer.
…and thank goodness the “culture warriors” of Fix Noise are trying to protect the holiday (more here)…
…and I guess this is an appropriate tune for the day...
...along with this.
Update: Yes, as I and others have pointed out, we know what The Lincoln Project is, but this is a wonderful ad (this is well done also).
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Wednesday Stuff
Brian Williams speaks with Philip Rucker of the WaPo about the fact that Our Orange Pustule-In-Chief is apparently acknowledging reality at long last based on the election three weeks ago (how utterly pathetic that, in spite of the fact that he lost by about the same margin as Hillary Clinton in 2016, there are people in politics and our media who think we need to somehow negotiate with this WATB on the transfer of power)...
...though of course, being the craven, spiteful asshole that he is, leave it to 45 to pull the U.S. out of the Open Skies pact and, for good measure, dismantling the specialized planes needed for our participation, as Rachel Maddow (back in the studio) tells us...typical (and a totally appropriate dig comparing the postal sorting machine fiasco also)...
...and this clip from the WaPo tells us that, in response to the economic ruin from the pandemic (made worse in no small part by the failure of the Gropenfuhrer and his pals particularly in the Senate to do a damn thing about it), who else but AOC took “the world’s greatest deliberative body” to task (more here)...
...and speaking of economic hardship, Thom Hartmann tells us about corporations paying poverty wages to workers while still cashing in on corporate “socialism” (and as usual, Bernie Sanders is the one cutting through all of this crap...Thom also talks about Kelly Loeffler running against Raphael Warnock...to help Warnock and Jon Ossoff, running against David Perdue – who may actually be worse than Loeffler, believe it or not – click here)...
...and Ana and Aida Rodriguez tell us that that human mistake named Kyle Rittenhouse posted bail even though it was set at $2 million (more here) – yeah, I know what John Edwards turned out to be, but he was the last person I heard talk about “two Americas” and he was ridiculed...after this story and a few others, I don’t know how anyone can argue he’s wrong (GREAT point by Rodriguez about not reporting on the families of the victims...and speaking of “human mistakes,” I give you this...with all due respect to Ana, we know what Rittenhouse is, but she needs to be a little more careful in using words like "brought up on charges of," "alleged shooter," etc. - I'm sure she also doesn't want to say or do anything to prejudice the trial of this gutter snipe, and neither do I, since we both want to see him punished to the fullest extent of the law)...
...and I hope you’re all keeping to yourselves this holiday and not dining in groups like the folks are in this video – we can look forward to that next year if we all manage to get through this OK.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Tuesday Stuff
Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about a Dominion spokesman basically refuting charges that there was a fix involved with their voting machines in the election from three weeks ago; this is the best rebuttal I’ve yet heard on this idiocy (I actually don’t blame the Fix Noise person here since he’s duly obligated to ask all of those stupid questions)...
...and Lawrence O’Donnell gives us his take on Trumpian GSA head Emily Murphy FINALLY allowing the transition to take place to the incoming Biden administration, though of course it’s waaaay too much trouble apparently for her to refer to Biden as the president-elect, which he most certainly is...
...and John I. and Francesca tell us about the two Michigan Repugs on that state’s board of electors who met with the Gropenfuhrer last weekend (Lee Chatfield and this Mike Shirkey guy, who apparently burst into some kind of a hymn when asked a question he didn’t like)...Michigan eventually certified for Biden, though this Shirkey character held out, which I guess isn’t that surprising, though still an idiotic thing to do (more here)...
...and when it comes to a total leadership vacuum by “the world’s greatest deliberative body” in response to the pandemic, Chris Hayes tells us what “Calgary” Cruz and his pals have been up to (not hard to determine who is the real “turkey” here)...
...and this “Now This” clip tells us about the latest lunatic Trumpster; this time, it’s a guy who breathed on people deliberately and was charged with assault – good!...
...and happy 50th birthday to Chad Taylor of the York, PA band Live.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Monday Stuff
Farron Cousins tells us about a report in the Independent which gets into more detail on the plot that was broken up to kidnap Dem Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (yep, A LOT more disturbing, and of course, our utterly useless corporate media fell down once again when trying to report it)...
...and David Doel tells us here about Generalissimo Trump pretty much hiding while people in this country line up for food as a result of the economic collapse brought on by the pandemic and the utter failure of Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao and his minions in the U.S. Senate to do one damn thing about it (not the biggest fan of Pelosi, but the House Dems did their part when they passed the HEROES Act in May...and yes, I know the $3 trillion version isn’t going to happen, but I was taught that the Senate was supposed to introduce legislation, have debate, introduce amendments, mark it up, pass something, and then have it go to a House/Senate committee where it would be hammered into shape and then sent to the president for signature...yeah, I get it that that’s the “School House Rock” version of what’s supposed to happen, but I would call what Doel is telling us about a goddamn emergency, and on the eve of a holiday when we’re supposed to give thanks, no less)...
...well, one thing the “party of Lincoln” IS doing is filing suit (at least the Gropenfuhrer is anyway) to try and hang onto power, as John and Francesca tell us, even though they’re all going down in flames (the lawsuits I mean)...
...meanwhile, it looks like “the great unwashed” in the Peach State are having a hissy fit over the political misfortunes of their hero, as Brian Tyler Cohen tells us...
Update 11/24/20: In a related item, Digby nails it again here.
...even though, as Kyle tells us, even Fix and Fiends is telling Our Orange Pustule-In-Chief that IT’S BLEEPING OVER ALREADY!!!...
...and speaking of Georgia (as noted previously), this tells us just how tainted incumbent Repug Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler really are (to help Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, please click here...and I don’t know if Loeffler really has ‘rona or not, but if she does, I hope she recovers OK so we can thrash her in the election next January...and doesn't this figure?)...
...and speaking of the ongoing plague, Nebraska ICU nurse Lacie Gooch tells us what it’s like on the front lines (if you don’t like a mask, you’re REALLY not going to like a ventilator)...
...and RIP Philly cat and ‘60s hitmaker Len Barry.
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