Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

(I assure you that in absolutely no way am I trying to be amusing by including this cartoon.)

Leeja Miller is back with a segment on How Conservatives Ruined Marriage...absolutely spot-on when it comes to the wingnuts trying to whip up some kind of a panic as opposed to, y’know, ACTUALLY TRYING TO SOLVE THE ISSUE THEY’RE YELLING ABOUT!...didn’t know about the concept of “coverture” until I saw this, and yeah, it’s a pretty gut-churning idea as far as yours truly is does a nice job of summarizing the legal benefits of marriage versus living as a single person; still the second-biggest commitment you’ll ever make as far as yours truly is concerned, though it’s worth it IMO, even though the cost gets more prohibitive every day, and the “marriage penalty” for someone of less $$ marrying someone who makes more is indeed a factor...conservative attempts to “fix” the marriage “problem” tend to not take into consideration the complex factors that can be detrimental to relationships (paraphrasing here I’ll admit), and she also makes good points about welfare disincentivizing marriage; yeah, I’ll admit it...and I didn’t know about “the ‘war’ on no-fault divorce,” but it doesn’t surprise me; pretty powerful arguments in favor of no-fault divorce that I didn’t know about...and God almighty, there are more thoroughly antiquated ideas about marriages and families that are utterly awful (the ideas I mean) which are covered in...everybody say it with me now...Project Freaking 2025! (NSFW/H)...

...and this ad from the Harris/Walz campaign features a brave young woman who is pretty much “collateral damage” as far as the Philistines in robes on the High Court are concerned (as well as Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence of course)...

...and Miss Beau informs us that the Supreme Court for our beloved commonwealth of PA has ruled that mail-in ballot envelopes must be dated or they’ll get thrown out, which is a ridiculous procedural BS ruling for the reason she states; when the envelopes are received, they’re logged and dated anyway...ugh...I always make sure my mail-in ballot envelopes are dated anyway, for the record...

...and David Pakman reminds us that there has only been a fraction of the discussion on the mental faculty failure of Cantaloupe Capone versus President Biden’s lapses after the first debate (and I think the term “sane washing” is apt)...

...and Sam of The Majority Report discusses a clip of the couch-f*cker (alleged!) on CNBC trying to justify immigrant hatred...if Vance and his fellow pea-brains who support him would actually crack open a U.S. history book, they would find out how important immigration is to this country; the clip informs us that Springfield, Ohio went over $1 billion in tax revenue last year, and the hard work of Haitian immigrants in that town rebuilding their economy had a lot to do with that...

...and Jesse Dollemore brings us the beyond-ridiculous tale of the beyond-ridiculous Alabama U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville, who threatens violence if the SAVE Act isn’t passed (more idiotic fluff from the nutters in charge of the U.S. House; actual voter fraud at the polls takes place at such a microscopic level that there’s almost no point in keeping track of it, and it’s caught by poll workers doing their due diligence...I moved this from yesterday because of the Eleven Films clip, which was more timely)...

...and we lost the "Notorious RBG" 4 years ago today...God willing (and dependent on our efforts), the Dems will hold the Senate and the White House (and take back the House??), and if that happens, Justice Sonia Sotomayor seriously needs to consider stepping for health reasons IMO...

...and happy 75th birthday to guitarist/keyboardist Kerry Livgren of Kansas.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

John Iadarola tells us that King Elon I of Xitter recently took a break from his quest to utterly destroy that once-pretty-good social media platform and instead promote some ridiculous meme about Kamala Harris allegedly being a Communist, or something, in response to Harris’s completely true observation that Bronzer Beelzebub did indeed say that he wanted to be a dictator on day one...have to admit that I got a kick out of the responses to Musk...

...and as I just about always say, yes, I know what The Lincoln Project is, but they keep coming up with good ads, and I think this is a pretty good response to the prior segment...

...and David Pakman tells us more about the former supporter of Combover Caligula who (allegedly) took a gun to the Mar-a-Lago golf course to whack #45...yeah, this alleged perp does indeed have a long history of run-ins with law enforcement (and I can guess who gave wackadoodle responses to this attempt on the life of Our Tiny-Handed Former Chief Executive and who was actually sane)...

...and David Doel lets us know that the Repug VP nominee just admitted to making up the story about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio...I have no doubt that all Vance hears about are alleged problems with Haitian immigrants because (as Doel points out) that’s all you’re going to hear when you only interact with racists...

...and here is a public service message from sane people everywhere...

...and every once in a while, I feel like I need a newer tune as a palate cleanser of sorts, and I think this will do the trick.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday Stuff

Kyle Kulinski tells us about Kamala Harris getting a post-debate bounce in the polls...and by the way, don’t include me as one of the people who said that Biden got “shellacked” during the first debate; yes, he came across as a doddering old man, which was bad, but I have yet to hear a criticism OVER ANYTHING HE ACTUALLY FREAKING SAID!!! DID ANYBODY PAY ATTENTION TO THAT???!!! And yes, Biden being “pushed aside” says it (Kyle corrected himself, but he was right), and Biden’s exit is the main reason why I’ve barely looked at the “old gray lady” for a while, especially for the political coverage and the columnists...Biden stepping down for Harris was, in essence, a positive development, but I’m still PO’ed about the way #46 was shoved out of the way after the first debate...

...and I thought this ad from The Lincoln Project captured the utter horror and shock in 2016 upon finding out the presidential election result...should redouble our efforts to ensure that that NEVER happens again (and yes, I heard about this, and I have no comment except the obvious, which is to say that violence in any form is wrong)...

...and Thom Hartmann gives us more on the real horror of the presidency of Our Ochre Abomination...and believe it or not, I’m sure there is more stuff not listed here...

...and echoing the cartoon a bit, Jesse Dollemore tells us about bomb threats shutting down Springfield, Ohio, while Combover Caligula and his “mini me” fan the flames with their hateful rhetoric and propaganda about immigrants eating dogs or some such insanity (more here, here and here...and oh yeah, we can't forget this either...and an important and thoroughly unsurprising update is here)...

...and every once in a while, I try to change up things a bit here, so I’m presenting the following item...I saw this, and I couldn’t help but think of this scene from “Bull Durham”...

...and RIP bassist Herbie Flowers; he sat in on a bunch of hits, though he’ll likely be remembered for his playing on this tune from Lou Reed more than any other in his discography.