Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday Stuff

Lawrence O’Donnell gives us a powerful commentary IMO here on Amber Thurman of Georgia, who died because she couldn’t get the medical care that used to be standard when Roe was the law of the land...also appropriate to play that clip of Our Treasonous Orange Pustule’s comments to Howard Stern basically telling #45’s pregnant girlfriend to go get an abortion, which was readily available at the time of course...I’m glad O’Donnell isn’t letting Dubya off the hook here, but I’d include Poppy Bush also for Almost Silent Clarence Thomas, but that’s just me I guess...also glad O'Donnell mentions how routine a “D&C” procedure is, or should be anyway (or was when he was growing up in one of the most ultra-Catholic locations in this country), and how that procedure has not one damn thing to do with abortion...

...and in a related story, this Lincoln Project ad has to do with IVF (and those asshats in the Senate for the “R” team just voted down Tammy Duckworth’s IVF bill...again...and by the way, the language about “breaking with Trump” in the Times headline is beyond a imply that Mango Mussolini has any core beliefs on this issue or any other is more ridiculous mythology from “the old gray lady”)...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us how Bronzer Beelzebub is prepping his lizard-brained followers for the likely outcome of election losses in New York, California and hopefully the majority of other states by screeching about “FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD!!”...yeah, I’m sure the Harris/Walz campaign is quaking in their shoes over the electoral “strategy” of telling Trumpers to “get your fat ass out of bed” (and yeah, mispronouncing the Biden VP's first name is typically vile for this cretin) day, Cantaloupe Capone will no longer be part of our political discourse, and when that day comes, I assure you that I will celebrate...

...and Mike Figueredo discusses how Trump cronies in swing states plan to steal the election if Kamala wins, including Texas of course, which is purging voters from some suspense voter list that – oopsie! – JUST HAPPENS to include 2.2 million voters in Austin, who primarily vote for Democrats (and Ken Paxton is the utterly crooked AG for the “lone star state”)...clip also includes a discussion of voting-related garbage in Georgia of course, along with other states and including our beloved commonwealth of PA (NSFW/H)..

...and turning to the veep nominee on the Repug presidential ticket, Kyle Kulinski tells us how “couch boy” won’t defend his wife of Indian ancestry (Asian, that is) against the racism of his own party (also definitely NSFW/H)...

...and David Shuster of Rebel HQ tells us about Neil Cavuto of Fix Noise pushing back against wingnut claims that Dems wanted to “off” Trump at his golf course...and I’ll give Cavuto a bit of credit here, but for the zillionth time, please inform me as to the comparable insanity from Team “D,” if you can...go ahead, I’ll wait (and boy, am I ever SICK AND TIRED of listening to men, who will never be “in the stirrups” if you know what I mean, opening their pie holes and pontificating about freaking abortion!!)...and oh yeah, Tim Burchett is the guy who once said that his daddy told him there wasn’t anything we could do about gun violence in this country, or something (here)...

...and Thom Hartmann brings us the news that, apparently, Ron Wyden’s Senate Finance Committee had a hearing on Social Security, with Martin O’Malley (who oversees the SS trust fund I believe), and we discovered courtesy of Sheldon Whitehouse that the ultra-wealthy are avoiding more than $2 trillion in taxes every 10 years...good argument for getting rid of the damn cap on earnings subject to SS withholding, and good for Sen. Whitehouse to have a bill correcting that, and of course, leave it to the “party of Lincoln” to be the culprits who want to raise the retirement age...and 67 million people (about that) watched the Harris/Trump debate? Nice...

...and RIP J.D. Souther, who wrote a bunch of memorable tunes as part of the whole So-Cal rock scene in the early-mid ‘70s, which included Jackson Browne, The Eagles, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Joni Mitchell, and Linda Ronstadt of course...once again, kind of tough to pick one tune in particular as a tribute to a given musician/songwriter, but for better or worse, I’m settling on this one.

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