Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday Stuff

Brian Tyler Cohen gives us a clip of Dem U.S. House Rep Jared Moskowitz pretty much schooling Repug U.S. House Rep and Oversight Committee Chair James Comer to his face on the Biden impeachment fiasco, so OF COURSE Comer goes running over to Newsmax with his hurt fee fees, but he didn’t get much sympathy over there either...good! (and "the big knish," huh? Too funny)...

...and speaking of Dems in the U.S. House doing a great job, Jesse Dollemore lets us know about Greg Casar, questioning some wingnut named Mark Krikorian, who of course is up to his eyeballs in Project 2025 and wants to utterly dismantle civil rights protections; Krikorian also thinks Haiti should have been enslaved for at least 30 more years...what a disgusting puke Krikorian is (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and when it comes to pathetic examples of Repug non-governance, you can bet that Combover Caligula is going to show up somehow somewhere, and he does in this item from Farron Cousins where we learn that #45 wants a government shutdown if a budget is passed without the SAVE Act, which, again, is supposedly a “solution” in search of a problem that doesn’t exist, which is to bar non-citizens from voting in federal elections...and I wouldn’t have figured that Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao would be the voice of reason here, but actually, that death eater from Kentucky is acting sane for a change (an update is here; it looks like a shutdown was averted for now)...

...and Chris Hayes tells us about more madness from the Gropenfuhrer, this time on the economy...the Repug prez nominee apparently doesn’t understand his own economic plan (namely, that tariffs are indeed a sales tax to be paid by Americans consuming products bought from those the tariffs are levied against...should we be surprised...story is timed for Fed Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s rate cut)...still utterly painful to watch that insulting answer from Cantaloupe Capone in response to the child care question...

...and this clip from More Perfect Union tells us why the Mars snack food merger would be bad for consumers, and that’s basically because it would create the largest snack food company in years...want to know why price gouging continues? It’s because of these damn mergers and acquisitions, creating mega corps that can charge whatever the hell they want, that’s why...

...and this song was released 50 years ago today.

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