Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday Stuff

John Iadarola and Sharon Reed of The Damage Report let us know here that Kamala Harris wants to sh*tcan the filibuster to bring back Roe, so departing Dem U.S. Senator Joe Manchin haz a the way, it should be made crystal clear WHY THE F*CKING FILIBUSTER HAS BECOME NOTHING BUT A TOOL OF OBSTRUCTION, and it is because of that death eater from Kentucky far and away more than anybody else, as noted in the graph presented by John (Reed does mention that a bit, to be fair)...if the Repugs, God help us, take back the Senate, they’re going to blow up the stinking filibuster and our corporate media will just act like it’s another day with a “y” in it, which is even more reason why we need to do all we can to ensure that that doesn’t happen...and John’s right about the rich at the end, tragically).

As noted from here...
From 2009 through 2014, there (were) a historic 382 cloture votes held in the Senate.[27] Fully half of the 168 Senate filibusters of executive and judicial nominees in American history (came) during the first five years of the Obama Administration, when Mitch McConnell (was) minority leader.


And leave it to "Curtsy Kyrsten" to be utterly wrong on this also...

More is here, and the video follows...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen and Glenn Kirschner discuss the latter’s testimony before that phony baloney “weaponization of government” subcommittee run by Gym Jordan, with Kirschner accepting an invitation from Dem U.S. House Rep Stacey Plaskett...Kirschner testified about Project 2025 and Schedule F employees, who of course can be fired at a moment’s notice if they don’t pledge their undying loyalty to Dear Leader #45 (again, assuming by some disaster that he manages to land in An Oval Office again)..and yeah, it sounds like Jordan and Big Stupid Head Matt Gaetz wouldn’t let go of the chicken switch (mildly NSFW/H)...

...meanwhile, in the upper chamber, Dem U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse takes on the garbage SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity; the Rhode Island Dem continues to be a voice of reason calling out amidst the darkness of our politics, currently engulfed by Trumpism and the craven greed of the ”one percent” and like-minded courts, politicians and media ideologues (and in a related vein, more good work by Whitehouse’s fellow Dem Ron Wyden is here)...

...and I'm sure you just knew that “couch boy” was going to show up somehow, and as Sam and Matt Lech of The Majority Report inform us, ol’ J.D.’s little grocery stunt having to do with eggs backfired on him (insert “I Am The Walrus” snark here)...and by the way, for the record, your humble narrator worked at a Philly McDonald’s for a couple of years back in the disco era; if Cantaloupe Capone were to actually stand in front of a steaming fry vat for a millisecond or two, all of that ridiculous bronzer would immediately melt from his face (and yeah, I’m sure independent voters will now flock to Our Treasonous Orange Pustule in droves from his latest rant...smh)...

...and I have to admit that it’s been a looong time since I saw a clip as enraging as this one...David Doel presents a bit of a documentary on extremist Israelis taking a boat tour of demolished Gaza, presumably to look over land they intend to occupy after Bibi has murdered the last Palestinian, and all with the support (directly or indirectly) of the Israeli government... that interactive map at the end tells the story of those damn settlements on the West Bank and how they have destabilized the region also (and yes, for the zillionth time, I acknowledge that the murdering Hamas cowards started this with their attack on 10/7, but Israeli actions in response are utterly indefensible as far as I’m concerned)...

...and RIP jazz composer and performer Benny Golson, who brought us this memorable track among his catalogue of great tunes.

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