Here's what happens when white Americans taste (what it's like to be part of) the rainbow. #SamanthaBee
— Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) January 12, 2017
...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report presents a clip of $100-million-man Scott (“We risk revolution”) Galloway dropping more than a few “truth bombs” on “Morning Jo(ke)”...I think Galloway inappropriately conflates anger at insurance companies with the #MeToo and BLM protests; I don’t think the latter two have anything to do with income inequality...the stunned silence from the entire panel is funny in a way – you can almost see the thought balloons over everyone’s heads with the words “I sure as hell didn’t expect this guy to say this stuff”...Galloway’s take is commendable I believe, but I think what’s spurring this on is the “one percent” still quaking in their boots over the Brian Thompson murder and not any impulse related to altruism (love to be wrong, and no, I don’t condone violence against anyone) does a good job IMO of explaining the chasm in this country between what people want when they’re polled on issues and policies that actually matter versus what the politicians supposedly representing them are focused on doing instead...and I haven’t heard it explained before how elections have been monetized for the “one percent” (actually, a fraction of that), but it makes sense unfortunately...and I completely agree with Figueredo that “we should always aim higher”...
...and Chris Hayes gives us more information on the “tech bros” indeed coalescing in support of Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence, including Jeff Bezos (referencing the Ann Telnaes cartoon again)...also, Zuckerberg ditching fact checking from Meta to indeed curry favor with #47 (with a segment yesterday from Belle on that...important history from Hayes in this matter)...if nothing else, these tech dudes in their insufferable egotism and greed have truly provided a “mask off” moment (my assessment, not really Hayes’s in so many words...I have a feeling Hayes wants to go further in pointing out how dramatic this is, but MSNBC has to walk a tightrope of sorts since Comcast has cut them loose, making them easy prey for our incoming oligarchy, so they may feel it’s necessary not to give this incoming bunch of usurpers any more ammunition than necesary)...
...and David Pakman lets us know about MAGA/Steve Bannon turning on King Elon I...kind of hilarious to me to hear this wingnut hissy fit over “de-boosting” “excretions” or whatever madness is going on in Musk’s cranium (particularly regarding the H-1B Visa issue) when this bunch of grifters and nematodes had no problem of course when those metaphorical guns Musk is now bringing against Bannon et al were aimed at Dems and lefties in general during the election...I agree with Pakman’s assessment that #47 is pretty much “leaving Bannon at the altar,” you might say, in favor of Musk and his vast amounts of dough...
...and Brian Tyler Cohen and election lawyer extraordinaire Marc Elias tell us about North Carolina Repugs trying to steal an election lawfully won by Allison Riggs for the State Supreme Court (Riggs is a judge)...and yeah, GREAT point by Elias not to wake our sleeping fourth estate cousins, who of course will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING while this thievery from the “party of Lincoln” proceeds apace...yeah, let’s just pitch 60K votes because we feel like it...what country am I living in again?...
Update 1/13/25: Fortunately, sanity prevailed (h/t Eschaton).
...and I don’t know about you, but I need something kind of mellow to wrap up the week – I think this will do the trick (and dripping with nostalgia too for good measure).