Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Wednesday Stuff

David Pakman discusses the clip of Repug U.S. Senator Deb Fischer getting sworn in by still-VP-for-now Kamala Harris while Fischer’s husband did everything he could possibly do to ignore Harris...what an utter POS this guy is (and last I heard, Fischer was supposedly in trouble in her re-election against this independent guy named Dan Osborn, but I guess the Repugs fell in line at the end as they ALWAYS do)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us here about Cantaloupe Capone pressuring Congress to do something utterly stoo-pid, and that is to put all of what Mango Mussolini wants (tax cuts for the rich of course, along with border nonsense and God knows what else) into “one big, beautiful bill,” and MAGA Mike Johnson basically says, “Thank you sir, may I have another?” in response...yep, slipping on the metaphorical banana peel right out of the gate, as it were...I would agree with Cousins except that, as much as I detest #47, I’d be an idiot to ignore the possibility that Our Treasonous Orange Pustule will get his way on this by browbeating his party into submission and getting just enough cowardly Dems to support this nonsense also...

...well, at least one person out there has taken a rather visible stand in opposition to our slow slide into some utterly craven and destructive corpocracy, at that would be (former) WaPo cartoonist Ann Telnaes, who resigned in protest after her cartoon lampooning those worshiping at the altar of #47 was spiked by owner Jeff Bezos...democracy does indeed die in darkness, but also in the midst of greed and cowardice as well (John and Jackson White provide details...and this video is more evidence to me that Trump won because of depressed Democratic turnout for a variety of reasons, and yeah, our *preznit-elect isn’t going to be seeing any damn 42 percent approval rating again after his bulbous butt secures itself behind the Resolute Desk in An Oval Office)...

...and on the subject of the recent election, I think this man's NSFW/H commentary hits home for all of us...

...and this segment of ”The Classroom” from More Perfect Union (with Karan Menon) presents an important IMO discussion of pensions and how they were once associated with union membership (pensions being a so-called “defined benefit” plan that used to exist with an employer until “defined contribution” 401(k) plans were instituted, which were only intended at first to supplement defined benefit plans, not replace them)...and yes, we can thank this Ted Benna character for the rise of 401(k) plans (and yes, I’m being sarcastic)...I have to admit that I didn’t know that this country’s population over 65 is the largest group living in poverty, but maybe I shouldn’t be surprised...and I DEFINITELY knew about the role played by The Sainted Ronnie R in messing up Social Security (more here)...

...and RIP Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary (you can consider this an appreciation of his musical contribution, though he has a scummy backstory, I'll admit).

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