Hey, President-Elect Big Orange Cheetoh! You know those allegedly pesky, tiresome presidential daily briefs? You know, the ones you’re supposed to receive every day? Well, that’s part of the job description. That’s why they’re called “daily” briefs! (pic from here)…
Still proud of yourselves, all you Jill Stein and Gary Johnson voters (to say nothing of those who didn’t bother to vote for a president at all)? To be fair, though, at least Stein is commendably doing this…
…and deep down, do I wish that somehow what happened on 11/8 could be overturned? Hell yeah, but there’s virtually no shot of that I know. However, I believe we should do EVERYTHING in our power to ensure the integrity of the voting process in this country, regardless of whether the vote takes place at the federal, state, city or county level, and if an audit of the votes in Wisconsin, Michigan and PA help to accomplish that, then I’m all for it (and somehow I think this clip could have run for a little longer, but then again, we’re talking about The Comcast Network, let’s not forget, so I’m sure that has a little more than something to do with why it was cut short – besides, given the total “sensible centrist” and thoroughly unimaginative way she campaigned, I honestly don’t think Hillary Clinton deserves another chance)…
…that being said, I know I’m presenting Keith Olbermann’s great “The Resistance” commentaries out of order a bit once more, but I think #4 here takes a bit of precedence over #3 for reasons that I’m sure will become apparent shortly (here)…
…and I know this is a little behind on the news cycles, but I still think it’s worthwhile to take “A Closer Look” with Seth Meyers (Trump/Pence & the “Hamilton” stuff, as well as Steve Bannon embracing the dark side, where he lives already apparently)…
…and I give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (close enough) from 11/26/10, with an eco-friendly message for all of you consumers out there, including those braving the malls on Black Friday…
…and yes, that means the season is upon us again, believe it or not.
“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Friday, November 25, 2016
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving 2016

...and here's another holiday fave, with an intro by Seth MacFarlane as Stewie Griffin (and again, the captions make this hilarious as far as I'm concerned)...
...and here's more holiday fun...
...and I kind of liked this also (hat tip for this to Daily Kos)...
...and here's a Thanksgiving message for those wonderful folks at the TSA.
Update 1: And here is another late addition.
Update 2: Might as well add this too.
Update 3: Imagine all the people that can be fed for $35 grand (here, getting serious for a minute).
Update 4: And since I add to this list every year, I might as well include this too (hasta la vista, baby!).
…and I guess this is an appropriate tune for the day.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Wednesday Stuff
Someone from al Jazeera thinks the US needs “anger management” (I think he’s right)…
...and here's some electoral "food for thought," that's all (this too)...
And maybe I need anger management a bit too, but I'd still like to point out the following (tied partly to the recent election):
There’s a really good video from The Young Turks about some of the horrific garbage going on at the DAPL protests in North Dakota – namely, that rubber bullets, tear gas and all kinds of weapons typically used during a war are being brought to bear against people protesting peacefully to protect their water. The video discusses in particular a brave young woman named Sophia Wilansky, who was hit with a grenade, believe it or not, and may end up losing her left arm.
I’m not including the video because, halfway through it, Jimmy Dore basically hijacks it and talks about how Barack Obama supposedly “lost”…not sure what election he’s referring to…and says that Obama could stop it all right now (re, the ridiculous tactics used against the protestors which are more typical of a banana republic which, truth be told, this country is turning into anyway). Yes, Dore’s right that what’s going on is an utter travesty and we should be focusing WAY more attention on it. However, I’m tired of listening to him blaming every politician of either party equally for all of the ills that, admittedly, they haven’t addressed as they should (the economic meltdown and the lack of prosecution of the “banksters” for same, the Iraq war of course, etc.).
Has Number 44 done everything I’d hoped he would when I voted for him? Not by a longshot. However (and I’m sure Dore doesn’t want to hear this, but I’m saying it anyway), looks what he was up against for the last 8 years!
And guess what? By just throwing up your metaphorical hands and saying “Everyone’s corrupt, so what else should we expect?”…well, congratulations, you moron. I’m sure that ended up depressing Democratic voter turnout to help bring to hideous fruition the governmental nightmare we now face.
Do you honestly think there’s an equivalency between ways that Obama and Hillary Clinton admittedly fell short and the devastation we could yet face under Generalissimo Trump? To say nothing of the battles that I’m sure we’ll have to face EVERY DAY starting next January 21st (to say nothing of the ones we have to face right now while “Donald Drumpf” is transitioning to power)?
Just how big a fool are you anyway?
Update 11/24/16: And let's remember this the next time we hear the US lecture another country about human rights.
…continuing, Joy Ann Reid talks to Richard Painter about the inevitable conflicts of business interests that I’m sure our incoming POTUS (ugh) will deny at every turn, to say nothing of the thoroughly odious cadre of sycophants doing his dirty work…
…and K.O. is back with his second video as part of his “The Resistance” series…
…and Kyle K. tells us that a poll resulted in 59 percent telling the media to report facts instead of spin - imagine that (NSFW)...
…and congrats to “The Boss” for this.
Why America needs anger management https://t.co/FpyO3DaJY9 - @marwanbishara
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) November 21, 2016
(via @AJEmpire) pic.twitter.com/jU0x3p9H2J
...and here's some electoral "food for thought," that's all (this too)...
History repeats itself, once as farce (Bush), then again as tragedy (Trump)...
— Greg Palast (@Greg_Palast) November 18, 2016
Video via @electionsatrisk #ElectionResults #ElectionFraud pic.twitter.com/A3hisBLZni
And maybe I need anger management a bit too, but I'd still like to point out the following (tied partly to the recent election):
There’s a really good video from The Young Turks about some of the horrific garbage going on at the DAPL protests in North Dakota – namely, that rubber bullets, tear gas and all kinds of weapons typically used during a war are being brought to bear against people protesting peacefully to protect their water. The video discusses in particular a brave young woman named Sophia Wilansky, who was hit with a grenade, believe it or not, and may end up losing her left arm.
I’m not including the video because, halfway through it, Jimmy Dore basically hijacks it and talks about how Barack Obama supposedly “lost”…not sure what election he’s referring to…and says that Obama could stop it all right now (re, the ridiculous tactics used against the protestors which are more typical of a banana republic which, truth be told, this country is turning into anyway). Yes, Dore’s right that what’s going on is an utter travesty and we should be focusing WAY more attention on it. However, I’m tired of listening to him blaming every politician of either party equally for all of the ills that, admittedly, they haven’t addressed as they should (the economic meltdown and the lack of prosecution of the “banksters” for same, the Iraq war of course, etc.).
Has Number 44 done everything I’d hoped he would when I voted for him? Not by a longshot. However (and I’m sure Dore doesn’t want to hear this, but I’m saying it anyway), looks what he was up against for the last 8 years!
And guess what? By just throwing up your metaphorical hands and saying “Everyone’s corrupt, so what else should we expect?”…well, congratulations, you moron. I’m sure that ended up depressing Democratic voter turnout to help bring to hideous fruition the governmental nightmare we now face.
Do you honestly think there’s an equivalency between ways that Obama and Hillary Clinton admittedly fell short and the devastation we could yet face under Generalissimo Trump? To say nothing of the battles that I’m sure we’ll have to face EVERY DAY starting next January 21st (to say nothing of the ones we have to face right now while “Donald Drumpf” is transitioning to power)?
Just how big a fool are you anyway?
Update 11/24/16: And let's remember this the next time we hear the US lecture another country about human rights.
Native American activist Myron Dewey talks about the human rights violations in Standing Rock. pic.twitter.com/rwKsCnARhw
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) November 24, 2016
…continuing, Joy Ann Reid talks to Richard Painter about the inevitable conflicts of business interests that I’m sure our incoming POTUS (ugh) will deny at every turn, to say nothing of the thoroughly odious cadre of sycophants doing his dirty work…
…and K.O. is back with his second video as part of his “The Resistance” series…
…and Kyle K. tells us that a poll resulted in 59 percent telling the media to report facts instead of spin - imagine that (NSFW)...
…and congrats to “The Boss” for this.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Tuesday Stuff
(Hat tip to Kriston Capps and John Fugelsang on Twitter for the pic, which speaks volumes as far as I'm concerned)
I think it’s probably best that I just bring you the utterly toxic words of white supremacist a-hole Richard Spencer unedited from The Atlantic first…
…and then provide some analysis from TYT (great point by Ben Mankiewicz about the “rebrand” – they’re just white supremacists in suits…with Francis Maxwell and Grace Baldridge...I'm trying to comment on this with some degree of objectivity and not SCREAM at the top of my lungs about how absolutely horrifying it is...and gee, what about those Clinton Email and Clinton Foundation "scandals" anyway?)…
(By the way, as noted here, the egomania of this guy is almost beyond description.)
…and it looks like NC Guv Pat McCrory is yet another self-entitled Republican who doesn’t want to play by the rules (more here)…
…and as noted here, it looks like Eric Bolling of Fix Noise is actually being considered for a Commerce Dept. job under President “Fergus Laing,” which provides an excuse to revisit this great clip from Jon Stewart…
…and I would definitely call this a rallying cry, though, given the history of the Democrats unfortunately (as a party in Congress, I mean), I am not at all sure that they will fight (more here)…
…and speaking of great Irishmen, it’s not your imagination if you think I include this song every November 22nd for a reason, by the way (to commemorate the death of a man who once said, “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.”).
I think it’s probably best that I just bring you the utterly toxic words of white supremacist a-hole Richard Spencer unedited from The Atlantic first…
…and then provide some analysis from TYT (great point by Ben Mankiewicz about the “rebrand” – they’re just white supremacists in suits…with Francis Maxwell and Grace Baldridge...I'm trying to comment on this with some degree of objectivity and not SCREAM at the top of my lungs about how absolutely horrifying it is...and gee, what about those Clinton Email and Clinton Foundation "scandals" anyway?)…
(By the way, as noted here, the egomania of this guy is almost beyond description.)
…and it looks like NC Guv Pat McCrory is yet another self-entitled Republican who doesn’t want to play by the rules (more here)…
…and as noted here, it looks like Eric Bolling of Fix Noise is actually being considered for a Commerce Dept. job under President “Fergus Laing,” which provides an excuse to revisit this great clip from Jon Stewart…
…and I would definitely call this a rallying cry, though, given the history of the Democrats unfortunately (as a party in Congress, I mean), I am not at all sure that they will fight (more here)…
Meet the Irish lawmaker whose statement against Donald Trump is becoming a viral rallying cry #AMJoy https://t.co/0BVXW8zVzA
— AM Joy w/Joy Reid (@amjoyshow) November 20, 2016
…and speaking of great Irishmen, it’s not your imagination if you think I include this song every November 22nd for a reason, by the way (to commemorate the death of a man who once said, “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.”).
Monday, November 21, 2016
Monday Stuff (updates)
Welcome to Donald J. Trump’s America (NSFW) – still proud of yourselves, all you Jill Stein and Gary Johnson voters? And gosh, aren’t those Clinton Email and Clinton Foundation “scandals” worse than this (re, jackbooted tactics from the cops in North Dakota aimed at the DAPL peaceful protest)?…
…and I have admit that I always gave Dem U.S. House Rep Tulsi Gabbard a pass because she served in the military and also because she allegedly supported Bernie Sanders for president, but apparently, she was nothing but a mole for the Repugs all along, telling anyone who would listen that she “wasn’t afraid” of the Clintons (blow that dog whistle a little louder for the Fix Noise crowd, why dontcha?), and based on this, she has gone over to the dark side at long last – apparently didn’t learn a lot about acting honorably and with integrity during her service (and I think she also showed her true colors here).
And does she HONESTLY think that Generalissimo Trump is doing to give a crap about “real food transparency for American consumers” (see video below)?
Have fun counting your thirty pieces of silver…
Update 11/24/16: You do this as long as I’ve done this, and every once in awhile, you REALLY put your foot in it, as it were – last time I screwed up this badly was over John Edwards; apologies and thanks to Rep. Gabbard for this.
Update 12/9/16: OK, enough of this crap – I take back my apology to Gabbard for this; figure out what you’re all about, lady, or at least be honest about it.
…also, I think Rachel Maddow performed another valuable service last Friday, taking a stroll down memory sewer, as it were, when it comes to toxic race relations in the South, giving Jesse Helms the treatment he deserved once more, though she didn’t include this - more here...
…and the prior clip leads into the sordid past of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, who may end up as our next Attorney General (ugh)…
…and K.O. is back once more with Part 1 of “The Resistance”…
…and here’s a tune that, given recent news events, has been on my mind lately.
…and I have admit that I always gave Dem U.S. House Rep Tulsi Gabbard a pass because she served in the military and also because she allegedly supported Bernie Sanders for president, but apparently, she was nothing but a mole for the Repugs all along, telling anyone who would listen that she “wasn’t afraid” of the Clintons (blow that dog whistle a little louder for the Fix Noise crowd, why dontcha?), and based on this, she has gone over to the dark side at long last – apparently didn’t learn a lot about acting honorably and with integrity during her service (and I think she also showed her true colors here).
And does she HONESTLY think that Generalissimo Trump is doing to give a crap about “real food transparency for American consumers” (see video below)?
Have fun counting your thirty pieces of silver…
Update 11/24/16: You do this as long as I’ve done this, and every once in awhile, you REALLY put your foot in it, as it were – last time I screwed up this badly was over John Edwards; apologies and thanks to Rep. Gabbard for this.
Update 12/9/16: OK, enough of this crap – I take back my apology to Gabbard for this; figure out what you’re all about, lady, or at least be honest about it.
…also, I think Rachel Maddow performed another valuable service last Friday, taking a stroll down memory sewer, as it were, when it comes to toxic race relations in the South, giving Jesse Helms the treatment he deserved once more, though she didn’t include this - more here...
…and the prior clip leads into the sordid past of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, who may end up as our next Attorney General (ugh)…
…and K.O. is back once more with Part 1 of “The Resistance”…
…and here’s a tune that, given recent news events, has been on my mind lately.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Sunday Stuff
God knows I have issues with The Moustache of Understanding, but when he’s right, he’s right (re, the coup of Generalissimo Trump, calling it "a moral 9/11" – don’t blink or you’ll miss it…Friedman also said in the show that when we’ll REALLY experience a “brain drain” over people deciding not to come to this country to study because of Trump will be about 5-10 years from now, which I think, sadly, is another important point)…
…and the ONLY thing I will give Trumpette Kayleigh McEnany credit for here is just showing common, decent courtesy to Reza Aslan (which anyone should do anyway of course) and letting him speak, which most wingnuts won’t do of course – yeah, Aslan is right and McEnany is, typically, just spouting BS…
...and RIP Sharon Jones...
...and Leon Russell.
…and the ONLY thing I will give Trumpette Kayleigh McEnany credit for here is just showing common, decent courtesy to Reza Aslan (which anyone should do anyway of course) and letting him speak, which most wingnuts won’t do of course – yeah, Aslan is right and McEnany is, typically, just spouting BS…
...and RIP Sharon Jones...
...and Leon Russell.
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