Friday, August 09, 2024

Friday Stuff

The “Morning Joe” crew bring us the tale of RFK Jr. and the dead bear cub that he kept in his car, apparently, while he went to eat at Peter Luger's Steak House (one response to this is why the hell Kennedy didn’t bother to contact someone in New York at the SPCA, or at least reach out to law enforcement who might put him in touch with the Humane Kennedy thought it would be funny to make it look like the bear was hit by a biker near Central Park? God, what disgusting entitlement on display here).

Oh, and just for the hell of it, I found this link to the New York statute on aggravated cruelty to animals, just to point out that Kennedy, on top of acting like a self-aggrandizing jerk, also may have broken the law...

...and that's probably the best lead-in I could ask for to this John Oliver clip on the Kennedy scion...I didn’t know about RFK Jr.’s influence in keeping people in Samoa from getting vaxxed against COVID, as well as the cruelty behind using that boy in Michigan who died from a malformed blood vessel in his brain in that book about COVID deaths...and that line about all of the likely skeletons in his closet making him king is still another blaring siren warning us to NOT HAVE ONE DAMN THING TO DO WITH HIM EVER (NSFW/H)...

Update 1 8/12/24: Maybe Junior should have bothered to check on his legal NY residence before he started bloviating with Roseanne Barr (here).

Update 8/15/24: So Junior makes it official here that he supports Our Orange Menace - good to know.

...and Miss Beau acknowledges the latest insane presser from Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence, which no doubt will kick off another round of corporate media hand-wringing...#45 is a delusional, lying sociopath who should be ignored and vilified and not taken seriously that’s it the end...

Update: I actually heard some of that mess, and he was doing the "accordion hands" bit and ranting about "gas propelled cars"...WHAAAA????

...and speaking of wingnuts in need of an intervention, I guess this is what Joe Buck would have turned into after pimping in NYC and working as a bellboy at a luxury Miami hotel (I think that’s how “Midnight Cowboy” ended)...anyway, Jon Voight is warning us that “the left” is going to take away your kids and presumably make them trans, or something (with Cenk and Yasmin Khan) of the reasons I have almost nothing to do with TYT any more is because of their perpetual inaccuracies and biases that get in the way of presenting stories as accurately as they think they are presenting them, and with that in mind, I’d like to point out that KIDS AREN’T GETTING FREAKING BOTTOM SURGERY, CENK! HOW MANY GODDAMN TIMES DO WE HAVE TO POINT THAT OUT??! And sorry for using all caps a lot, but I think the emphasis is needed...

...and Leeja Miller tells us that supporting Combover Caligula was just the beginning for the tech billionaires...clip is all about J.D. Vance, and I’m not surprised to find that that’s not exactly his real name – yeah, it’s the fault of “learned helplessness” in Appalachia, whatever that means, isn’t it? And OF COURRSSE that stinking Leonard Leo managed to show up somehow in Vance’s bio, right? And as far as Miller’s take on Catholicism goes, she backs up her claims with data to her credit, and she’s right about the evangelical overlap, you might say, between Catholicism and the fundie nut jobs, but there are also a lot of progressive, leftist Catholics out there too; I just thought it would be appropriate to mention I watched that ridiculous “Star Trek” quote from Peter Thiel, all I could think of was that I was glad Thiel wasn’t around when JFK said we’re going to go to the moon, because Thiel would have been one of the first people to shoot that down, so to speak, because we couldn’t do it right away; Thiel would probably want to build lasers to shoot at the lunch counter protestors from that era like John Lewis, or something...and yeah, Vance does just ooze “pick me” energy...and I definitely didn’t know about this “New Right” garbage and this life form named Curtis Yarvin until I saw this clip (more here, here and here)...(NSFW/H also)...

Update 2 8/12/24: Vance continues to be "the gift that keeps on giving" as shown here.

...and speaking of lawyers, Marc Elias of Democracy Docket speaks with Brian Tyler Cohen about Almost Silent Clarence Thomas getting referred to the DOJ...I honestly don’t believe charges will be filed against Thomas either, though they should be, but I can see this as something leading to a stricter ethics code for the SCOTUS from the U.S. Senate Dems, which the Repugs will kill of course, led by Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao (and yeah, that threat from Gorsuch is examined once more...Cohen makes a great comment at the end IMO about the pervasive influence of the wingnuts from the High Court all the way down to county boards of elections)...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 8/11/17...I have to tell you that I’ve largely given up on Bill Maher for a variety of reasons, mainly because of his dismissive attitude towards Gen Z-ers and millennials, but here, from back in the day, I thought he did a good job of pointing out the disgusting hypocrisy of Trump supporters blaming Former President Hopey Changey for saying words and acting in ways that earned nothing but scorn from the wingnuts, even though their hero Bronzer Beelzebub said and did things FAR WORSE; I’m putting this up partly to extend best wishes to former President Obama belatedly on his birthday - I’ve said before and I’ll say again that, if everyone who vilified him had taken the time to read “The Audacity of Hope,” they would have truly understood where he was coming from (another NSFW/H clip)...

...and here’s an upbeat little number to bring us into the weekend – weather-wise, it should be a good one for this locality.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Thursday Stuff

This Lincoln Project video brings us more words commonly associated with Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence, who has been propped up by people and institutions with power and influence (here) regardless of his criminality for his whole damn life (and more on the Gropenfuhrer and Project 2025 is here and here)...

...and David Pakman tells us about Kamala Harris taking the lead nationwide over Bronzer Beelzebub, and many statewide polls also of course – not huge numbers, but still notable...and yes, the trend lines are what matters the most (so yeah, of course the Trumpers are going to yell and scream that this is all “fake news”...they’re cranking up their slime machine as I type this of course, so God knows what kind of garbage they’re going to come up with in the fall, since, as Bushie Andrew Card once infamously said about the Iraq war, you don’t roll out a new product in August as noted here)...

...and Rachel Maddow reminds us that Not Your Father’s Republican Party has individuals in place to mess with the ’24 election, in battleground states of course including Michigan, where they tried to decertify the results in ’20 (w/ Marc Elias)...”January 6th was the culmination of a certification dispute”; I don’t think I’ve ever heard it put so matter of factly, but yeah, it makes sense to me...

...and Thom Hartmann asks if Combover Caligula and his consigliere Bill Barr will EVER be brought to justice, and Thom asks that question in light of reporting from Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Daily News about a $10 million payoff from strongman El-Sisi in Egypt to the leader of Cult 45 (here)...infuriating that the statute of limitations has apparently expired on this...and yeah, this whole “blue slip” garbage in the Senate pertaining to judicial nominations NEEDS TO FREAKING GO!...

...and Sam Seder of The Majority Report tells us that Usha Vance, J.D.’s wife, went on Fix Noise to try and clean up the mess from her spouse’s “childless cat ladies” nonsense, which was plainly made as a dig at Democrats because Vance thinks they’re unfit to govern because they don’t have kids, which definitely works hand in glove with Vance’s schtick about parenting, presumably with his fellow knuckle draggers in mind (more here)...and boy, is Sam ever right about the “party of Lincoln” not renewing the child tax credit in the Senate...

...and this “America’s Lawyer” clip with Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins discusses some outfit called the Tax Foundation, composed of all of the corporatist greed head “one percent” grifters we know and despise, and how they’ve managed to infiltrate K-12 schools with their propaganda that taxing business is baaad...

...and lest we forget, I should note that today is the 50th anniversary, believe it or not, of the resignation of Richard Nixon from the presidency over Watergate...and I completely believe that, had the scandal happened today, there would have been the typical wingnut screeching over the “li-bu-ruuul media” and it would have gotten the “memory hole” treatment from the Fourth Estate, and it gives me no pleasure whatsoever to point that out...

...and here’s another seasonal selection to try and brighten up a cloudy, dreary day in these parts.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Don’t take my opinion to the bank or anything, but I believe VP Kamala Harris made an astute selection in choosing Minnesota guv Tim Walz as her running mate; he has more of a track record than Josh Shapiro, and choosing Walz automatically invalidates the Repug talking point of “oh, the Dems chose someone from the ‘coastal elite’ for the Harris ticket,” which is actually a hilarious statement about our beloved commonwealth of “Pennsyltucky”...personally, I was leaning towards Mark Kelly, but Walz is a terrific addition to the ticket...Ben Meiselas of the Meidas Touch Network brings us more...

...and turning to #46, Kyle Kulinski tells us about President Biden’s proposed SCOTUS reforms...the High Court should also be expanded to 13 justices IMO, one for each district court, with mandatory retirement at 75, and I agree with 10-year term limits also, but I don’t call what Biden’s doing here “virtue signaling”...interesting that John Roberts, as a DOJ lawyer under The Sainted Ronnie R, said that Congress could do “distributing stripping” from the SCOTUS...and the Lochner-era court, up until now, was probably the most rabidly pro-business Supreme Court in our history...oh, and as long as we’re talking about the High Court of Hangin’ Judge J.R., I think Gorsuch should stuff it with garbage like this (NSFW/H)...

...and Marc Elias and Paige Moskowitz from “Democracy Docket” inform us that the “peach state” has introduced a portal (from the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger) where people can submit voter registration cancellation requests, apparently without much verification concerning the individual being cancelled...what country am I living in again? (“The dead person’s not gonna vote”...yeah, I think that says it pretty much)...

...and I’m glad I stumbled across this item from Stephanie Miller and John Fugelsang about Cantaloupe Capone and his “miracle ear” – at a certain point, I guess all you can do is laugh (and "Vladimir Futon" - good one)...

...and Mandela Barnes of More Perfect Union narrates a clip about the hidden crisis affecting America’s kids, namely, lead pipes for water installed before documents, among other things, the pace of lead pipe replacement with $$ from the Infrastructure bill, which represents the biggest investment we’ve ever made in upgrading water systems, and the person who deserves credit for that more than anyone else is #46; there were a lot of reasons why I and others were absolutely enraged watching him getting pretty much shoved out of the way in the campaign after the debate, and all of the good work from his legislation (the Infrastructure Bill, the American Jobs Plan and the CHIPS Act) had a lot to do with that...yes, I’ll acknowledge that the time had come for him to hand over the reins, but I’m not holding my breath waiting for Biden to get all of the credit he’s due for reviving our economy coming out of COVID...and by the way, concerning Barnes, we should also NEVER forget that he lost to RoJo The Clown in Wisconsin by 27K votes, and as noted here, 37K votes were suppressed in can do the math on that as well as I can...

...and I know I need to pick up the pace a bit with my summer tunes; here’s another one.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Yasmin Khan tells us about the dustup between “Cancun” Cruz and the acting head of the Secret Service over the coverage of President Biden vs. that of Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence (and yeah, it’s called the “Secret” Service for a reason, you Texas assclown! And Khan is absolutely right about Colin Allred, running against the senatorial mistake from “the land of the yellow rose,” needing to “up his game”; wonder how much help Allred's getting from the DSCC?)...

...and Richard Ojeda brings us Dem U.S. House Rep Delia Ramirez of Illinois standing up to Marjorie Trailer Park Greene, with the xenophobic nut case from GA-14 typically running off with the mouth and demonizing, in another fact-free and evidence-free rant, immigrants seeking a better life for themselves and their families in this country (though, given the antics of Greene and other life forms from the “party of Lincoln,” I cannot possibly imagine why an immigrant would still believe in the promise of this country, and it gives me no pleasure to say do something about Moscow Marge, click here...and by the way, 6 alleged Democrats actually supported this garbage resolution H.R. 1371 as noted here...and I don’t know about you, but I’m just about done with Mary Peltola, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez and ESPECIALLY Jared Golden; they shouldn’t get ONE GODDAMN DIME OF DCCC DOUGH for their campaigns – I’ve HAD IT with the Manchin-and-Sinema-eque contrarian schtick from these lowlifes...and when it comes to Not Your Father's Republican Party and immigration, more is here and here)...

...and leave it to the head of “Cult 45” to come up with this line about “real garbage” supposedly pertaining to Kamala Harris, though, if he had a molecule of decency or introspection, he’d realize how much that applies to himself – Lawrence O’Donnell brings us more on this (and revisiting the shooting in Butler PA, mentioned in the Cruz clip, the FBI’s Christoper Wray said before Congress that we don’t know if #45 was really hit by a bullet or not – my money is on the latter)...

...and I haven’t included many clips from this Tennessee Brando person, though I should add more from him because he makes a lot of sense; this time around, he opines on J.D. Vance “going to war” on parents without kids (my guess is that, if Vance ever saw combat for real, he'd soil himself and run away...and I know this echoes yesterday's clip with David Pakman a bit...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and speaking of Vance, consider this my effort to breathe life back into a really funny meme (definitely NSFW/H)...

...and it looks like the “big casino” has been sliding a bit lately, even though I don't recall hearing any praise for #46 when it hit 40K (and yes, I know presidents don't control the markets) – definitely above my pay grade as to why, though I have a feeling that Fed Chair Jerome Powell not cutting interest rates isn’t exactly doing “No Malarkey Joe” any favors (though, thus far, it is rebounding today in typical fashion)...can’t help but reflect on The Eternal George Carlin at times like this (here).

Monday, August 05, 2024

Monday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore tells us about “Killer Kyle” and his declaration that he’ll vote for Ron Paul for president, but then – oopsie! – Mr. “No Takebacks” decides that he’s now on board with the Gropenfuhrer...and Rittenhouse is losing followers on Xitter? C’est dommage...I guess he’ll have to go randomly shoot some more people and get acquitted again for more media attention, huh? (#sarcasm)...

...and David Pakman tells us that J.D. Vance is back to spout more garbage about married adults without kids, saying they’re sociopathic or something...unintentionally amusing for characters like Vance to keep spouting “values” bullsh*t like this in lieu of actual legislation...oh, wait...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about this Charles Moran guy getting played by Not Your Father’s Republican Party...I don’t think “Stockholm Syndrome” adequately explains why the Log Cabin Republicans continue to exist, but it looks like their leader was vilified for praising Bronzer Beelzebub recently...and yeah, the Grindr stuff is amusing, I have to say, as well as that clip with “George Santos”; I wish he hadn’t been booted out of the U.S. House because he would have been a walking, talking reason to vote for Dems...oh well (NSFW/H)...

...and Farron Cousins informs us that the fallout is continuing from the Gropenfuhrer’s typical over-the-top racism on display at that NABJ gathering...and no, I don’t give Comer and Thune credit here either; definitely not the full-throated criticism that should have ensued, really from anyone mentioned here...and oh yeah, there’s Billo the Clown somehow trying to remain relevant...have a hot toddy and get yourself tucked under the covers for the evening – do us all a favor and GO “F” YOURSELF, OK? And speaking of Mango Mussolini, I think we should remember this...

...and Miss Beau informs us that the members of the Trump Party in the U.S. Senate voted down the expanded Child Tax Credit, and Senate Majority Leader (for now) Chuck Schumer has introduced the “No Kings Act” in response to our thoroughly corrupt SCOTUS trying to make Our Ochre Abomination king, lord and dictator (more here and here)...

...and I know I’m overdue for a newer tune – I think this fits for a “mellow Monday.”