Remember the saga of John Edwards and the $400 haircut?
Well, it turns out that Edwards is a piker compared to Scott Brown; as noted
here, the latter up $1401 in charges last year to make sure he stays “well
Wonder when somebody is going to make a video like this
about “Wall Street Scott” (to say nothing of a column heaped with ridicule by Kathleen
Parker – what exactly was that Pulitzer for again?)…
…and yes, I have to admit this at last (sniff), so I might
as well have fun with it.
Update 4/29/12: And by the way, happy belated 90th birthday to Jack Klugman.
Memo to our idiot politicians in Washington: Stop trying to come up with
schemes to “regulate the Internet.” Every time you try, you screw up even worse,
largely because you insist on freezing out the content creators and people who
would otherwise innovate on it, creating new industries and – dare I point this
out? – J-O-B-S (and I don’t mean that Apple dead guy - more here...and here is more on the clown behind CISPA)...
...and with this in mind, here is a Saturday morning cartoon.
Update: Oops, forgot about these two; first, it's time for "The Game of Pro-Life"...
…and I forgot to add this “New Rules” segment from last
night, including the audio that sounds like it’s trapped in a can (glad you’re
spared the ugly spectacle of Andrew Ross Sorkin’s apologia for the one percent
that he inflicted on the show minutes before this segment, though Paul Begala
did a good job of pushing back...and don't get me started on the Charles Murray segment earlier).
Here’s a question – is one of our presidential candidates
…and if you liked “governance” under Number 43, it looks
like Romney is getting ready to bring us, on foreign policy anyway (probably domestic
policy too), “Bushco – The Sequel”…
…and with that in mind, here is Part 2 of “Willard Mitt
Romney vs. Reality”…
…meanwhile here is what actual leadership looks like (by the
way, I definitely think Number 42 overdid it in his support for Kathleen Kane
over Patrick Murphy recently, but again, that’s politics – it would have been
safer for Murphy to support Hillary Clinton four years ago, but he made the
right decision and ended up paying for it not once but twice, really)…
…and here’s more on the “war on women” (figurative war I’ll
admit, but the Obama/Romney numbers don’t lie…there’s an issue for real there –
more BS, I see, among the usual gaggle of right-wing idiots)…
…and I’ve only got a couple of days left to put up this
video, so here goes.
I also posted here (yes, as a follow up to last night, I’m
trying to resuscitate the old WP site).
Want to know why Not Your Father’s Republican Party is going
to be nothing but a bunch of angry white fogies primarily from the South one
day? I give you this (naaah, the Repugs aren’t waging a war on women – just keep
trying to convince yourselves, people)…
...and I guess I just mixed this group up with Fine Young
Cannibals because of the lead vocalist, but I’m glad I got that straightened
OK, two things: 1) I officially no longer care about the PA Attorney
General’s race, since the voters of our beloved commonwealth continue to reward
mediocrity every chance they can get in all manner of elective office, and 2) I
don’t know how many other people besides me are aware of this, but Blogger
recently completed an “upgrade,” and it is a total disaster. I’m seriously
considering resurrecting the Wordpress site and bailing on Blogger once and for
all, for anyone who cares to know that.
Now, this tells us about Obama reaching out to college-age voters; Charles
M. Blow of the New York Times recently had an interesting column about
that...and lest anyone think Willard Mitt and the GOP actually care about
younger voters, please keep the following clip in mind (featuring a rare moment
of fortitude by Fluffyhead in response to more garbage from Moon Unit
...and I hope readers of this site don’t find themselves asking this
musical question.
Don’t forget, tomorrow is primary election day in PA, and the guy in this clip needs our vote…
…and here’s a reminder about the cretins who want to hold sway over all…
…and given this item, I thought it would be a good idea to replay this campaign ad from 2000 that was unbelievably prescient about Dubya – you really want to see “The Ownership Society on Steroids” under Willard Mitt after November, people?...
Happy 75th birthday to Jack Nicholson – I could be here all night sorting
through clips to put up here, from “Chinatown,” “Five Easy Pieces,” “One Flew
Over The Cuckoo’s Nest,” “Batman” even, and many other films, but this will do
(from “A Few Good Men,” of course)...
...and here’s a tune to listen to between the raindrops.