Friday, February 14, 2025

Friday Stuff

Mike Figueredo brings us the story of farmer Skylar Holden, who made a TikTok bit worrying about continued funding for his farm through the Inflation Reduction Act (everybody remember that one from Biden?)...and I don’t want to hear about this guy “taking a quiz” that supposedly told him that the Gropenfuhrer was the best candidate for president; as I and others have mentioned numerous times, we’re talking about an individual convicted on 34 counts of paying off a p*rn star with campaign funds, as well as someone held criminally liable for “sexual abuse” (i.e., rape) in accordance with the verdict from a New York court (in addition to all of the ruin from his horrific first term), and you STILL thought “he’s my guy,” as well as the fact the #47 is such a bald-faced liar that he doesn’t even know what reality is...Holden does have a bit of a point that there’s an opportunity for Dems here to educate people who could vote on our side, but I don’t have faith that Schumer and Jeffries will capitalize on this moment, sadly...also, good on Holden seriously for having the conversations he describes...and Figueredo is absolutely right about people who are too far gone; I have to admit that I have personal experience with that, regrettably (NSFW/H)...

...and Leeja Miller tells us about King Elon I and his cadre of “creeps and dweebs” in DOGE...and yeah, this Steve Davis character in charge of DOGE staffing has ties to – wait for it! – George Mason University and Koch Industries...and this Peter Marocco life form associated with this criminal enterprise has ties to 1/6 also...additionally, Stephanie Holmes is associated with notorious wingnut law firm Jones Day (also, the Pacific Legal Foundation is another collection of right wing “fellow travelers”)...and yes, I completely agree with Miller’s commentary about protecting journalists...If nothing else, this clip should let us know the depth and breadth of the “vast right wing conspiracy” Hillary Clinton once warned us about (and of course, she was completely vilified for saying so)...people smarter than your humble narrator have called all of this DOGE garbage a “digital coup,” and sadly, I think that’s correct...

...and Jesse Dollemore lets us know that the administration of Cantaloupe Capone is covering for King Elon every way possible; yeah, it looks like Karoline Leavitt has to work on her lying skills...oh, and this pea-brained harpie thinks we have no interest in climate change in Sri Lanka? We have interest in climate change EVERY-FREAKING WHERE SINCE WE ALL SHARE THE SAME FREAKING PLANET, YOU MORON! (mildly NSFW/H also)...

...and Seth Meyers tells us that our Orange Demagogue is trying to punish the AP for not saying Gulf of America in their reporting; also, Bronzer Beelzebub made himself Kennedy Center chair (oh, excuse me...the board he basically appointed himself was responsible for that)...yeah, “some people” this and “some people” that; more lies (Seth is getting a little edgy here trying to break through that “fourth wall” on the spit take thing)...oh great – after listening to Our Ochre Abomination talking about “the Gerald Ford” and LaGuardia and plane and magnets and hydraulics or whatever, it’s plain to the entire world that HE’S FREAKING SUNSETTING!!!...

...and Tennessee Brando brings us the story of Dem lawmakers in his state getting up and walking out of Repug guv Bill Lee’s State of the State address in protest, led by Justin Jones and Gloria Johnson...and if you even vote for a sanctuary city, you could be charged with a felony in that state? What freaking country am I living in again???!! (slightly NSFW/H as well)...

...and happy Valentine’s Day, everybody (and glad to see that there’s plenty of love right now for our Iggles also...and I think the next Utopia tune was "Love In Action").

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thursday Stuff

I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 2/14/’s safe to say that I gave up on Bill Maher awhile ago, but back when he actually made sense IMO, he gave us this bit about “falling in love” with knowledge; I think it’s getting harder to find good content from our corporate media publications (which makes Ground News even more important as far as I’m concerned), but I think it’s fair to patronize who we can as our means allows...for example, I subscribe to the online version of the New York Times FWIW, and even though they employ Peter Baker and some of that paper’s ridiculous Op-Ed writers, they also employ talented ones like Jamelle Bouie, even though the good writers keep leaving (like Charles Blow and Professor Krugman)...people like Charlie Savage know their stuff also...I would also suggest supporting people like Will Bunch and Charles Pierce, and also The Rude Pundit (clip is briefly NSFW/H in a couple of spots)...

...and Chris Hayes lets us know that an appeals court rejected a bid to reinstate a funding freeze from King Elon I...oh, and DOGE is “transparent,” Elmo? WHERE???!!! As Hayes says, what we know of that enterprise of President Musk and his flunky (DOGE I mean) came out of independent reporting...and since *President Accordion Hands is so obsessed with “corruption,” I think it bears repeating that HE FIRED ALL OF THE FREAKING INSPECTOR GENERALS WHO WOULD ROOT OUT THE “CORRUPTION” THAT HE CLAIMS IS SO BAD!!! I think Hayes also does a good job here of pointing out how Mango Mussolini doesn’t give a fig about the law, despite his nonsensical claim that he’ll abide by court rulings...

...and Lawrence O’Donnell points out how ridiculous that photo-op with King Elon and his henchman truly was...and again, #47 acting like he’s going to abide by courts – yeah, this is from a professional liar...King Abdullah of Jordan visited in the midst of all of this, with O’Donnell discussing the nonsense created by the Gropenfuhrer as well as O’Donnell’s own Hollywood billionaire story...and I think the stuff about the woman allegedly making $30 million working for the federal government is the “welfare queen 2.0” based on the nonsense first created by The Sainted Ronnie R...and yeah, maybe it’s partly my fault that I’m utterly not shocked by President Musk and his second in command deciding not to send food to starving people in Sudan (following up on the Hayes clip on that idiotic photo op where Bronzer Beelzebub looked utterly helpless) – maybe I shouldn’t be as numb to this stuff as I am...I guess O’Donnell’s prior clip arguing that we’re defenseless against stoo-pidity is true, I hate to say...also, I’m utterly not shocked by #47’s actions around Musk’s 4-year-old – Combover Caligula is a demented narcissistic sociopath, so this is just another day with a “y” in it...

...and completing my MSNBC trifecta, Rachel Maddow speaks with Eric Lipton (speaking of good writers for the NY Times), who exposes Musk’s shocking conflict of interest; getting people fired for investigating him, eliminating know, typically altruistic stuff from that overgrown nepo baby (#sarcasm about altruism - and I don’t mean Maddow)...and of course, Our Ochre Abomination gets rid of the heads of the NLRB and the EEOC, because of course...and oh yeah, who needs a stinkin’ FEC to investigate complaints from last year’s election of Elmo sending payments to “encourage voter registration” – more pretty obvious illegality...and kudos to Phyllis Fong for showing up to work and telling Diaper Donnie and Apartheid Clyde what they can do...of course, Elmo wanted her gone because she had the temerity to investigate test monkeys getting abused by Musk’s company Neuralink (I’m not going to say another word about that...gut churning stuff)...and by the way, I have a token presence on Xitter, but if Musk puts that completely behind a paywall, I’ll deactivate and remove my account...

Update: And concerning Elmo, I hope no one is surprised by this.

...and would that our politicians had a fraction of the character and brains of this gentleman...

..and happy 75th birthday to Peter Gabriel.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wednesday Stuff

David Doel informs us that U.S. support from Canadians is plummeting, which should come as absolutely no surprise given the antics of our 34-count-convicted-felon *preznit...I think I mentioned already that, when it comes to Canada and the military, there was no hesitation at all from them about invading Afghanistan after 9/11 in accordance with honoring Article 5 of the NATO pact (an attack against one nation is an attack against all – of course, Orange Sh*tstain is too dumb to recall that or even know it in the first place)...oh, and by the way, as Doel notes, all of this nonsense from our Toddler-In-Chief is helping support for Canada’s liberal party – talk about unintended consequences...and that bar graph about America’s favorability as viewed by Canada after 1/20 of this year really does tell the sad story...yep, #47 is responsible for a wave of Canadian nationalism affecting their economy (which could have been foreseen by anyone with a functioning brain synapse), and I can’t see how anybody will know what kind of impact that will have on this country...

...and Farron Cousins tells us more on how King Elon I is causing chaos in the White House of Cantaloupe Capone...hadn’t really thought that DOGE is just another tool to create a smokescreen for the Gropenfuhrer, but if there’s a single thing this ruinous administration is good at, it’s misdirection (aided by our thoroughly compliant corporate media), and it makes sense that Elon is a tool for that, among other things...didn’t know there was a pic of Elmo behind the Resolute Desk, which should offend everyone in this nation (but good luck with that I know)...

...and David Shuster of Rebel HQ brings us the tale of Trumpist Judge Carl Nichols blocking the Gropenfuhrer from trying to dismantle USAID and laying off 22K workers...also, we get an update from 19 state attorneys general trying to stop King Elon and DOGE form accessing private data from the Treasury Department...and gee, isn’t it interesting to see how Little Marco was for foreign aid before he was against it, as well as Huckleberry Graham...and “tremendous fraud, tremendous waste”...projection much, Diaper Boy?...not sure why they included that idiotic Jonah Goldberg clip again; already pointed out that Goldberg is full of sh*t...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about Our Ochre Abomination not necessarily endorsing Couch Boy for ’28, in response to a question from Bret Baier of Fix Noise...I don’t think this was “throwing Vance under the bus,” but it was definitely a lukewarm endorsement, which is the best you’ll get from Our Treasonous Orange Pustule...oh, and apparently Baier goes to Mar-a-Lago to golf with the Gropenfuhrer; as Atrios might say, time for another blogger ethics panel (the joke being that filthy, unkempt liberal bloggers such as yours truly aren’t privileged enough to share “the discourse” with our Beltway courtier media and their brethren)...

(And by the way, like legacy corporate media and “independent” media, which I try to be in my way, I know I’m spending a lot of time on President Fergus Laing because of the threat he poses...believe me when I tell you that I’d like to spend at least as much time on what the “D” team is doing in response, but that exercise is greatly hindered by nonsense like this...and I mean the response from the "D" team, not people contacting them.)

Update 2/14/25: OK, this is positive (from earlier this week)...

Want to know what the DNC is doing? Mainstream media will not report this. Here is what they did today.

[image or embed]

— Choco Harvey Milk ( February 12, 2025 at 7:46 PM
...and we’re planning for a parade in these parts for the world champion Philadelphia Eagles (and the projection is for a million people to attend – I have a feeling they’ll make that number easily), and yours truly may be there also – that’s not decided at the moment; in the meantime, Robert Reich lets us know about these private equity bastards investing in the NFL...right now, they’re limited to a 10% stake in each team as Reich tells us, but yeah, we DEFINITELY should keep an eye on this...

...and with the David Doel clip in mind (re, the Trumpist idiocy against Canada and Mexico in particular), I thought I’d periodically put up clips from vocalists/musicians in those countries, and I want to start with this from our neighbor to the north.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tuesday Stuff

Anybody out there remember how the Gropenfuhrer supposedly solved the LA wildfire crisis by tapping into those CA reservoirs that released billions of gallons of water (which didn’t actually get to LA...geographically, it was impossible)? Well, it turns out that California farmers needed that water, and now they’re screwed...apparently, since the water was released early, they won’t have it during the summer for their crops to grow, and the early water release posed a flooding risk and the Army Corps of Engineers was told to stop by the farmers...more here (how many times do these people have to learn the lesson that Everything Trump Touches Dies?...NSFW/H)...

...and David Shuster brings us a video with Dem Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky standing up against Mango Mussolini’s attempt to shut down the I watch George Conway talk about how lawless our ruling cabal truly is, I’m remembering that (as noted earlier), when #47 took his oath, he didn’t put his hand on the Bible...and oh yeah, the 1/6 rioters were assaulted, you delusional lunatic? If somehow this were happening under a Democratic administration, the 25th Amendment would have been enforced by now; that would be the right move for this moment of madness now also...and Jonah Goldberg says that USAID “doesn’t touch people”? Try running that by our Kansas/Midwest farmers, you numbskull (here)...

...and Thom Hartmann tells us how Cantaloupe Capone is turning our broadcast networks into state-run media...and of course, the GSA is cancelling media contracts at the behest of Our Treasonous Orange Pustule (figures...and when something as milquetoast as Politico is considered controvesial...ugh)...

...and Emma and Matt Lech of The Majority Report tell us about local news reporter Kyle Clark of Denver’s 9News doing a good job debunking more BS from the Gropenfuhrer on immigration, with Trumpist lickspittles (including mush mouth Tom Homan) blaming “the local media” for the fact that their photo-op attempt at a bust of immigrants in Denver and Aurora “was a bust” according to Clark (everything would have worked if it weren’t for “those meddling kids”...too damn funny)...don’t know what Emma V. is referring to with that remark about the ”Biden Harris studios in Brooklyn”...yep, Clark really deserves credit for standing up to wingnut BS, including that of Bo-Bo Boebert...and good point by Lech that non-sanctuary cities/states actually have higher violent crime rates, because, in these places, since it’s easier to rat people out, that actually makes it harder for the cops to do their jobs because people are going to be more secretive and it’s hard to get intel to find out who IS here illegally...discussion veers off a bit into the “robber baron” stuff and the Depression, which often happens with the “Majority Report” clips (veering off, I mean), which is one reason why I try to be selective about including clips from them (NSFW/H also)...

...and retired Army Major Richard Ojeda brings us this sorry bit of business with Big Hair Blackburn of Tennessee attempting to propagandize over the issue of refugees to this country on our southern border, including kids, in a hearing with human rights lawyer Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, who is also a Senior Fellow at the American Immigration Council (more here)...I would guess that Reichlin-Melnick has more character and expertise in his fingernail than Moscow Marsha has in her entire, wretched person...and good job by Ojeda for blaming Blackburn for writing a bill to make it harder to stop the shipment of opioids, which have destroyed people, families and communities (here)...and GREAT job by Ojeda to review Blackburn’s voting record, which does indeed stink to high Heaven (I’m not exactly sure of the date of this clip since, sadly, Dems lost the Senate and are no longer in charge of committees)...

...and since we just witnessed a Super Bowl (and a GLORIOUS one at that!), you just knew there would be some kind of a wingnut controversy (over a flag???!!!), and this one involves rapper Kendrick Lamar and Samuel L. Jackson as Uncle Sam (and no, I didn’t see it, but I’m looking for the video)...awww, you mean white bread America is butt hurt because Clay Travis Sh*theel didn’t perform the halftime “I Love The USA” show instead? Or some other corn-fed, Kentucky fried hero of “real” America? GMAFB! (and this clip is definitely NSFW/H as well, by the way, but I think it’s a great tune).

Update 2/12/25: Yeah, this surprises me in actually no way whatsoever.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore tells us of Combover Caligula instructing his female minion Pam Bondi to criminally prosecute employers following some sort of DEI policy to hire minorities (I would say #47 is racist, but that should be patently obvious by now)...can’t hardly wait for the good ol’ days of Plessy v. Ferguson, which was decided in 1896 (and yes, that’s definitely a bad joke I’ll admit) me, this actually illustrates the difference between the way Dems and Repugs approach politics; Dems, rightly, will go back and forth discussing and considering different opinions on an issue and come up with a consensus, whereas Repugs will take the most minute excuse possible and kick the metaphorical door wide open if it means cramming their agenda down our throats – in this example, the typically wrongheaded SCOTUS Harvard decision from ’23 is used as a pretext for the jackbooted racial thuggery of Our Ochre Abomination (slightly NSFW/H).

And by the way, I’m glad Jesse ended this clip by getting after the Dems and telling them to act like an actual opposition party. With that in mind, I want to say something.
I’m keeping an open mind when it comes to Ken Martin, who won election as the new head of the DNC, and I was curious to hear what he had to say about the biggest issues we face and what the Dems plan to do in response. Well, I received an Email from him yesterday with a sentence noting that he was recently the head of the Minnesota Democratic Farm Labor party...and then he goes right to the pitch of “orange man bad, we need to build up the party infrastructure, give us money.” So basically, he sent me an Email that was boilerplate from what I’ve received from Jaime Harrison, Tom Perez, etc.


I’m going to point out for probably the fiftieth time at least that PEOPLE WILL NOT VOTE FOR YOU IF THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT YOUR POLCIES ARE OR WHAT YOU PROPOSE TO HELP THEM!!! Gee, maybe Martin’s introductory Email could have been about how the Dems will always support women’s health care, trying to move to a renewable green energy economy (and good luck with THAT until 2028 at least), the right of workers to unionize, common sense gun laws, immigration reform for real including protecting birthright citizenship, student debt relief, LGBTQ rights, investment in infrastructure, and on and on. And yes, these positions are supported by the vast majority of this country (I would also add Palestinian human rights, but that’s just me I guess). And if you want to attack Trump, talk about fighting King Elon and DOGE (which, again, is illegally subverting the “power of the purse” given to our legislature according to the Constitution), protecting USAID for those around the world who need it (and our farmers who receive income from it), ensuring that Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security aren’t messed with by the “Xitter king” and his flunkies, etc.

So basically, Martin should take another shot at introducing himself and letting us know why we should care. If he actually were to do that the right way, you just never know what kind of positive impact that might achieve. Of course, if he does it the wrong way...

Update 2/12/25: And speaking of the "D" team doing things the wrong way...Judas H. Priest on a freaking pogo stick!!! (here and here).

Here is the Dollemore clip...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us that it looks like “couch boy” put his foot in it by defending (sort of) one of King Elon I’s sycophants espousing (Asian) Indian-American prejudice, when – whoops! – Vance’s wife is of Indian descent, which puts Vance’s kids in the same category...”the grass cheering on the lawnmower” indeed...and GREAT point by Cohen that, with USAID either greatly diminished or gone completely, China is indeed going to fill that void; of course, Bronze Beelzebub is completely incapable of learning ANYTHING, particularly the lesson that soft power, which China wields with expert precision, is what wins the day, as opposed to bluster and xenophobia...also well done by Cohen to defend the CFPB...

...and Lawrence O’Donnell recalls Dietrich Bonhoffer’s quote that “against stupidity, we are defenseless”; I’m not sure I’d go THAT far, but Bonhoffer’s argument is solid...and God almighty, how bad off do we have to be for David Brooks to actually make sense...I was wondering where O’Donnell was going by conjuring up The Sainted Ronnie R, but what O’Donnell said about #40 and Medicare was spot-on...and oh yeah, I’d almost forgotten how the Gropenfuhrer utterly punted on infrastructure during his first sorry term, and the actual infrastructure that IS being built is owed to Democrats (gee, ya’ think we could have done a better job getting that message out in the campaign last year, DNC and new chair the aforementioned Ken Martin??)...O’Donnell wraps this up with the completely-called-for indictment of our beyond useless corporate media, in particular the White House press corps, in not holding Our Treasonous Orange Pustule to account on the gutting of USAID and the potential of mass starvation in Sudan...

...and David Doel tells us that the government of Ontario, Canada (and Doug Ford – definitely not a lib) is in the process of cancelling a $100 million deal with Starlink, one of King Elmo’s companies...good point to note that Cantaloupe Capone did this tariffs thing once before and backed down; hmmm...wonder why our glorious fourth estate in this country gave that the “memory hole” treatment? Don’t want to offend Dear Leader I also goes over some of Ford’s bad deals with US companies, to be fair...good background also on why awarding Starlink that much dough to begin with was an idiotic idea in the first place...and yeah, that rate of $160 an hour for hiring nurses is beyond absurd since nurses don’t actually get comped anywhere near that amount of dough (at least, not in the states – have to admit that I don’t know what the wage scale is for our neighbors to the north)...

...and Tennessee Brando provides an example of The Roger Ailes BS Factory doing what it does best...only Fix Noise could spin the attempt by Dem legislators to hold King Elon I accountable for trying to gut the Department of Education intro a headline of “Dems Ambush Education Dept. Amid Musk Meltdown” (well, other wingnut media sites could be comparably bad, I’ll admit)...and kudos to the Dem Tennessee lawmakers for introducing the “Stop Elon Act” to keep “DOGE Boy” out of the federal payments system (slightly NSFW/H)...

...and for the second time in seven years, I can legitimately add this tune – WAY TO GO BIRDS!!! FLY EAGLES FLY!!!