(And I also posted
Did you know that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the accused shooter in the Fort Hood rampage in which 13 people were killed and at least 30 wounded, allegedly committed his horrific acts of violence in an example of “the chickens of the left coming home to roost”?
And I mean, that must be true, since David Horowitz wrote it, right? And by the way, a great big raspberry goes out to New York Times “Opinionator” Eric Etheridge for linking to Horowitz yesterday and giving him more credibility than Horowitz will ever deserve (
I guess this is what it takes for the right’s point man on filing nuisance college lawsuits claiming “bias” (
here) to remain relevant, since the ruling cabal for which he plied his dark art is no longer in power.
And if you bother to take the time to read Horowitz’s online literary equivalent of flatulence (
here), you will also see a post titled, “Obama’s Ft. Hood Reaction is Far Worse than the Left’s Smear of Bush’s ‘Pet Goat’ Moment.”
So this is what passes for informed dialogue by apologists for the party out of power, my fellow prisoners: some sick tit-for-tat game in which 12 pointless deaths supposedly trump nearly 3,000 other innocent lives.
And using more elegant language but still communicating the disgusting notion that anyone whatsoever sought to provide “a national rush to therapy” for Hasan, David Brooks, citing no evidence whatsoever, said
here that “It wasn’t the reaction of a morally or politically serious nation.”
Shockingly, though, I have to admit that Brooks could be right about this country not being “politically serious.” After all, we still bother to give assclowns like Brooks the time of day, don’t we?
I could go on with this, but you get the idea (
here and
here are two more equally ridiculous examples).
Now while it is true that Hasan did have a correspondence with the radical Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki (noted
here), the following is also true (from
A preliminary review of the computer of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the accused shooter in Thursday's rampage at Fort Hood in which 13 people were killed, has revealed no evidence of any connection to terror groups or conspirators, according to law enforcement officials.
I know decency towards those with whom they disagree is way too much to ask of Horowitz, O’Reilly, Hannity and the rest of that crowd. Apparently, though, respectful silence to commemorate the dead prior to another round of bloviation is too much to ask also.