Sunday, November 08, 2009

The House Closes The Deal On Health Care Reform

Yes, the road will get rockier still in the Senate, but for now, congratulations! (here).

And by the way, I hope every one of the 64 "Democrats" who voted for the Bart Stupak pro-sepsis amendment (Stupak is pictured above) loses next year when running for re-election (here - I don't know the math on whether or not the Dems would still control the House or not, but I'm sick of trying to accommodate these far as I'm concerned, they're Republicans already). And the fact that the Stupak amendment was co-sponsored by Joe Pitts tells you all you need to know.

Also, a personal thanks to Patrick Murphy for voting nay on Stupak-Pitts. The howls of outrage will be constant on the Op-Ed page of the Courier Times, but you did the right thing.

And how ridiculous is it that, after pulling that stunt with the baby yesterday, Repug John Shadegg of Arizona voted "present" on Stupak-Pitts. Some "courage of your convictions" there, huh?

(Finally, posting is questionable for tomorrow).

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