Friday, August 02, 2024

Friday Stuff

Guy Cohen of Occupy Democrats gives us some clips of Mango Mussolini’s train wreck with the National Association of Black Journalists; that includes the segments about “black jobs” and Kamala Harris recently “becoming black,” or some such garbage...curious that the plug was pulled on everything the minute Project 2025 came up; I’m sure #45 didn’t want to admit that his sweaty, bulbous orange hands are all over it (more here)...

Update 1: Nicely done by one of our Gold medalist Olympians (here).

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about the Repug mayor of Mesa, AZ, John Giles, deciding to support Kamala Harris...”evaporatable”?? That’s OK...and Jesse is dead-on right about the dirty tricks the Trumpers are preparing for the general election...

...and the crew from The Majority Report (Emma V., Matt Lech, Matt Binder and Brandon Sutton) discuss Kamala Harris’s potential VP pick (personally, I'm fine with Mark Kelly or Tim Walz - I like Andy Beshear too, but does anybody seriously think he'll bring the South with him?)...I absolutely agree with their analysis of Josh Shapiro; I honestly don’t know what the pundits think he’ll do for the “D” team, notwithstanding Shapiro’s baggage...and yeah, I believe that they’re correct that the whole “birther 2.0” garbage against Harris won’t fly this time around – hope we’re right (I also didn’t think the “caste” joke was all that funny, partly because I can indeed see Our Treasonous Orange Pustule using something like that, but whatever...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and John Iadarola and Sharon Reed of The Damage Report tell us that J.D. Vance’s net favorability continues to plummet, from minus 6 to minus 15 in just a matter of days (kind of makes me wonder how Tim Ryan actually lost to him in the Ohio U.S. Senate race, but Vance apparently knew how to “speak wingnut” better than Ryan...have fun reaping the whirlwind, people)...

...and welcome to the party, Miss Beau – here, she discusses the recent release of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and U.S. Marine Paul Whelan from the clutches of Vlad The Butcher (if somehow Combover Caligula had managed to pull this off, he’d be crowing about it forever, but since this accomplishment came from President Biden, don’t expect to hear much from our beyond useless corporate media)...

Update 8/3/24: The leader of "Cult 45" might as well have a hammer and sickle tattooed on his forehead (here).

Update 2: Treasonous insurrectionist from PA seeking a Trump pardon sez what?

...and this video from Sam Black of More Perfect Union tells us The Real Reason (Why) You Can’t Afford a House (yep, you can draw a line pretty much back to private equity firms as the culprit, and the one featured here is based in Texas...collectively, they swooped in to buy up homes in the wake of the 2008 foreclosure crisis...”the shift from owning to renting has resulted in a homeowner loss of about a billion dollars in lost equity over the last ten years, and that’s just in Atlanta”...ugh – I would suggest that you remember that the next time some boomer complains about kids these days with their baggy pants, hippity hop and MP4s, or whatever, not starting their lives and careers...and oh yeah, having to pay off usurious student loans is a factor too)...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 7/29/15...with all of the record-breaking heat going on related to climate change, I thought it was appropriate to highlight this clip once more of the Hillary Clinton for President campaign calling out presidential candidates from that time representing the “party of Lincoln” who denied climate science, and still do so...even though this video makes an important point, I thought it was a bit “too clever by half,” which, to me, was emblematic of the Clinton campaign overall...there were too many other factors that went into her loss in 2016, and on paper she had the best resume of any candidate, but she just left a lot to be desired as a campaigner, and unfortunately, that has more to do with how people vote than anything else...

...and happy belated 75th birthday to drummer Simon Kirke of Free and Bad Company.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

OK, I’m back after a really nice begin, Rachel Maddow tells us about Mango Mussolini’s lack of concern over voting, spouting that garbage about never having to vote again after you vote for me one time, or some such nonsense...and yeah, the “don’t worry about voting” stuff is particularly wacky, but as always, saying that stuff is a “tell” for something, and it sounds like there’s indeed some scheme in the works not to certify elections in swing states...once more, people need to go to prison over this garbage, and Marc Elias knows what he’s talking about on this subject (paging Biden/Harris; are you on the lookout for this stuff?)...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about Our Ochre Abomination chickening out on the debate with presumptive Dem presidential nominee Kamala Harris, which Jesse called (and yeah, the excuse from that Trumpist flak Steven Cheung is demented even for that bunch)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that, the more that people know about Project 2025, the more they hate it, and there’s plenty of push-back on Truth Septic to emphasize that...

...and speaking of Project 2025, Thom Hartmann reminds us that a big part of that is pretty much a full-on war on our environment from the usual wingnut suspects, led by Charles Koch (big surprise I know...not!)...also, Thom tells us about Joe Manchin and John Barrasso in the U.S. Senate introducing something called the Energy Permitting Reform Act as part of that, which represents still more attacks on the ecosystem of our planet, and which is particularly bad since we’ve recently had still more of the hottest temperatures on record across the globe...

...and Beau of the Fifth Column gives us a commentary on the fact that the U.S. House flunkies under “MAGA Mike” Johnson really haven’t done ANYTHING to tell their constituents about while they enjoy their summer break (those miscreants in the House I mean), and that includes a few funding bills needed to keep the government running, so we may be looking at a shutdown (terrific)...and apparently Beau is going to step back from making videos, but he’ll have others contributing to the channel; I’d say the man has earned the right to “stand down,” if you will...

...and I hope you're in the mood for another seasonal tune, because ready or not, here it comes.