Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday Stuff

Boy, is this ever spot-on commentary from Rachel Maddow about Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Russian Operative of a "president" last night...

...which led into this...

...and I would ask that you keep the Dean Baker tweet in mind as you watch these idiots in Orange County, CA (I would merely laugh at these people normally, but the disgusting George Floyd comparisons tell us how entitled and out-of-touch these numbskulls truly are…and given this, I’m sure the majority of these states are run by Republicans)…

Update: I thought this was a pretty good state-by-state breakdown of how this country is doing overall, which also emphasizes the utter failure of our ruling regime of frauds and idiots to implement a national testing strategy.

…and it looks like Generalissimo Trump is going to rev up his Bund rallies again, starting with Tulsa, OK on Juneteenth (more here; Nicolle Wallace speaks with Mara Gay and Heidi Przybyla)…

Update: Somewhat face-saving, but still utterly tone deaf (here)...

…and for this upcoming mess in Tulsa, those attending will be forced to absolve Our Pumpkin Pestilence of any liability if they come down with COVID-19, as Chuck Todd and Brian Tyler Cohen tell us…

…and Kyle tells us about statues coming down all over the world related to slavery and oppressing indigenous people apparently (good point about getting hung up on just the symbolism…I didn’t know about the “washing the feet” stuff – I think that’s taking things a little far actually…more on Campaign Zero is here)...

…and I sought out a relatively recent number that’s upbeat and somewhat life-affirming, so here it is; I hope nobody stole their car :-).

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thursday Stuff

I’m a couple of days behind on this one, but I DEFINITELY didn’t want to let this slip between the cracks, and that would be the profiles in utter cowardice of the U.S. senators from the “party of Lincoln” when they were asked by an MSNBC reporter if they thought the Gropenfuhrer was right to clear Lafayette Square with tear gas before his awkward Bible photo-op…

Update 6/12/20: By the way (and speaking of treating peaceful protestors horribly), I’ve had an occasion to go back through these posts, and somehow I don’t believe I said anything about Martin Gugino, the 75-year-old man who was shoved to the ground with his head hitting a concrete pavement in Buffalo, to the point where he bled from his ear (it might have appeared in some kind of a mashup video...hard to keep up with all of the outrages I'll admit) – more appears in the following tweet:

Well, guess what? According to this story, Gugino has brain damage!

So don’t even imagine that you’re going to tell me that the Trump gang and their acolytes (including our fascistic cops) aren’t Nazis for real!

Update 6/18/20: And here is more proof.

…and Sam and Michael Brooks of TMR discuss what happened in Georgia’s elections last Tuesday; yep, the ruinous legacy of Shelby from The High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR lives on (and I think Mr. Charles Pierce is spot-on here)…

…and apparently, the Swanson TV Dinner Heir was recently triggered by Elmo and his dad – huh? (with Ana and John I. once again)…

Update: Let's see how well Tucker can digest this along with his giblets and peach cobbler.

…and I hope you’re in the mood for a summer tune, because I definitely am; I usually put up the Isley Brothers version of this number, and that’s good, but the original is better.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Wednesday Stuff

I thought this was a particularly good clip from Rachel Maddow about the positive outcomes from social distancing and other methods to try and prevent the COVID-19 spread from being worse than it was, which was bad enough (I would call a likely reduction of 60 million cases significant, though from every place I can see as we start to open, the cases are going up again)…

…and as long as we’re talking about COVID-19, I give you this Farron Cousins clip telling us about how Our Pumpkin Pestilence forced a Maine company to trash an entire day’s worth of testing swabs because 45 wouldn’t wear a mask when he toured the facility…

…and I think this latest Meidas Touch video is pretty spot-on also given all of the protests…

…and Chris Hayes recently spoke with Charles Booker, running to replace Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao in the U.S. Senate from Kentucky (a link to Mike Broihier’s site is here – not helping Amy McGrath because I’m done with Dems who do nothing but cave in for the sake of preserving the status quo)…

…and I’ve been meaning to get to this Thom Hartmann clip where he speaks with author Richard Wolff on the somewhat tenuous relationship between capitalism, socialism, and fascism…and yes, the discussion draws a link between pre-WW II Germany and this country right now, and sadly, I think that link is valid…

…and with the prior clip in mind, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 6/10/16…I thought this was also a good commentary from Bill Maher (who, as far as I’m concerned, doesn’t much matter for anything anymore) on capitalism and socialism…

…and Seth Meyers brings us a recent “Closer Look” segment detailing the latest insanity from our ruling cabal of liars and criminals (including a truly awful pun involving Larry Kudlow)…

…and apparently this song was played on many public radio stations in this country at around 3:00 on Tuesday as part of the memorial to George Floyd, which is commendable; yes, the man had a checkered past, and the fact that he had Fentanyl in his system definitely makes you wonder too, but he certainly didn’t deserve what happened to him, nor did many others protesting on Floyd’s behalf.

Monday, June 08, 2020

Monday Stuff (updates)

I had the following not-very-deep-I’ll-admit thoughts, if you will, after watching the following video featuring this grifter-ette from our First Crime Family.

We don’t need to merely vote the Trump regime out of power once and for all in November (though we MOST DEFINITELY need to do that). We need to rid our government of all of the enablers who allowed them to run roughshod over this country’s institutions and way of life over the last 3 ½ years or so (to say nothing of accounting from the COVID-19 pandemic casualties, which surely must be approaching 110,000 by now…and once again, if the Gropenfuhrer had a “D” after his name instead of an “R,” he would have been impeached in the House, tried for real in the Senate, convicted – assuming he didn’t resign in advance of that – and sentenced to prison, and our corporate media would be running stories nonstop of what led up to that and any and all future consequences).

And also, after Trump is tried and convicted as a private citizen, we need to hold to account everyone who played a role in his rise to power. That means our allegedly elite corporate media pundit class, our governmental think tanks and other “influencer” bodies and institutions or whatever cast, other “shadow” candidates who owe allegiance to foreign persons and/or governments who seek to do us harm (I’m talking to YOU, Dr. Jill Stein!), our faith leaders…you name it. And no, I’m not calling for anything related to violence. But I most definitely am calling for anything and everything related to hounding and shaming these life forms for the remainder of their days.

And I think this Meidas Touch video is a nice step in that direction, though of course we need to do much more…

Update 1 6/8/20: Such is life when your daddy is grossly unpopular, cupcake (here).

Update 6/12/20: And leave it to the whining, spoiled little princess to run kicking and screaming to Daddy Warbucks when she doesn't get her way - and I definitely don't mean Our Orange Pestilence (here).

Update 2 6/8/20: Actually, I take back what I said above about only punishing Trump supporters socially - the life forms in this video supposedly re-enacting George Floyd's killing deserve jail.

Update 6/9/20: You know what they say about paybacks - heh...

Update 6/10/20: Didn't take long, did it?

…and Farron Cousins tells us that Betsy DeVos and Steve Mnuchin have been sued (though, as Cousins notes, DeVos has been sued so many times that it’s easy to lose count) for taking CARES Act money from student loan debtors and applying the $$ to the loan, even though the persons holding the loans were granted relief of loan repayment through the Act and likely were seeking to apply the $$ to, y’know, dumb stuff like food and clothing and shelter and paying their utility bills..punish everyone from this criminal enterprise of a “presidential administration”

…and I thought this was a good “Now This” video interviewing those protesting to find out why exactly they’re doing so – overwhelmingly, the reasons have to do with racism and criminal justice I know, but there’s also an economic component to be sure (probably a public health component also)…

…and I think this is a pretty good take from Kyle on social media censorship including Twitter and Facebook…I grudgingly have to admit that he’s right about “there’s no such thing as a little bit of censorship”…from what I read, the people protesting at/about Facebook are upset about groups getting messages out that basically encourage racism and the status quo of police violence, and they’re right to do that – I’m sorry, though; I just don’t have a good answer, but something tells me censorship isn’t it (and given the recent Tom Cotton dustup in the NY Times, the now-demoted former Op-Ed editor blew it by not only not reading what Cotton said, but apparently also seeking out Cotton for a column in the first place – once again, our corporate media bends over backwards for conservatives…if they wanted to publish Cotton’s hateful screen basically calling for a police state, well, that’s protected speech – they should have run a point-by-point column next to it, though, explaining why Cotton was completely and utterly wrong)…

…and Ana and John tell us about Rahul Dubey, the Washington D.C. man who hid protestors in his house so they wouldn’t be arrested for breaking curfew (if I were still doing Do-Gooders and Dregs, Dubey would be my Do-Gooder of the Year hands down for this)…

…and I’m not sure how many “protest” tunes I have left – probably overlooking a few – but I didn’t want to forget this one.