Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thursday Stuff

I’m a couple of days behind on this one, but I DEFINITELY didn’t want to let this slip between the cracks, and that would be the profiles in utter cowardice of the U.S. senators from the “party of Lincoln” when they were asked by an MSNBC reporter if they thought the Gropenfuhrer was right to clear Lafayette Square with tear gas before his awkward Bible photo-op…

Update 6/12/20: By the way (and speaking of treating peaceful protestors horribly), I’ve had an occasion to go back through these posts, and somehow I don’t believe I said anything about Martin Gugino, the 75-year-old man who was shoved to the ground with his head hitting a concrete pavement in Buffalo, to the point where he bled from his ear (it might have appeared in some kind of a mashup video...hard to keep up with all of the outrages I'll admit) – more appears in the following tweet:

Well, guess what? According to this story, Gugino has brain damage!

So don’t even imagine that you’re going to tell me that the Trump gang and their acolytes (including our fascistic cops) aren’t Nazis for real!

Update 6/18/20: And here is more proof.

…and Sam and Michael Brooks of TMR discuss what happened in Georgia’s elections last Tuesday; yep, the ruinous legacy of Shelby from The High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR lives on (and I think Mr. Charles Pierce is spot-on here)…

…and apparently, the Swanson TV Dinner Heir was recently triggered by Elmo and his dad – huh? (with Ana and John I. once again)…

Update: Let's see how well Tucker can digest this along with his giblets and peach cobbler.

…and I hope you’re in the mood for a summer tune, because I definitely am; I usually put up the Isley Brothers version of this number, and that’s good, but the original is better.

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