Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday Stuff

Boy, is this ever spot-on commentary from Rachel Maddow about Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Russian Operative of a "president" last night...

...which led into this...

...and I would ask that you keep the Dean Baker tweet in mind as you watch these idiots in Orange County, CA (I would merely laugh at these people normally, but the disgusting George Floyd comparisons tell us how entitled and out-of-touch these numbskulls truly are…and given this, I’m sure the majority of these states are run by Republicans)…

Update: I thought this was a pretty good state-by-state breakdown of how this country is doing overall, which also emphasizes the utter failure of our ruling regime of frauds and idiots to implement a national testing strategy.

…and it looks like Generalissimo Trump is going to rev up his Bund rallies again, starting with Tulsa, OK on Juneteenth (more here; Nicolle Wallace speaks with Mara Gay and Heidi Przybyla)…

Update: Somewhat face-saving, but still utterly tone deaf (here)...

…and for this upcoming mess in Tulsa, those attending will be forced to absolve Our Pumpkin Pestilence of any liability if they come down with COVID-19, as Chuck Todd and Brian Tyler Cohen tell us…

…and Kyle tells us about statues coming down all over the world related to slavery and oppressing indigenous people apparently (good point about getting hung up on just the symbolism…I didn’t know about the “washing the feet” stuff – I think that’s taking things a little far actually…more on Campaign Zero is here)...

…and I sought out a relatively recent number that’s upbeat and somewhat life-affirming, so here it is; I hope nobody stole their car :-).

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