As you watch this video (here), know that the Repugs have tried to repeal “Obama Care” 54 times (here)…
…and if you watch Fix Noise and take it seriously, as far as I’m concerned, you’re too stoo-pid for words (here, and here too)…
…changing the mood big time, Martin Bashir brings the outrage against Congress (the House in particular...big surprise I know) and the NRA (here) – much more like this (and this is pretty despicable too, and probably illegal)…
…and sometimes I honestly wonder If the utterly heartless swine responsible for this legislative travesty believe in the concepts named in the title of this song.
“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Thursday Stuff
(I also posted here.)
Yeah, I would say that Billo doesn’t have a prayer on this one (and he tells us that he went to Catholic elementary school, so he doesn’t have an excuse)…
…and from the sacred to the profane, I give you Lee Camp here (NSFW)…
…and this proves that Boehner, Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao and company want to gut entitlements but keep up their debt smokescreen anyway, and even a single-celled organism knows how stoo-pid Sean Inanity and Rand Paul are, and it also proves that the Repugs are all over the place with their valued “messaging” (I must tell you, though, that I’m sick of all of this hand-wringing over whether or not the Repugs will suddenly somehow become sane – they’re sinking; stand back and don’t lift a finger to help them)…
…and given this, I felt like hearing this song once more.
Yeah, I would say that Billo doesn’t have a prayer on this one (and he tells us that he went to Catholic elementary school, so he doesn’t have an excuse)…
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…and from the sacred to the profane, I give you Lee Camp here (NSFW)…
…and this proves that Boehner, Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao and company want to gut entitlements but keep up their debt smokescreen anyway, and even a single-celled organism knows how stoo-pid Sean Inanity and Rand Paul are, and it also proves that the Repugs are all over the place with their valued “messaging” (I must tell you, though, that I’m sick of all of this hand-wringing over whether or not the Repugs will suddenly somehow become sane – they’re sinking; stand back and don’t lift a finger to help them)…
…and given this, I felt like hearing this song once more.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Wednesday Stuff
Nice to see some good old fashioned indignation from Rachel Maddow on behalf of our veterans (would be even better to see this on a bipartisan basis from our phony baloney politicians, instead of a tree-hugging liberal like Maddow and her pinko network, MSNBC – snark…yep, keep up that outrage over the cancelled White House tours and ignore everybody else, Repugs)…
…and as long as she noted the “revisionist history” of Dubya’s Not-So-Excellent-Adventure in Iraq (more on Rummy's "tweet" here)…
…and let’s not forget about the sequester – seriously, let’s not forget…
…and RIP Bobbie Smith of The Spinners.
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…and as long as she noted the “revisionist history” of Dubya’s Not-So-Excellent-Adventure in Iraq (more on Rummy's "tweet" here)…
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…and let’s not forget about the sequester – seriously, let’s not forget…
…and RIP Bobbie Smith of The Spinners.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Tuesday Stuff

To which I say, why the hell not?
We know Harry Reid can’t get any Repug votes. They’ve totally gone over as the comforters of the already-comfortable “pay no price, bear no burden” bunch. I don’t see how anyone can blame Reid for that.
But what I can (and I DO) blame him for is not making the effort to hold a vote to get these cretins on the record, establishing once and for all that these craven shills are totally at the disposal of their puppet masters dispensing their weapons of death and carnage. F*ck Senate protocol! (and yes, I really said that).
Michael Moore is on Piers Morgan as I type this, and one of the things he said is that at least the Repugs have the courage of their awful convictions. That’s more than I can ever say for Harry Reid and his admittedly good ones (this video reminds us what's at stake, in case we've somehow forgotten, notwithstanding our idiot politicians...and please spare me the whole "HE SAID 'FULLY AUTOMATIC' - BOY IS HE DUMB!" stuff...a semi-automatic will kill you just as dead, and that's all Adam Lanza needed to slaughter 20 school children and 6 adult teachers with 5 30-round clips in about five minutes)…
…and by the way, the spiritual godfather of this blog (something that would probably make him laugh if he cared enough) would have been 85 today (here) – the credo of his most famous character (I guess) is included in this clip…
…and as someone must (and Rachel Maddow is definitely someone up to the task), we are reminded indeed of what happened 10 years ago today (and those who plied their craft to foul ends in service of the war are noted here, including Mr. Suck-On-This…the Iraq stuff starts at about 11:10, but the rest of this, including Vietnam and Nixon – which I’d more or less heard before – is pretty darned interesting too...I didn't see the follow-up piece with Col. Lawrence Wilkerson)…
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Update 3/20/13: And by the way, it took a lot to get a laugh out of this, but here is an example (h/t Atrios).
…and the following is offered without comment.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Monday Stuff
This is more attention than, truth be told, I feel like paying to NBA basketball, but I feel like I have to comment on the news that the career of Sixers marquee center Andrew Bynum has apparently ended, as noted here, before it ever began (the guy commenting in the video below turned out to be smarter than anyone in the Sixers’ supposed brain trust).
So the Sixers trade Andre Iguodala, former first-round pick Nik Vucevik plus some other guy, plus some other first-round picks (not sure, but I think they did) for a guy who won’t play a minute this season and probably not ever for this team.
You want to know part of the reason why this train wreck happened? Philly sports talk radio, that’s why, particularly WIP. Those morning nitwits made a career out of attacking Iguodala and could barely contain their glee when it was traded. Yes, it was unrealistic to expect Iguodala to lead that team the way another player with those same initials did previously. But is that Iguodala’s fault?
Hell, I didn’t think anything could be worse than the Charles Barkley trade for Jeff Ruland, Cliff Robinson and Roy Hinson, as well as giving up the Number One overall pick. But at least Ruland, Robinson and Hinson played.
And as long as I’m at it, the other professional sports team playing games that count right now deserve a dishonorable mention as well. If the people running the orange-and-black had any brains either, they’d be having the biggest fire sale in the world right now and try to stockpile draft picks in order to rebuild the team (to say nothing of cutting ticket prices).
That’s what the hated Rangers did about 5-6 years ago. And yes, they missed the playoffs a few times, but they’re contending now with a solid core, and we’ll see how far they go, though I’ll admit they’re still long shots (hell, the Islanders are ahead of the Flyers right now – that’s what they did too).
We’ll see what it will take for the “Stepford” sports fans in this city to stop forking over the dough to put asses in the seats and watch all this mess, assuming that ever happens of course…
…turning back to political stuff, I give you more nonsense in “The Breeding Ground for Bad Government,” as The Eternal Molly Ivins once called the “land of the yellow rose”…
…and 50 years ago today, a very important Supreme Court ruling was handed down, as noted here (I’ll plan to say more about this later – this was the basis for the terrific TV movie “Gideon’s Trumpet” starring Henry Fonda)…
…and I thought this was a nifty little retro tune.
So the Sixers trade Andre Iguodala, former first-round pick Nik Vucevik plus some other guy, plus some other first-round picks (not sure, but I think they did) for a guy who won’t play a minute this season and probably not ever for this team.
You want to know part of the reason why this train wreck happened? Philly sports talk radio, that’s why, particularly WIP. Those morning nitwits made a career out of attacking Iguodala and could barely contain their glee when it was traded. Yes, it was unrealistic to expect Iguodala to lead that team the way another player with those same initials did previously. But is that Iguodala’s fault?
Hell, I didn’t think anything could be worse than the Charles Barkley trade for Jeff Ruland, Cliff Robinson and Roy Hinson, as well as giving up the Number One overall pick. But at least Ruland, Robinson and Hinson played.
And as long as I’m at it, the other professional sports team playing games that count right now deserve a dishonorable mention as well. If the people running the orange-and-black had any brains either, they’d be having the biggest fire sale in the world right now and try to stockpile draft picks in order to rebuild the team (to say nothing of cutting ticket prices).
That’s what the hated Rangers did about 5-6 years ago. And yes, they missed the playoffs a few times, but they’re contending now with a solid core, and we’ll see how far they go, though I’ll admit they’re still long shots (hell, the Islanders are ahead of the Flyers right now – that’s what they did too).
We’ll see what it will take for the “Stepford” sports fans in this city to stop forking over the dough to put asses in the seats and watch all this mess, assuming that ever happens of course…
…turning back to political stuff, I give you more nonsense in “The Breeding Ground for Bad Government,” as The Eternal Molly Ivins once called the “land of the yellow rose”…
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…and 50 years ago today, a very important Supreme Court ruling was handed down, as noted here (I’ll plan to say more about this later – this was the basis for the terrific TV movie “Gideon’s Trumpet” starring Henry Fonda)…
…and I thought this was a nifty little retro tune.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Sunday Stuff
Yeah, the political demise of Scott Brown is a few news cycles old, but I still think it’s instructive (the "full Palin" - heh)…
…and once more, for a few more hours, Happy St. Patrick’s Day.
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…and once more, for a few more hours, Happy St. Patrick’s Day.
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