“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Friday, November 29, 2024
Friday Stuff
Occupy Democrats (not sure who this gentleman is) tell us about Ursula von der Leyen, head of the EU, issuing a warning about Russia aimed at the world and, I would guess, you-know-who in particular (as well as Aleksandr Lukashenko of Belarus, who is pretty much the puppet of Vlad The Butcher)...U.S. Undersecretary of State For Political Affairs Victoria Nuland gives us a bit of the reality perspective on this also...
...and sticking with overseas matters, David Doel informs us of the ICC issuing an arrest warrant for our “ally” Bibi, along with former Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant (here)...and not surprisingly, Bernie Sanders is standing tall on this issue...I know I sound like I’m wearing my tin foil hat, but I still say that Russia got some intel from #45 that went to Iran and Hamas that led to the 10/7 attacks...Netanyahu has gone into Gaza repeatedly and has only ended up killing innocent Palestinians, many of them kids, while not degrading Hamas (you want to “degrade” Hamas? Give them no reason to exist by addressing Palestinian issues)...and like Mike Figueredo, I think Doel goes a little far here saying that Biden should get an arrest warrant also...and OF COURSE incoming Trumper Mike Waltz says the ICC “has no credibility” – what the hell else can you expect?...
...and David Shuster of Rebel HQ lets us know that Trump still hasn’t submitted an ethics pledge stating he’ll avoid conflicts of interest, in compliance with a law passed over the 3400 cited violations from #45’s first term...and leave it to Rojo The Clown to reiterate what an unctuous bootlicker he truly is, and of course Thom Tillis thinks heads of the NLRB and CFPB are “hyper partisan” or some such nonsense, and apparently Tillis thinks it’s more important for Trump to do better than Obama when it comes to recess appointments; never mind how qualified these Trumpist life forms truly are (still amazes me how many people in this country lost their damn minds because we once elected an African American president)...and I will admit that Brian Kilmeade knows a thing or two about “clown cars”...
...and Miss Beau suggests going after Cantaloupe Capone by holding him to his promises in all the ways mentioned in this video (including capping credit card interest rates), ostensibly to help working people and families...I have every confidence that Trump will completely abandon any such promises, but I have low confidence that our side will make that case convincingly to voters, since it will need to be demonstrated repeatedly and most Dems in party leadership don’t have that kind of fight in them, I hate to say...she’s right I believe in the gap of sorts between progressive advocates (politicians and the “foot soldiers”) and the commentariat, which, for the most part, is looking for the next circular firing squad...love to be wrong...
...and I know we just concluded the holiday, but I still think this is a nice meditation from The Lincoln Project...
...and dear God, it really is that time of year again, isn't it?
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving 2024

...and here's another holiday fave, with an intro by Seth MacFarlane as Stewie Griffin (and again, the captions make this hilarious as far as I'm concerned)...
...and here is more holiday fun...
...and I liked this also, I have to admit...
...and here's a Thanksgiving message for those wonderful folks at the TSA.
Update 1: And here is another late addition.
Update 2: Might as well add this too (and yeah, "Man Tan" Boehner is long gone I know, but those who've followed him have done their best to make things worse).
Update 3: Imagine all the people that can be fed for $35 grand (here, getting serious for a minute).
Update 4: And since I add to this list every year, I might as well include this too (hasta la vista, baby!).
Update 5: And I suppose this is an apropos item too.
…and thank goodness the “culture warriors” of Fix Noise are trying to protect the holiday (more here)…
…and I guess this is an appropriate tune for the day...
...along with this.
Update 11/25/21: Well said.
Update 11/27/21: And here is a video about another holiday tradition.
...and I'll let Trae Crowder have the last word for now (NSFW/H).
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Wednesday Stuff
Andrew Rivera of More Perfect Union brings us the tale of Why Mailmen Are Raising Up...looks like USPS workers got hosed in contract talks, unfortunately (and imagine having to install a shower in union offices because letter carriers are paid so little that some are homeless and that’s the only place where they can clean up)...and workers are also tracked minute by minute by data on their package scanners, huh? I know Biden couldn’t get rid of DeJoy on his own, though I cannot understand why the commissioners he got appointed to the postal board couldn’t have done that by now (and yes, I know one Republican was named)...no air conditioning in vehicles, mandatory overtime, and those are just the beginning of the indignities, to say nothing of the physical threats letter carriers face...and it does indeed sound like union head Brian Renfroe is a rubber stamp for DeJoy - I hope Renfroe gets the help he needs, but he should indeed step aside while he addresses that (NSFW/H)...
...and Kiera Butler of Mother Jones tells us about the five ways the “Christian” nationalist nut jobs will try to attack government to achieve their foul ends under Trump (and “natural family planning” doesn’t have a damn thing to do with birth control; it has to do with trying to figure out the best way to get pregnant, and I can say that because Mrs. Doomsy and I attended a class on that a while ago...and I don’t know what version of the Bible these people follow, but the one I was raised on didn’t have one word to say about hating on LGBTQ people)...
...and in another election post mortem, David Pakman asks if something is wrong with this country, and as far as I’m concerned, if you have to articulate that, then you’re probably answering your own question (and I agree with him)... and I don’t think Pakman is being a smug pr*ck; I think he’s pointing out a real issue that should have been considered by our alleged political/media Beltway geniuses of the @DNC during the recent campaign (mildly NSFW/H)...and in a related item, I think this articulates my feeling about the election better than anything else IMO (maybe there’s a bit of smugness in the Xitter post actually, but I also think there’s a hell of a lot of truth...more here)...
...and Leeja Miller gives us some good ideas here IMO on fighting back against the incoming Trumpist plague; she gives some important background for about the first 6:00 or so...I have to admit that it’s been awhile since I studied Maslow’s hierarchy of needs...well said that we need to patch together a coalition of sorts and prioritize what matters most in terms of keeping our government functioning for us and in a manner that fairly represents the majority of this country; and yeah, I believe that this is something that the @DNC and affiliated organizations should be doing to the point where it’s second nature, but then again I’m just some schmoe and not a high-priced political consultant, so what do I know?...GREAT point about going on the offensive for a change instead of constantly being in this stoo-pid reactive mode of “What crazy thing did the Repugs do today?”...another great idea is to reverse engineer the truly infamous Powell Memo, and I love the five “prongs” she came up with to put her strategy in place effectively, though it will take a while to do this and the cost will be substantial, and I just hope and pray that we have the necessary time and funds to make it all work...”That terror of being called ‘biased’ is what got us here in the first place”; boy, is she ever right about that; the “slippery slope” started as soon as objective reality became de-prioritized in our media in favor of “balance”...lots of great ideas here, and this is another book that should be read for coming up with the roadmap Miller proposes here...and in a similar vein, there is this (mildly NSFW/H as well)...
...and Kyle Kulinski tells us about Trump getting rid of the CFPB, again, and also kneecapping the NLRB I’m sure – interesting item from Kyle about the CFPB looking out for some scammy outfit allegedly providing identity theft protection, which was just taking the dough for no good reason as it turned out (NSFW/H also)...
...and I guess this newer number is a coda of sorts for yours truly...don’t know what’s up with playing it in a dirt basin or whatever that is, but I’m in tune with the sentiment I have to admit.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Monday Stuff
Brittany Page, sitting in for Jesse Dollemore, brings us a clip of CNN’s Pam Brown interviewing Oklahoma school superintendent Ryan Walters, who wants to have Trump bibles in schools and also wants to get rid of the Department of Education...for the record, I will never oppose anyone saying a prayer as a private citizen, but I will ALWAYS oppose someone saying it in an official capacity as an elected official on behalf of individuals of all faiths, as well as individuals who practice no official faith whatsoever...and one reason why I don’t want to hear these idiots on the right yelling about “the left” opposing religion is because they just did everything in their power (along with “centrist dipsh*ts” and others) to get rid of a president who, in addition to doing the best job among leaders of industrialized nations of successfully bringing an economy out of COVID, was also a practicing Roman Catholic who regularly attended Sunday services, something else Biden got zero credit for (I mean, I don’t think ANY politician should receive a vote because of their religious affiliation, but idiots like Walters opened the metaphorical door on this, not me)...and why the $#@! would you include our country’s foundational documents such as the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence IN THE FREAKING TRUMP GODDAMN BIBLE???!!! Oh, riiight – it’s because you’re part of the cult...my bad for not picking up on that...
...and John Iadarola informs us that Texas is willing to build a camp for those the incoming Trump gang will round up and deport, because nothing says “I’m a good Christian” like detaining and kicking out those less fortunate whose only “crime” was to imagine that they could emigrate here in search of a better life for themselves and their families...and knowing this incoming gang of thugs, I'm sure people who've already lived here will be included also unfortunately (Sharon Reed also comments)...
...and with “the land of the yellow rose” in mind, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 11/25/12, in which former governor Rick “Goodhair” Perry opens his pie hole about his state seceding, which was tried once before and didn’t go so well as I recall; it should also be noted that Texas received about $105 billion in federal aid as noted here, so they could kiss that goodbye also (and by the way, the current guv has run his mouth about leaving the union also as noted here...talk is cheap, cowboy)...
Update: On second thought, just leave.
...and Daivd Pakman lets us know about the “mandate” for Cantaloupe Capone (based on the election) which continues to shrink – winning margin is 1.6% points and 2½ million votes as of now...as I’ve said already, I think the story of the ’24 election will be all the ways the Harris vote was suppressed (and how ANYBODY could have stayed home in an election as important as this one is something I cannot fathom and a reality that those guilty of that offense IMO will have to live with for the rest of their lives...and Pakman is right to focus on the 1-in-5-functional-illiterate thing, something the alleged geniuses at the @DNC should have focused on also when doing whatever voter outreach they did, or more likely, DIDN’T do)...
...and in this unearthed clip, RFK Jr. calls Trump supporters “Nazis” and “idiots”...and yeah, Matt Taibbi has really “jumped the shark” also (Sam and Emma of The Majority Report bring us the details)...interesting background from Sam on how RFK Jr. used to be pretty coherent policy wise (to say nothing of actually being correct, especially on the climate and the DAPL protests as Emma mentions), but how Jr. has pretty much lost him damn mind since then...and yeah, Emma is sure right about lefties who go over to “the dark side” for the almighty buck...
...and RIP Peter Sinfeld of King Crimson.
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