Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Contemptible Legacy Of The "Grim Reaper"

(The title of this post is based on this, by the way.)

So it turns out that Kentucky Republican Mitch McConnell won’t seek another term in the U.S. Senate, as noted here. And in response, I offer a quiet prayer of thanks for his departure (some reasons why are here).

I’m not sure it’s possible to find a more odious political creature than Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao, and believe me when I tell you that that’s saying something. McConnell is, to me, the embodiment of Republican deceit, gall and entitlement made manifest in (barely human) form. He became proficient at bending the Senate to his foul will on behalf of his well-to-do benefactors and, in the process, doing his best to grind our democracy into dust (and making it easy for White House cretins like Dubya and our current occupant to enact their horrific agendas while doing his best to scuttle anything of benefit to the majority of this country, especially from President Obama as well as President Biden).

One of the reasons why McConnell’s moral descent is such a mystery to me (though I’ll admit that it’s probably best that I don’t know the particulars) is that he contracted polio when he was young and was treated at Warm Springs, where FDR rehabilitated from his own attack long ago. You would think an experience like that would have enlightened McConnell as to the struggles and sacrifices of everyday Americans. You would think that – but you definitely would be wrong.

There is so much utter detritus in McConnell’s infamous political history that it’s really impossible to cover it all here (maybe someone enterprising will write a book?), but we can focus on a few areas for now. One (as documented here) is the fact that McConnell engineered the theft of not just one, but two seats on the U.S. Supreme Court. The first came when McConnell refused to even consider the nomination from President Obama of Merrick Garland, allowing Trump to eventually fill the seat with Neil Gorsuch (Garland, by the way, was someone Obama floated to Orrin Hatch to find out if Senate Republicans would accept him, and Hatch said yes - shows how reliable the word of a Republican senator is). McConnell’s cheap excuse for not moving on the Garland nomination was because of this imaginary Senate rule that a SCOTUS justice can’t be confirmed in a presidential election year (despite the fact that Anthony Kennedy was confirmed in 1988). However, McConnell quickly jettisoned that BS theory to confirm Amy Coney Barrett in 2020 upon the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Also, you cannot take a serious look at McConnell’s foul legacy without examining his gross abuse of the filibuster, which has always served as a tool for the minority in the Senate to block legislation, requiring the infamous “60 votes for passage” to defeat that stalling tactic. Financial bills can pass through the so-called “reconciliation” process, requiring only a 50-vote majority. Basically, if you want to know why the Senate passes almost no non-financial legislation, McConnell’s legendary obstruction is the reason.

As noted here...
Filibusters used to be exceedingly rare. One common method used to measure the frequency of filibusters is to count the number of “cloture” votes, the process used to break a filibuster, taken every year. And from 1917 until 1970, the Senate held less than one a year.

That number started to rise well before McConnell became his party’s Senate leader. But the rate of cloture votes doubled in 2007, when McConnell first became minority leader. And it has grown rapidly since then. Between 2010 and 2020, the Senate took more than 80 cloture votes every year.


This escalation in filibusters, a tactic spearheaded by McConnell, has transformed the role of Congress in society. And it’s similarly transformed what kind of legislation governing parties even attempt to pass.
And as noted here, McConnell's abuse of the filibuster is so egregious that he once even filibustered his own bill.

McConnell has also spent his wretched career attacking the integrity of our elections, as noted here. More simply put, McConnell started engaging in legal gamesmanship in an effort to overturn the so-called McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill (named for Senators John McCain and Russ Feingold, who championed the legislation) as soon as it was signed into law, leading us all the way to the infamous SCOTUS ruling in Citizens United in 2010.

Oh, and please try telling me again how McConnell supposedly supports infrastructure spending; I know the metaphor of Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown at the last minute is overworked, but it really does apply to Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao when he supports such bills before at the last minute - oopsie! - it turns out he was against them all along as noted here.

And as noted in the following clip, all of these antics have truly been detrimental to the constituents he was elected to ostensibly represent (though not so much to McConnell of course)...

...and as far as I'm concerned, McConnell's little laugh at the end here pretty much gives away the game.

I know there have been stories coming out about McConnell forgetting his words when speaking in public, falling down and apparently needing to use a wheelchair. Despite McConnell’s wretched policies and actions against this country, I don’t wish ill on him because that would be wrong. However, he certainly isn’t worthy of any kind of sympathy as far as I’m concerned, to say nothing of a bit of historical revisionism for his public life either.

One day, like the rest of us, McConnell will shed his mortal coil. And I’m sure there will be commemorations of a sort from those in his party in an attempt to mythologize his slavish devotion to his well-heeled benefactors as some demented notion of doing the public good. There will no doubt be mentions of some imagined stand against MAGA (even though McConnell voted to acquit Combover Caligula in the impeachment trial for inciting the 1/6 insurrection, despite what he said in the video above) and what some would view as government overreach, particularly in response to the 2008 financial meltdown and the COVID pandemic (though I hate to imagine where we’d be without those efforts from Presidents Obama and Biden).

And when McConnell passes, I’ll be tempted to opine on the matter too. So what will I say?

To quote one of the clips from The Lincoln Project, not a damn thing.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Friday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore brings us the sorry tale of wingnut U.S. House Rep Claudia Tenney of NY who wants to make Trump’s birthday a federal holiday (and oh yeah, Flag Day too, from the party that fought giving the same status to MLK’s birthday)...who’s next, I wonder? Gary Heidnik? Marty Graham? And oh yeah, I’d almost forgotten about that Georgia U.S. House idiot “Buddy” Carter wanting to rename Greenland as noted here...

...and retired Army Major Richard Ojeda tells us here that it looks like King Elon’s Magic Tesla Cybertruck wasn’t so “magic” after all, based on this Rachel Maddow clip of the glass breaking so easily...and I think trying to stick U.S. taxpayers with a $400 million tab for these beyond ridiculous accidents waiting to happen is an impeachable offense all by itself...I wish Ojeda had also included a clip of Trumpette spokes-liar Karoline Leavitt losing her cool, but that’s OK...

...and speaking of Apartheid Clyde, Brian Tyler Cohen discusses Norm Eisen suing King Elon I and DOGE for the completely justifiable claim that the activities of our unelected president and his cronies violate state and federal OF COURSE the assclown who killed Xitter takes to “X” to attack Eisen and Marc Elias...clip has a lot of important (and commendable) background on Elias and Eisen and how exactly the “pay no price, bear no burden” crowd expects everyone disagreeing with them to instead kowtow in abject servitude....

...and I realize this video is essentially satire, but for Claudia Tenney, it’s probably a How To guide for real...

...and Trae Crowder tells us that the MAGA crowd is mad at Tom Hanks because he poked fun at them on the recent 50th anniversary show for Saturday Night Live (can’t speak to that since I gave up on the show awhile ago)...and “Elon’s army of broccoli-headed believers”...nice one...Crowder also mentions all of the ridiculous, and dangerous, firings, as well as the administration of President Elon kow-towing to Nazis for real as well as dictators, mainly Vlad The Butcher (NSFW/H)...

...and congratulations to our neighbors up north for winning the “4 Nations” men’s ice hockey competition (here); I’d said I would feature tunes from Canadian and Mexican artists last week as a response to the insane nonsense from Our Demented Toddler-In-Chief and King Elon I, so you can consider this my most recent contribution.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Thursday Stuff

Dem Governor Kathy Hochul of New York tells Orange Sh*tstain what he can do with his attempt to overturn congestion pricing in New York City...oh, and did everyone get the memo that #47 has proclaimed himself king as noted here? Heckuva job, all of you idiots who supported this delusional egomaniac as well as those who did nothing to support Harris/Walz...

...and Dem U.S. Senator Dick Durbin says Bronzer Beelzebub’s remark that Ukraine started their war with Russia is “outrageous,” and Durbin is right, to say the least...additionally, Eric Schmitt is nothing but a suck-up to our “king” of course, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but John Neely Kennedy is spot-on correct here (I’ll let that remark about the dog and the fire hydrant go for now)...

...and boy, is Dem governor J.B. Pritzker of Illinois hitting the proverbial bullsye here as well...

...and John and Viviana Vigil of The Damage Report let us know that “King” Trump is splitting up families, again, who are trying to emigrate to this country, citing an example of a woman stopped by Arizona cops for driving under the speed limit...and yeah, it does indeed sound like some “Karen” ratted out the woman, who was engaged in the apparently highly offensive act of selling empanadas – God almighty...after hearing stories like this, it’s wonder anybody wants to still come to this country at all...

...and Lawrence O’Donnell informs us that, for the first time since the program was instituted, Social Security payments aren’t guaranteed thanks to Combover Caligula and Apartheid Clyde...not surprised in the least to hear that President Musk and his flunky violated the terms of succession when it comes to oversight of this hugely vital program...important history lesson here from O’Donnell on how Social Security originated and was supported by Dwight Eisenhower, the first Republican president elected after the program was enacted...on a personal level, I can’t tell you how important and gratifying it is – and more importantly, how TRUE it is – to hear O’Donnell praise the IRS and the Social Security Administration...

...and I’ll keep an eye out for ’25 tour dates for this group, but nothing has shown up so far...I like their sound, I have to admit.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wednesday Stuff

Ali Vitali speaks with Dem U.S. House Rep Seth Moulton about that insulting speech from Couch Boy in front of our NATO allies (who hopefully will remain allies)...and I’m sure China and Russia thought Vance’s ridiculous words were just peachy...and I don’t think it’s a coincidence under any stretch of the imagination that Vance also went to meet present-day Nazi party members, which is truly gut-churning...not the biggest fan of Moulton to be honest and he kind of lost me a bit towards the end here, even though he has served our country; I’m tired of hearing about how Dems lost the damn election because of trans women in sports...there were a lot of factors behind what happened which I’ve gotten into ad nauseum I’ll admit, but I’ll just say this; when families like those of yours truly are sitting around the dining room table meeting over bills and the checkbook and looking at the $$ coming into the Doomsy household, we could absolutely care less if someone currently taking puberty blockers and looking at possible gender reassignment surgery is going to play field hockey for a women’s collegiate team in Kentucky (and by the way, for everyone freaking out about sharing a bathroom with an LGBTQ individual, I’ll just say this – it’s likely that YOU ALREADY HAVE AND YOU JUST DIDN’T KNOW IT, SO GET A F*CKING GRIP, OK???!!)...

...and Rachel Maddow lets us know that President Musk and Our Ochre Abomination laid off a bunch of workers at the Hanford nuclear site and left the place with a skeleton crew (“Have you considered resigning?” indeed...sooo, first they fired the nuke personnel and then tried to “un-fire” them – are there any actual adults in this clown car of a *presidential administration* I wonder?)...I have to admit that I didn’t know about the drone that crashed into the Chernobyl nuclear site, but thank God it didn’t lead to anything...

...well, if nothing else, it looks like this abomination of a *presidential administration is trying to Make Cancer Great comes The Lincoln Project doing more of the work that the DNC should be doing, whether it’s run by Ken Martin, Jaime Harrison, Tom Perez, Tobey Maguire, ZaSu Pitts or whoever (you can Google her)...

...and Marc Elias and Paige Moskowitz of Democracy Docket discuss PA Dem governor Josh Shapiro suing President Musk and Bronzer Beelzebub to potentially unlock $3 billion in federal funds (more specifically, from the OMB under Project 2025 cretin Russell Vought)...and Elias is right that Repug governors and attorneys general should be joining Shapiro’s suit also, but good luck with trying to stand up to our ruling cabal of grifters and lowlifes...I know Elias knows the law on this stuff better than I do, but to me, it’s still a constitutional crisis if the Trump gang decides to “slow walk” compliance with a court order and tries to use stoo-pidity as a defense...

...and this is probably low-hanging fruit by comparison, but I think it still deserves to be looks like Elon’s “baby mama” is acting like a woman scorned, if you will, and is behaving accordingly on social media (Kyle Kulinski explains)...not to split hairs too much, but that first paragraph of Ashley St. Clair’s statement doesn’t make sense; “protect your child” from what?? Yes, the safety of the child should be ensured, but I think the lady doth protest too much also...I think St. Clair is another “clout chaser” in the final analysis...I went back and forth a bit on whether or not I should include this because I honestly don’t care about Elmo’s personal stuff, but if nothing else, it points out yet again the double standard of the “fundies” out there who proclaim that #47 is an allegedly godly man who has had multiple divorces/multiple kids with other women and now takes orders from the world’s richest man who apparently has had so many kids with other women that you need a scorecard to keep track of them...meanwhile, they ruthlessly attacked #46, who had two wives, one of whom was killed in a car crash with their daughter, and was a devout father who regularly attended Church services, not that conservative hypocrites cared of course (NSFW/H)...

...and happy 85th birthday to the incomparable Smokey Robinson.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tuesday Stuff

Sam of The Majority Report tells us that Pete Hegseth, the Fix Noise host turned SecDef for President Musk and his orange minion, decided to rename Camp Liberty in Nort Carolina (which used to be called Fort Bragg after a Confederate traitor) back to Fort Bragg, but this time, after a different “Bragg,” if you will, from Maine, who apparently was a legit hero in WWII as noted here...even when this administration screws up, they manage to do it in reverse and in this case actually did something kind of OK (yeah, and Hegseth was the guy who just gave that speech telling Ukraine they’re on their own against Vlad The Butcher)...Sam talks about the revisionist history in favor of the “star n’ bars” that really goes back to the beginning of the last century...commentary ends at about 6:54 (and I definitely share Sam’s Dem frustration that he articulates with the caller)...

...also, we had a bunch of commendable "Not MY President" day protests on Presidents Day against our criminal ruling includes commentary from Nicolle Wallace (more here)

...and Farron Cousins of Ring of Fire tells us that Trump AG Pam Bondi has decided that the FBI doesn’t need to investigate foreign influence in our elections since she abolished the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force...and oh yeah, that means that we’re not going to investigate people working as foreign agents in our government also – what could go wrong I wonder (especially since Bondi herself was working as a foreign agent for Qatar)...

...and continuing with the nonsense going on at the Trump “Justice” Department, Lawrence O’Donnell informs us that that wretched body now isn’t allowed to investigate utterly corrupt NYC mayor Eric Adams in accordance with an order from President Musk and his orange flunky, as well as a directive from this Emil Bove character...yep, we’re pretty much officially a banana republic now; oh, but all is forgiven if the stock market does well, amirite? (#sarcasm)...I’m sure Adams will celebrate this development with another plane flight to Turkey, assuming he hasn’t already done so...have to admit that I’m not familiar with Danielle Sassoon and I’m sure she’s a bedrock conservative in many ways, but she’s spot-on here in the matter of following the law and statutes despite political influence...kudos to her and the other DOJ lawyers who resigned instead of participating in this pathetic farce...

...and Yasmin Khan of Rebel HQ tells us about the Murdoch Street Journal more or less politely questioning Mango Mussolini on his alleged financial skills, with #47 definitely “getting it backward” on wanting Fed Chair Jerome Powell to cut interest rates while all of this BS with supposedly raising tariffs plays out...and by the way, it’s an open question as to whether or not a president can fire a Federal Reserve chairman since it’s never been tried before and each Fed chair is confirmed for a 10-year term (Powell was appointed in 2018), but law and precedent have never mattered to our demented toddler-in-chief before (actually, second-in-command to President Musk), so why should it now I guess...

...and I don’t see any Philly-area tour dates coming up for this guy, but I hope one is forthcoming...I really get into this newer tune.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Monday Stuff

Farron Cousins of Ring of Fire informs us that Jim Farley, Ford CEO, said in a recent interview that Trump’s tariffs could destroy the auto industry, which I suppose is realizing the Repug Party dream of former presidential candidate Willard Mitt Romney (here)...for #47, though, creating confusion is the point, facts and consequences be damned...”oh, maybe we’ll pause the tariffs with Canada for a week or two, but full steam ahead on tariffs with Mexico, and we’ll enact the China tariffs on the third Tuesday of the month,” etc...this is what you voted for, all of you Trumpers out there and anyone who wouldn’t support Harris/Walz...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence following the Hitler playbook in remarks that could be a pretext to possibly invading Canada...yep, horrific as this is, it all has to be giving Vlad The Butcher an excuse for an ear-to-ear grin, tragically (and again, as somebody pointed out, this is all noise to hide what DOGE is doing to our government, but it’s still worrying as hell)...the sentence where Jesse uses NSFW/H language is one that I agree with 150 percent...and yeah, “Governor” Trudeau – we already knew that #47 was a piece of sh*t, and this just gives that more emphasis...”a lotta ships out there”...what a f*cking moron!...

...and speaking of foreign nations, Yasmin Khan of Rebel HQ tells us about Denmark trolling Mango Mussolini with a buyout offer for California, complete with quotes about purchasing the Golden Gate state from Lars Ulrich of Metallica and children’s author Hans Christian Andersen (and yes, I know the latter is deceased)...

...and Chris Hayes tells us the story of President Musk and his henchman trying to take $80 million in FEMA funds from NYC – actually, the guilty party is DHS Secretary Kristi (“Unsafe At Any Speed”) Noem...I’m sure it will come as absolutely no surprise that, as Hayes points out, the funds were appropriated properly through an act of Congress signed into law by President Biden, and most definitely the migrants who benefit from that are here legally and aren’t living in luxury high-rise apartments or whatever (and yeah, in “luxury” for $12.50 a night, and in Manhattan no less...and this nonsense move caused a $15 K overdraft fee for NYC on top of all of the other idiocy)...Hayes speaks with NYC controller Brad Lander about this mess...

...and in yet another ad that the beyond clueless DNC should be making, The Lincoln Project lets us know, among other things, that every state/commonwealth in this country has laws about protecting your online data, even if our ruling cabal and grifters and frauds refuses to acknowledge that...sure would be nice to nail King Elon’s wretched ass for poking around sensitive private data and stick him in the slam for all of his DOGE bullsh*t...

...and kudos to Sheryl Crow for performing what I would call an act of patriotism here.