Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Yasmin Khan tells us about the dustup between “Cancun” Cruz and the acting head of the Secret Service over the coverage of President Biden vs. that of Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence (and yeah, it’s called the “Secret” Service for a reason, you Texas assclown! And Khan is absolutely right about Colin Allred, running against the senatorial mistake from “the land of the yellow rose,” needing to “up his game”; wonder how much help Allred's getting from the DSCC?)...

...and Richard Ojeda brings us Dem U.S. House Rep Delia Ramirez of Illinois standing up to Marjorie Trailer Park Greene, with the xenophobic nut case from GA-14 typically running off with the mouth and demonizing, in another fact-free and evidence-free rant, immigrants seeking a better life for themselves and their families in this country (though, given the antics of Greene and other life forms from the “party of Lincoln,” I cannot possibly imagine why an immigrant would still believe in the promise of this country, and it gives me no pleasure to say that...to do something about Moscow Marge, click here...and by the way, 6 alleged Democrats actually supported this garbage resolution H.R. 1371 as noted here...and I don’t know about you, but I’m just about done with Mary Peltola, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez and ESPECIALLY Jared Golden; they shouldn’t get ONE GODDAMN DIME OF DCCC DOUGH for their campaigns – I’ve HAD IT with the Manchin-and-Sinema-eque contrarian schtick from these lowlifes...and when it comes to Not Your Father's Republican Party and immigration, more is here and here)...

...and leave it to the head of “Cult 45” to come up with this line about “real garbage” supposedly pertaining to Kamala Harris, though, if he had a molecule of decency or introspection, he’d realize how much that applies to himself – Lawrence O’Donnell brings us more on this (and revisiting the shooting in Butler PA, mentioned in the Cruz clip, the FBI’s Christoper Wray said before Congress that we don’t know if #45 was really hit by a bullet or not – my money is on the latter)...

...and I haven’t included many clips from this Tennessee Brando person, though I should add more from him because he makes a lot of sense; this time around, he opines on J.D. Vance “going to war” on parents without kids (my guess is that, if Vance ever saw combat for real, he'd soil himself and run away...and I know this echoes yesterday's clip with David Pakman a bit...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and speaking of Vance, consider this my effort to breathe life back into a really funny meme (definitely NSFW/H)...

...and it looks like the “big casino” has been sliding a bit lately, even though I don't recall hearing any praise for #46 when it hit 40K (and yes, I know presidents don't control the markets) – definitely above my pay grade as to why, though I have a feeling that Fed Chair Jerome Powell not cutting interest rates isn’t exactly doing “No Malarkey Joe” any favors (though, thus far, it is rebounding today in typical fashion)...can’t help but reflect on The Eternal George Carlin at times like this (here).

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