Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Thom Hartmann lets us know what’s behind Repug book bans (over 10K banned from US public schools, with a huge increase over last year)...I would argue that those who are able to get these ridiculous book bans passed and enforced are trying to maintain some kind of a white elderly entitled patriarchy (catering to boomers of course) on behalf of those who are utterly afraid that the generation on their way up and already here won’t sign onto their bogus laws and policies that enforce the existing power structure...but that’s just me I guess...

...and Steve Shives sits in for Jesse Dollemore to tell us about Combover Caligula and like-minded idiots who are big mad about not getting their government shut down...what stoo-pidity...wonder what would happen if they started missing their Medicare coverage or SSI payments, assuming they qualify – video includes a terrific analysis of the SAVE Act from the aforementioned Thom Hartmann, including stuff I didn’t know about making it harder for women to vote (and what say you, @RepBrianFitz who voted for this atrocity? To do something about that, click here)...

...and Rachel Maddow tells us about followers of Our Ochre Abomination trying to harass voters in 8 districts in Georgia and also trying to get counting of electoral votes changed in Nebraska, with Huckleberry Graham supinely doing the bidding of the Gropenfuhrer...and boy, is Maddow ever right about standing up to these scumwads...the ending is yet another reminder that we have to do what we can as our means allows for campaigns to help Harris/Walz and EVERY SINGLE down ballot Democrat...

...and I guess I need to remind people of the utter lies continually concocted by Bronzer Beelzebub at these more and more cartoonish rallies of his...oh, and it’s too late, supposedly, to do another debate? Whatsmatta? Our big, beefy, Big Mac-ingesting orange criminal is afraid that scary dark-skinned woman is going to kick his bulbous butt all over the place again?? (and the black Nazi guy running for guv in North Carolina didn't show his face, as it turns out? Too funny...David Pakman brings us the gory details)...

...and this video from More Perfect Union brings us the disgusting story of private equity’s takeover of the last affordable housing in the U.S. (with correspondent Sam Black)...can’t think of a word to describe how lowdown it is for these private equity guttersnipes to be going after mobile home parks...”There is no American dream anymore. All it is is survival.” indeed...I’d like to see this Frank Rolfe character get a taste of his own vile medicine; same for Randall Smith and their pals...

...and RIP Nick Gravenites, who collaborated with Janis Joplin on some tunes with Big Brother and the Holding Company; he also produced this hit single with its rather obvious drug reference (which I’m fine with, for the record).

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