Monday, November 23, 2020

Monday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us about a report in the Independent which gets into more detail on the plot that was broken up to kidnap Dem Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (yep, A LOT more disturbing, and of course, our utterly useless corporate media fell down once again when trying to report it)...

...and David Doel tells us here about Generalissimo Trump pretty much hiding while people in this country line up for food as a result of the economic collapse brought on by the pandemic and the utter failure of Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao and his minions in the U.S. Senate to do one damn thing about it (not the biggest fan of Pelosi, but the House Dems did their part when they passed the HEROES Act in May...and yes, I know the $3 trillion version isn’t going to happen, but I was taught that the Senate was supposed to introduce legislation, have debate, introduce amendments, mark it up, pass something, and then have it go to a House/Senate committee where it would be hammered into shape and then sent to the president for signature...yeah, I get it that that’s the “School House Rock” version of what’s supposed to happen, but I would call what Doel is telling us about a goddamn emergency, and on the eve of a holiday when we’re supposed to give thanks, no less)...

...well, one thing the “party of Lincoln” IS doing is filing suit (at least the Gropenfuhrer is anyway) to try and hang onto power, as John and Francesca tell us, even though they’re all going down in flames (the lawsuits I mean)...

...meanwhile, it looks like “the great unwashed” in the Peach State are having a hissy fit over the political misfortunes of their hero, as Brian Tyler Cohen tells us...

Update 11/24/20: In a related item, Digby nails it again here.

...even though, as Kyle tells us, even Fix and Fiends is telling Our Orange Pustule-In-Chief that IT’S BLEEPING OVER ALREADY!!!...

...and speaking of Georgia (as noted previously), this tells us just how tainted incumbent Repug Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler really are (to help Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, please click here...and I don’t know if Loeffler really has ‘rona or not, but if she does, I hope she recovers OK so we can thrash her in the election next January...and doesn't this figure?)...

...and speaking of the ongoing plague, Nebraska ICU nurse Lacie Gooch tells us what it’s like on the front lines (if you don’t like a mask, you’re REALLY not going to like a ventilator)...

...and RIP Philly cat and ‘60s hitmaker Len Barry.

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