Friday, October 05, 2012

Friday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

How dare the Bucks County Courier Times actually publish an intelligent Guest Opinion today, from our former U.S. House Rep Patrick Murphy, who of course just wasn’t good enough to represent us in favor of Mikey The Beloved (here...and wow, what wingnut garbage in the comments)…

…and here are still more lies from Willard Mitt Romney (I can’t possibly imagine how he sleeps at night, and at the rate he keeps lying, I can’t imagine how his supporters do either)…

…and this tells you how long the Repugs have been trying to get rid of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (in light of this); I know Fred Rogers wasn’t all he appeared to be at times (I guess that’s the best way to put it), but he was spot-on here, testifying for funding in 1969 before Sen. John Pastore of Rhode Island (and a Dem)…

…and RIP Frank Wilson, legendary Motown producer and songwriter, who brought us this memorable tune among others (gutsy stuff, from an era where artists including those at Motown tackled issues like this frequently, with nary a right-winger in sight screaming about the "liberal media").

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