Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Miss Beau brings us the news that some polling is indicating that VP Kamala Harris is winning over independents on the economy, but as Miss Beau says, we would need more data trending in the Harris direction to definitively make that claim...but if Harris can manage to put distance between herself and the leader of “Cult 45” on the economy (and barring any downturns in the fall of course), that will go pretty far in her direction to wrapping up this whole thing (and with Tim Walz of course)...a long ways from settling this, though, and it will be a fight to the very end...

Update: I thought this was a good post on Harris and our scurrilous, bought-and-paid-for Beltway media, and I thought this was a really good column on Tim Walz.

...and Thom Hartmann brings us some polling echoing the sentiment that Harris would be better on the economy, though again, that may ebb and flow a bit, particularly since Harris hasn’t had a chance to oversee any economic policy (though we already know what Our Ochre Abomination has done on that score)...also, we see more lunacy with Roseanne Barr – “drinking baby blood”? “Fetus burgers”?? WHAAAA??....and of course, Marjorie Trailer Park Greene thinks that’s funny (to do something about this mistake from GA-14, click here)...

...and turning to the head of Greene’s party, Jon Stewart dissects the latest meanderings from Combover Caligula...long, but worth it for the helicopter stuff, which is hilarious...and apparently that mystery alleged bullet wound in #45's ear healed pretty well based on that pic at about 14:48...

...and Tennessee Brando gives us his take on the drag pic from J.D. Vance, as well as Vance changing his name, which is a lesser matter in the scheme of things I’ll admit...T.B. mentions Project 2025 again; more on that is here, and more on Vance is here...

Update 8/15/24: I don’t know about you, but it’s becoming more and more obvious to me why Uday and Qusay recommended Vance to their old man before he wrapped up the nomination (here).

...and I know I’m about a week late on this next item; Mike Figueredo informs us that Cori Bush was voted out of the U.S. Dem primary for her seat in putrid as AIPAC is, their influence only matters if the candidate their funding AGAINST has negatives where that stinking Israel lobby group believes they can make a difference...Figueredo mentions Summer Lee in PA, which is a valid comparison – Lee has had enough of a favorability rating that AIPAC didn’t think their funding of her opponent would matter; however, Bush apparently had enough of an unfavorable rating to begin with to the point where AIPAC believe their spending could turn the tide...I’m not an expert on Bush’s district so I don’t have any proof of that, but I have a feeling that that was the case...and I agree with Figueredo’s I’ve said before, movement wingnut conservatism was flat on its metaphorical back in 1964 after the Barry Goldwater presidential loss, and it took them 16 years to reorganize and seize power, but that’s what they did...there will be wins and losses, folks...

Update: And speaking of "the squad," congrats to Ilhan Omar (here).

...and happy belated 75th birthday to Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits.

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