Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us about all of the Repugs lining up to support Kamala Harris in her run for president (Jim Greenwood isn’t a surprise here in PA, but he should get credit for doing the right thing)...and yes, getting all of that Democratic support onboard isn’t automatic either, so credit for that also...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about the response from Larwrence O’Donnell of MSNBC to that beyond ridiculous press briefing that Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence gave last week, with O’Donnell commendably going off when #45 refused to answer a question about banning mifepristone and the press didn’t call him on it...

...and I would say that the "brain glitches" from Cantaloupe Capone are becoming more frequent, as John and Francesca of The Damage Report tell us..

...and speaking of Combover Caligula going off-script, it looks like he also did that on the subject of taking an imaginary helicopter ride with former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown – again, if Biden had said that, the New York Times would run about 20 “political analysis” fluff pieces over a week or two at least...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen and Glenn Kirschner bring us another “Legal Breakdown” segment about a RARE loss for sounds like the goofball AG in Missouri tried to sue New York to delay the sentencing of Our Ochre Abomination, which was a bridge too far even for our Philistines in robes (though this Andrew Bailey cretin in MI must’ve known that, because of “original jurisdiction,” a state vs. state action would automatically go to the SCOTUS...and I KNOW the two corrupted fiends on the High Court who would have allowed this suit have last names rhyming with rhombus and failito...and yes, I know that isn’t actually a word)...

...and this is a great newer tune, but damn, I think the guy needs a roofie or something...not that I encourage that, I hasten to add.

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