Tuesday, September 03, 2024

My 2024 U.S. Senate Voting Guide

This is probably as good a time as any to roll out my 2024 U.S. Senate voting guide, which (I’ll admit) is definitely slanted towards team “D,” which I’ve done in the past (for those keeping score at home 😊). There are still some contests outstanding, and I’ll update this list as warranted by events in the respective campaigns noted below.

Also, as long as I’m trying to link Republicans to issues of import affecting the majority of people in this country, I should include this from Robert Reich, who reminds us that all 9 incumbent Republican U.S. senators seeking re-election voted against the Right to In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Act...definitely something to take into account I believe (more here).

Here is the guide:

State Incumbent Challenger
Arizona (1)  Ruben Gallego (D) vs. Kari Lake (R) - no incumbent
California (2)  Adam Schiff (D) vs. Steve Garvey (R) - no incumbent
Connecticut (3) Chris Murphy (D) Matthew Corey (R)
Delaware (4) Lisa Blunt Rochester (D) vs. Eric Hansen (R - 4a) - no incumbent
Florida Rick Scott (R) Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D)
Hawaii Mazie Hirono (D) Bob McDermott (R)
Indiana (5) Valerie McCray (D) vs. Jim Banks (R) - no incumbent
Maine (6) Angus King (I) Demi Kouzounas (R)
Maryland (7) Angela Alsobrooks (D) vs. Larry Hogan (R) - no incumbent
Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren (D) John Deaton (R)
Michigan (8) Elissa Slotkin (D) vs. Mike Rogers (R) - no incumbent
Minnesota Amy Klobuchar (D) Royce White (R)
Mississippi Roger Wicker (R) Ty Pinkins (D)
Missouri Josh Hawley (R) Lucas Kunce (D)
Montana Jon Tester (D) Tim Sheehy (R)
Nebraska (regular) Deb Fischer (R) Dan Osborn (I)
Nebraska (special) (9) Pete Ricketts (R) Preston Love, Jr. (D)
Nevada Jacky Rosen (D) Sam Brown (R)
New Jersey Andrew Kim (D) vs. Curtis Bashaw (R)
New Mexico Martin Heinrich (D) Nella Domenici (R)
New York Kirsten Gillibrand (D) Mike Sapraicone (R)
North Dakota Kevin Cramer (R) Katrina Christiansen (D)
Ohio Sherrod Brown (D) Bernie Moreno (R)
Pennsylvania Bob Casey Jr. (D) Dave McCormick (R)
Rhode Island Sheldon Whitehouse (D) Patricia Morgan (R)
Tennessee Marsha Blackburn (R) Gloria Johnson (D)
Texas Ted Cruz (R) Colin Allred (D)
Utah (10) Caroline Gleich (D) vs. John Curtis (R) - no incumbent
Vermont Bernie Sanders (I) Gerald Malloy (R)
Virginia Tim Kaine (D) Hung Cao (R)
Washington Maria Cantwell (D) Raul Garcia (R)
West Virginia (11) Glenn Elliott (D) vs. Jim Justice (R) - no incumbent
Wisconsin Tammy Baldwin (D) Eric Hovde (R)
Wyoming John Barrasso (R) Scott Morrow (D)

(1) - Incumbent Kyrsten Sinema (I) retiring
(2) - Appointed Laphonza Butler (D) retiring
(3) - Robert Hyde (I) also running
(4) - Incumbent Tom Carper (D) retiring
    (4a) - As noted here, the inflation rate as of 9/11/24 was 2.5 percent, so Hansen should STFU.
(5) - Incumbent Mike Braun (R) retiring
(6) - Democrat David Costello is also running
(7) - Incumbent Ben Cardin (D) retiring
(8) - Incumbent Debbie Stabenow (D) retiring
(9) - Election is for last 2 years of term of Ben Sasse (R)
(10) - Mitt Romney (R) retiring
(11) - Joe Manchin (D) retiring

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